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HSIP 2013 National Summary Report

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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.

Table of Contents

HSIP Funding Approach
HSIP Project Overview
Project Cost
Functional Class and Ownership
Improvement Categories and Subcategories
AASHTO SHSP Emphasis Areas
Appendix A: Full Description of HSIP Improvement Categories and Sub Categories for 2013 HSIP Reporting Guidance
Appendix B: Full Title of SHSP Emphasis Areas
Appendix C. Detailed Tables of Project Costs Summaries

List of Tables

Table 1: Total Number and Cost of Projects by Year
Table 2: Number and Cost of 2013 Projects by Improvement Category
Table 3: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Intersection Geometry
Table 4: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Intersection Traffic Control
Table 5: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Pedestrians and Bicyclists.
Table 6: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Roadway
Table 7: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Non-Infrastructure

List of Figures

Figure 1: MAP-21 Program Apportionments
Figure 2: Number of Projects by Project Cost
Figure 3. Number of Projects by Functional Class
Figure 4. Average Total Cost of Projects by Functional Class
Figure 5. Number of Projects by Road Ownership
Figure 6. Average Total Cost of Projects by Road Ownership
Figure 7. Number of Projects by Improvement Category
Figure 8. Average Total Cost of Projects by Improvement Category
Figure 9: Number of Intersection Geometry Projects by Subcategory
Figure 10: Number of Traffic Control Projects by Subcategory
Figure 11: Number of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Projects by Subcategory
Figure 12: Number of Roadway Projects by Subcategory
Figure 13: Number of Non-Infrastructure Projects by Subcategory
Figure 14: Number of Projects by AASHTO SHSP Emphasis Area

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The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a core Federal-aid program with an objective of achieving a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads through the implementation of highway safety improvement projects. The HSIP, similar to other Federal-aid programs, is a federally-funded, state administered program. The FHWA establishes the HSIP requirements via 23 CFR 924, and the States develop and administer a program to best meet their needs.

The HSIP requires a data-driven, strategic approach to improving highway safety on all public roads that focuses on performance. To obligate HSIP funds, each State shall:

States are also required to submit a report that describes the progress being made to implement highway safety improvement projects and the effectiveness of those improvements. The HSIP MAP-21 Reporting Guidance outlines the content and schedule for the annual HSIP report. The HSIP report should include, at a minimum, a discussion of each State's:

The HSIP 2013 National Summary Report compiles and summarizes aggregate information related to the States progress in implementing HSIP projects during the 2013 reporting cycle. Progress in implementing HSIP projects is described based on the amount of HSIP funds available and the number and general listing of projects obligated as documented in the 2013 HSIP reports. The HSIP 2013 National Summary Report is not intended to compare states; rather to illustrate how the states are collectively implementing the HSIP to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads across the nation.

A summary of available funding and the number and general listing of projects from prior years is available in the HSIP National Summary Baseline Report: 2009-2012. A summary of the 2013 data is provided below.

HSIP Funding Approach

Prior to MAP-21, each apportioned program had its own formula for distribution, and the total amount of Federal assistance a State received was the sum of the amounts it received for each program. MAP-21 instead provides a total apportionment for each State and then divides that apportionment amount among individual apportioned programs.

MAP-21 authorizes a total combined amount ($37.5 billion in FY13 and $37.8 billion in FY14) in contract authority to fund five formula programs (including certain set-asides within the programs described below):

Figure 1 illustrates the distribution of funds across program under MAP-21.

Figure 1. MAP-21 Program Apportionments

MAP-21 Program Apportionments

HSIP receives 7% of the States apportionment remaining after allocations to CMAQ and Metropolitan Planning, which amounts to approximately $2.4 billion each year, nearly double the amount apportioned to HSIP under SAFETEA-LU. The following sums are set-aside from the State's HSIP apportionment:

In addition, if the High Risk Rural Roads Special rule applies to a State, then in the next fiscal year the State must obligate an amount at least equal to 200% of its FY 2009 HRRR set-aside for high risk rural roads.

The final HSIP apportionment represents the amount of funding available to States for the advancement of highway safety improvement projects.

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HSIP Projects Overview

States provide project specific information for all projects obligated with HSIP funds during the state-defined reporting period in their annual HSIP reports. The reporting period is defined by the State and can be calendar year, state fiscal year or federal fiscal year. For 2013, the States obligated $3.09B for 3,292 total projects. These obligations utilized funds apportioned during the 2013 fiscal year as well as HSIP funds available from previous years' apportionments.

