63 FR 16069 - Final Rule
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Apr 1, 1998
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Improvements to Hazardous Materials Identification Systems; Editorial Revisions and Responses to Petitions for Reconsideration and Appeal

SUMMARY: In this final rule, RSPA is making changes to a final rule published on January 8, 1997, and modified in a July 22, 1997 final rule, which amended the Hazardous Materials Regulations to better identify hazardous materials in transportation. The primary changes include: clarifying requirements for display of identification numbers for large quantity shipments of hazardous materials; revising requirements for display of identification numbers for non-bulk packages of hazardous materials that are poisonous by inhalation in Hazard Zone A or B; and providing alternative methods for marking the carrier's telephone number on the exterior of a highway transport vehicle containing hazardous materials that is disconnected from its motive power and not marked with an identification number. Other minor technical and editorial changes are also made. In making improvements to the hazardous materials identification systems in the HMR, RSPA intends to improve safety for transportation workers, emergency responders, and the public.

In this final rule, RSPA is responding to four petitions for reconsideration of the July 22, 1997 final rule and one appeal of an RSPA denial of part of a petition for reconsideration of the January 8, 1997 final rule. Generally, this final rule clarifies and revises certain requirements in partial response to the petitions and the appeal and denies other parts of the petitions and the appeal.

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