Capacity Building Programs

The TPCB Program exists in the context of a suite of U.S. DOT capacity building programs. The programs work toward the goal of strengthening transportation agencies at all levels by fostering professional development and knowledge exchange. Professional Capacity Building (PCB) programs are jointly directed by the PCB Council, working with the National Highway Institute (NHI), the National Transit Institute (NTI), the University Transportation Center (UTC) Program, and professional associations. The PCB Council coordinates the leadership for an array of PCB programs, including Environmental Competency Building, Freight Professional Development, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Roadway Safety, and Highway Infrastructure Security and Emergency Management. The Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council and the Right-of-Way Program are other PCB efforts that support professional development opportunities in the transportation field.

Descriptions of the PCB Council and other U.S. DOT capacity building programs are listed below.

Freight Professional Development (FPD) Program

The FPD Program assists state DOT and MPO staff with gaining the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the challenges arising from the increasing flow of freight on the national transportation system. Meeting this challenge requires an understanding among various stakeholders, including transportation professionals, practitioners, and policymakers about the importance of freight and how it uses and affects the transportation system.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) PCB Program

The ITS PCB Program provides comprehensive, accessible, and flexible ITS learning for the transportation industry. The Program offers a broad range of resources, including training, technical assistance, web seminars, peer exchange and knowledge transfer, education, case studies, and reference materials. It is a cross-cutting support program within the U.S. DOT's Research and Innovative Technology Administration's ITS Joint Program Office, working most closely with FHWA Office of Operations; FTA Office of Research, Demonstration and Innovation; and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's ITS Commercial Vehicle Operations research program.

Roadway Safety PCB (RSPCB) Program

The RSPCB Program addresses learning needs within the area of roadway safety. FHWA Office of Safety provides this program to ensure that the transportation workforce is trained in the necessary tools, technologies, methodologies, and policies required in building and operating a safe roadway system.

Highway Infrastructure Security and Emergency Management (HIS/EM) PCB

HIS/EM PCB was initially established as an FHWA Security PCB Program. Its original objective was to enhance the knowledge and understanding of security among the nation's highway workforce. In 2007, the objective was expanded to also include the need for providing knowledge and understanding about emergency management to the highway workforce.

Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TCCC`)

The TCCC is a partnership between FHWA, state DOTs, and the highway transportation industry to support training of highway construction and maintenance personnel. Rebuilding the highway construction task force is an industry priority as agencies across the country face a serious shortage of trained and experienced personnel resulting from attrition and an aging workforce. The TCCC's mission is to provide leadership at a national level, develop and maintain a national curriculum for various transportation disciplines, identify training and certification requirements, and coordinate/facilitate training efforts.

Right-of-Way Outreach and Program Research

The Office of Real Estate Services (HEPR) supports the acquisition and management of real estate as required for the development of transportation services and facilities and offers professional training and technical assistance. HEPR also provides resources on corridor management, property valuation, relocation assistance, utility management, and right-of-way management. HEPR also monitors studies to support web-based submission of annual right-of-way statistics, provides for training in the high-turnover sector within local public agencies, and examines the potential for right-of-way education certification.

Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP)

TMIP advances the state of the practice of travel modeling and provides services to support planning agencies improve the techniques they use to inform their decision makers on how growth in population and employment, development patterns, and investments in transportation infrastructure are likely to affect travel, congestion, air quality, and quality of life. TMIP is cooperatively funded by FHWA, FTA, the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


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