As per the 2013 HSIP MAP-21 Reporting Guidance, project specific information includes:

The following sections present various summaries of the nationwide HSIP project obligations for the 2013 reporting cycle. It should be noted that limited analysis of the project information can be done because not all states have included all of the above information for each project in their annual HSIP reports. Full use of the HSIP online reporting tool and compliance with the most recent HSIP reporting guidance will enable more complete and accurate reporting of national HSIP project data. In addition, HSIP projects come in all shapes and sizes. For example, some HSIP projects may be much bigger in scope than others, countermeasure installations across multiple sites, or non-infrastructure projects (i.e. transportation safety planning, data improvements). Nonetheless, the summaries in the following sections provide a broad scale analysis of HSIP spending in 2013.

Project Cost

The cost per HSIP project in 2013 ranged widely. Some projects were small in scope and cost, such as replacing signs on a particular route. Others were higher cost projects, such as widening a highway or reconfiguring an intersection. Figure 2 shows the breakdown by project cost, grouped into general categories with breakpoints at $100,000, $500,000, and $1,000,000.

Figure 2. Number of Projects by Project Cost

Number of Projects by Project Cost

Roughly two-thirds of the projects had costs less than $500K. A small percentage (13 percent) fell into the $500-$1M category. The remaining 20 percent were high cost projects totaling $1M or more.

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Functional Class and Ownership

Figure 3 through Figure 6 illustrate the distribution of projects by the types of roads on which they were conducted. Figure 3 shows number of projects by functional class, following the HPMS classification scheme; Figure 4 shows average total cost of projects by functional class; Figure 5 shows projects by the agency who owns the road; and Figure 6 shows average total cost of projects by the agency who owns the road. If the functional class or road ownership was not indicated, the project is counted under the "unknown" category.

Figure 3. Number of Projects by Functional Class

Number of Projects by Functional Class

Most projects were categorized as "Unknown" indicating that the State did not associate a functional class for a particular project. Projects that were associated with a functional class were most often categorized as "Rural Major Collector" or "Urban Principal Arterial — Other". There were 370 projects categorized as "Other" and of those, roughly 220 were categorized as multiple classes or systemic. Roughly another 25 were categorized as "n/a" due to the fact that they were non-infrastructure projects.

Figure 4. Average Total Cost of Projects by Functional Class

Average Total Cost of Projects by Functional Class

Figure 4 shows the average total cost of projects by functional class. It is important to note that not every project had an associated cost so the average is based on the number of projects which had cost information available. Projects categorized as "Urban Principal Arterial – Interstate" had the highest average total cost per project of $4.21 million and projects categorized as "Rural Local Road or Street" had the lowest average total cost per project of $0.21 million.

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Figure 5. Number of Projects by Road Ownership

Number of Projects by Road Ownership

Most projects were conducted on roads owned by a "State Highway Agency" or "Unknown" (indicating that the State did not indicate road ownership for a particular project). There were 116 projects categorized as "Other" and of those, roughly 80 were categorized in state-specific ownership categories.

Figure 6. Average Total Cost of Projects by Road Ownership

Average Total Cost of Projects by Road Ownership

Figure 6 shows the average total cost of projects by road ownership. It is important to note that not every project had an associated cost so the average is based on the number of projects which had cost information available. Projects categorized as "State Highway Agency" had the highest average total cost per project of $1.15 million and projects categorized as "Other Local Agency" had the lowest average total cost per project of $0.24 million.

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Improvement Categories and Subcategories

Under the 2013 HSIP reporting guidance, each project should be assigned a general improvement category and a subcategory under that general category. While a single project may consist of multiple project types, States are directed to assign each project to only one category. The category chosen should align with the primary purpose of the project. Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the distribution of the number and total cost of projects by general improvement category. Projects categorized as "Unknown" indicate that there was no general improvement category assigned by the State. Figure 9 through Figure 13 show the breakdown of the number of projects by subcategory for five improvement categories of note: Intersection geometry, Intersection traffic control, Pedestrians and bicyclists, Roadway, and Non-infrastructure. More detailed tables with the cost spent in each subcategory are available in Appendix C. For ease of reporting, similar sub categories were grouped together. For example, in Figure 9 below, "Auxiliary lanes – other" combines adding acceleration lanes, adding auxiliary through lanes, adding two way left turn lanes, and several other related subcategories.

