
Transportation Planning Information Exchange

The FHWA/FTA Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program (TPCB), has established a quarterly webinar series titled the Transportation Planning Information Exchange. These webinars are intended to improve transportation decision-making by providing a convenient program of training, technical assistance, and capacity building for State, local, regional and tribal governments, transit operators, stakeholders, and community leaders.

Upcoming Webinars

Webinar Date Time
TRB Webinar: Environmental Performance Measures for State Departments of Transportation
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TRB will conduct a webinar on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 from 2:00 to 3:30PM ET that features research from National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 809: Environmental Performance Measures for State Departments of Transportation. This webinar will identify potential environmental performance measures that can be integrated into a transportation agency’s performance management program. The presenters will discuss an approach for adding environmental performance considerations to the performance topics that state departments of transportation (DOTs) routinely monitor.
November 8, 2016 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. ET 
TRB Webinar: Energy Development and U.S. Infrastructure
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TRB will conduct a webinar on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 from 1:00 to 2:30PM ET that features research from National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 469: Impacts of Energy Developments of U.S. Roads and Bridges. This webinar will discuss the economic impact of heavy truck traffic related to energy development on the nation’s roads and bridges, including impacts on state and county roads.
November 9, 2016 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET 
TRB Webinar: Practical Techniques for Successfully Communicating Technical Topics
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Timed to help you prepare your Annual Meeting presentation, TRB will conduct a webinar on Wednesday, November 16, 2016, from 2:00pm to 3:00pm ET about presenting technical information clearly and succinctly when presentation time is short. If you are steeped in technical expertise and presenting in conferences or meetings, you can learn practical techniques that make your hard work meaningful to others.
November 16, 2016 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 pm ET 
TRB Webinar: How to Survive and Thrive at the TRB Annual Meeting
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TRB will conduct a webinar on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 from 1:00PM to 2:00PM ET and Friday, December 16, 2016 from 2:00-3:00PM ET that will help both new and returning Annual Meeting attendees get the most out of their meeting experience. The webinar will review issues related to planning for the meeting, including hotel reservations, airline reservations, and other basics; help attendees plan their schedules during the meeting; and explore ways attendees can optimize their Annual Meeting networking after they return home. Participants must register in advance. There is no cost for this webinar, and no credits will be provided.
November 16, 2016 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET 

Past Webinars

Webinar Date Presentation Recording Transcript
Understanding the Links between Transportation and Health Case Studies 05/23/2016 webinar presentation   webinar presentation   webinar presentation
webinar presentation    webinar presentation    webinar presentation
webinar audio webinar transcript 
Regional Models of Cooperation – Enhanced Data Sharing, Systems, and Tools 04/28/2016 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript 
Regional Models of Cooperation – Congestion Management 02/11/2016 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript 
Regional Models of Cooperation – Regional Transit Planning 10/16/2015 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript 
FOUNDATIONS OF LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY: What MPOs and RTPOs Need to Know to Fulfill their Title VI Obligations 10/14/2015 webinar presentation webinar audio  
Regional Models of Cooperation – Air Quality Planning 08/25/2015 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript 
Climate Change Scenario Planning - Central New Mexico Climate Change Scenario Planning Project 08/12/2015 webinar presentation webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript 
Online Public Involvement Tools for Transportation Agencies: Rationale, Best Practices, and Case Studies  05/07/2015 webinar presentation  webinar presentation  webinar presentation  webinar presentation  webinar audio webinar transcript  webinar summary
TPIE Planning Emphasis Areas  04/14/2015 webinar presentation  webinar presentation  webinar presentation 
webinar presentation  webinar presentation  webinar presentation  webinar presentation 
webinar audio webinar transcript
TPIE Regional Models of Cooperation  01/27/2015 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript
Scenario Planning Applications for Freight Transportation  07/30/2014 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript  webinar summary
MAP-21 - Statewide and Metropolitan Planning NPRM 06/24/2014 webinar presentation webinar audio  
MAP-21 - Statewide and Metropolitan Planning NPRM 06/13/2014 webinar presentation webinar audio  
TPIE Planning Emphasis Areas 06/11/2014 webinar presentation webinar audio  
Estimating Transportation Greenhouse Gases for Integration into the Planning Process 02/27/2014   webinar audio webinar transcript
Transportation Planning Implications of Transportation Management Area Designations 01/08/2014 webinar presentation webinar audio  
FHWA/FTA Performance-based Planning and Programming Guidebook 12/05/2013 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript
Scenario Planning Tools and Techniques for Effective Analysis and Assessment 11/05/2013 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript
FHWA/FTA Performance-based Planning and Programming Guidebook 10/29/2013 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript
Transportation Planning Implications of Census Urbanized Area Designations 10/03/2013 webinar presentation webinar audio  
Security in the Project Planning and Development Process - Busting a Few Myths 06/05/2013 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript
Performance Measures for Financial Sustainability of Highway Assets 05/28/2013 webinar presentation webinar presentation webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript
Performance-Based Planning and Programming 03/21/2013 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript
Scenario Planning, State of the Practice 02/14/2013 webinar presentation webinar audio webinar transcript
INVEST Sustainability Scorecard for Systems Planning and Funding Opportunity 02/05/2013 webinar presentation
Effective Practices in Planning for Livable Communities at Metropolitan Planning Organizations 11/13/2012 webinar presentation  
An Introduction to the Transportation Planning Capacity Building and Peer Programs 05/15/2012 webinar presentation  

Other Transportation Planning Webinars

To view a schedule of the TPCB webinars or to find other external webinars please click on the resources.

Check the calendar

If you have a webinar you would like to add to our events calendar, please click on the "Suggest a Webinar" button
at the top of the page.

For more information about the TPCB program, please email TPCB@dot.gov.

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