
Fostering collaboration across the Federal government to enhance readiness for catastrophic incidents

Large-scale catastrophic incidents such as natural disasters, epidemics, air or rail crashes, infrastructure/utility outages, extreme weather and terrorist attacks, can happen anywhere, with little or no warning, and can have devastating effects on communities. Experience has shown that EMS systems are essential to the nation’s preparation for emergency medical response to such incidents.

Preparedness requires a coordinated national effort involving every level of government, as well as the private sector, nongovernmental organizations and individuals. In recognition of this fact, the Federal Interagency Council on EMS (FICEMS) recently designated improving EMS system all-hazard preparedness as one of four key focal areas.

To help meet this critical need, NHTSA’s Office of EMS is part of a national focus on integrating EMS into planning and preparedness initiatives. Our role is one of vision, information-sharing, coordination and fostering collaboration among the many different stakeholders.


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Emergency Preparedness Grant Coordination

Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) Triage

Ebola Virus Disease

Pandemic Influenza

Additional Resources