Figure 7. Number of Projects by Improvement Category

Number of Projects by Improvement Category

Figure 7 shows the number of projects by improvement category as classified in the 2013 HSIP Reporting Guidance. Based on the project information reported by the States, the top five improvement categories are:

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Figure 8. Average Total Cost of Projects by Improvement Category

Average Total Cost of Projects by Improvement Category

Figure 8 shows the average total cost of projects by improvement category. Again, it is important to note that not every project had an associated cost so the average is based on the number of projects with cost available. Based on project information reported by the States, the lowest average HSIP cost projects are in the following categories:

Figure 9 : Number of Intersection Geometry Projects by Subcategory

Number of Intersection Geometry Projects by Subcategory

For the Intersection geometry category, most projects were sub categorized as "Auxiliary lanes – add left-turn lane" (114 of 365 projects) and "Intersection geometrics – other" (141 of 365 projects). Examples of projects in the "Intersection geometrics – other" subcategory include roundabout installation and general intersection safety improvement projects.

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Figure 10: Number of Traffic Control Projects by Subcategory

Number of Traffic Control Projects by Subcategory

For the Intersection traffic control category, most projects were subcategorized as "Intersection traffic control – other" (88 of 412 projects) and "Modify traffic signal – modernization/replacement" (77 of 412 projects). Examples of projects in the "Intersection traffic control – other" sub category include controller updates, wrong way driving mitigation strategies, and projects described as general intersection safety improvement projects.

Figure 11: Number of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Projects by Subcategory

Number of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Projects by Subcategory

For the Pedestrians and bicyclists category, most projects were subcategorized as "Install sidewalk" (33 of 103 projects) and "Miscellaneous pedestrians and bicyclists" (29 of 103 projects). An example of a project in the "Miscellaneous pedestrian and bicyclist improvements" subcategory includes ADA facility improvements.

Figure 12: Number of Roadway Projects by Subcategory

Number of Roadway Projects by Subcategory

For the Roadway category, most projects were subcategorized as "Roadway - other" (595 of 824 projects) and "Pavement surface - miscellaneous" (100 of 824 projects). An example of a project in the "Roadway – other" subcategory was guardrail aprons. The "Roadway-other" subcategory was predominately used without any project description, therefore, no other information is available for these projects.

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Figure 13. Number of Non-Infrastructure Projects by Subcategory

Number of Non-Infrastructure Projects by Subcategory

For the Non-infrastructure category, most projects were subcategorized as "Non-infrastructure - other" (31 of 62 projects) and "Transportation safety planning" (10 of 62 projects). Projects in the "Non-infrastructure – other" subcategory are largely undescribed. A few examples include pedestrian upgrades and Safe Routes to School coordinator positions and website development. Examples of projects in the "Blank (no subcategory indicated)" subcategory include safety campaigns, training programs, and enforcement mobilization projects.

AASHTO SHSP Emphasis Areas

The AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan describes twenty-two emphasis areas. Figure 14 presents the number of HSIP projects categorized by AASHTO SHSP emphasis area. For consistency and national reporting purposes, each State's SHSP emphasis areas were assigned to the AASHTO SHSP emphasis areas, where possible. A complete description of each emphasis area is included in Appendix B. Please note that States often times categorize a single project by several SHSP Emphasis Areas. Therefore, for the purpose of Figure 14 , a single project may be counted more than once. For example, the State recently completed an intersection improvement project that enhanced safety for pedestrians. This project could be categorized as EA 9 Making Walking and Street Crossing Safer as well as EA 17 Improving the Design and Operation of Intersections and is therefore counted once in each category.

The top five SHSP Emphasis Areas guiding HSIP investments for 2013 were:

Figure 14. Number of Projects by AASHTO SHSP Emphasis Area

Number of Projects by AASHTO SHSP Emphasis Area


The HSIP is a strategic program that uses data and analysis to target safety resources. This HSIP 2013 National Summary Report shows that in 2013 (similar to the 2009-2012 HSIP National Summary Baseline Report), States directed HSIP funds to address the predominant infrastructure –related crash types – roadway departure, intersection and pedestrian crashes.

The HSIP National Summary Baseline Report 2009-2012 reported project and cost information for HSIP reports submitted by the States for years 2009-2012. The information from the baseline report is summarized below with the purpose of comparing basic cost and project information to the 2013 reports. Table 1 below shows that States obligated $9.59B for more than 12,000 projects over the five-year period. These obligations include not only HSIP funds apportioned during the reporting period (2009-2013), but also HSIP funds available from previous years' apportionments.

Table 1. Total Number and Cost of Projects by Year

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total
No. of Projects 1684 2386 2523 2429 3292 12314
No. of Projects (with cost info.)* 1609 2348 2449 2374 3254 12034
Cost of projects $1.61B $1.46B $1.78B $1.65B $3.09B $9.59B
Avg. Cost Per Project $1.00M $620,684 $725,550 $695,721 $950,834 $797,206

*Not all states provided cost data for all projects.

As shown above, the number and funding of HSIP projects increased in 2013. The number of HSIP projects increased from approximately 2,300 projects per year to 3,292 projects in 2013. In addition, HSIP project obligations increased from approximately $1.6B per year to $3.09B in 2013. The increased investment in highway safety improvement projects demonstrates the States' commitment to improving the safety of our nation's roadways.

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AASHTO, Strategic Highway Safety Plan, 2005.

FHWA, MAP-21 Apportionment Fact Sheet

FHWA, HSIP Apportionment Notices

FHWA, HSIP MAP-21 Fact Sheet

FHWA, HSIP MAP-21 Reporting Guidance, February 13, 2013

FHWA, HSIP Online Reporting Tool

FHWA, HSIP National Summary Baseline Report 2009-2012

2013 State HSIP Reports

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Appendix A: Full Description of HSIP Improvement Categories and Sub Categories for 2013 HSIP Reporting Guidance

Category Sub-category
Access management Access management – other
Change in access – close or restrict existing access
Change in access – miscellaneous/unspecified
Grassed median – extend existing
Median crossover – close crossover
Median crossover – directional crossover
Median crossover – relocate existing
Median crossover – unspecified
Raised island – install new
Raised island – modify existing
Raised island – remove existing
Raised island – unspecified
Advanced technology and ITS Advanced technology and ITS – other
Congestion detection / traffic monitoring system
Dynamic message signs
Over height vehicle detection
Alignment Alignment – other
Horizontal curve realignment
Horizontal and vertical alignment
Vertical alignment or elevation change
Animal-related Animal related
Interchange design Acceleration / deceleration / merge lane
Convert at-grade intersection to interchange
Extend existing lane on ramp
Improve intersection radius at ramp terminus
Installation of new lane on ramp
Interchange design – other
Ramp closure
Ramp metering
Intersection geometry Auxiliary lanes – add acceleration lane
Auxiliary lanes – add auxiliary through lane
Auxiliary lanes – add left-turn lane
Auxiliary lanes – add right-turn lane
Auxiliary lanes – add right-turn lane (free-flow)
Auxiliary lanes – add slip lane
Auxiliary lanes – add two-way left-turn lane
Auxiliary lanes – extend acceleration/deceleration lane
Auxiliary lanes – extend existing left-turn lane
Auxiliary lanes – extend existing right-turn lane
Auxiliary lanes – miscellaneous/other/unspecified
Auxiliary lanes – modify acceleration lane
Auxiliary lanes – modify auxiliary through lane
Auxiliary lanes – modify free-flow turn  lane
Auxiliary lanes – modify left-turn lane offset
Auxiliary lanes – modify right-turn lane offset
Auxiliary lanes – modify turn lane storage
Auxiliary lanes – modify turn lane taper
Auxiliary lanes – modify two-way left-turn lane
Intersection geometrics – miscellaneous/other/unspecified
Intersection geometrics – modify intersection corner radius
Intersection geometrics – modify skew angle
Intersection geometrics – realignment to align offset cross streets
Intersection geometrics – realignment to increase cross street offset
Intersection geometrics – re-assign existing lane use
Intersection geometry – other
Splitter island – install on one or more approaches
Splitter island – remove from one or more approaches
Splitter island – unspecified
Through lanes – add additional through lane
Intersection traffic control Intersection flashers – add "when flashing" warning sign-mounted
Intersection flashers – add advance emergency vehicle warning sign-mounted
Intersection flashers – add advance heavy vehicle warning sign-mounted
Intersection flashers – add advance intersection warning sign-mounted
Intersection flashers – add miscellaneous/other/unspecified
Intersection flashers – add overhead (actuated)
Intersection flashers – add overhead (continuous)
Intersection flashers – add stop sign-mounted
Intersection flashers – modify existing
Intersection flashers – remove existing
Intersection signing – add basic advance warning
Intersection signing – add enhanced advance warning (double-up and/or oversize)
Intersection signing – add enhanced regulatory sign (double-up and/or oversize)
Intersection signing – miscellaneous/other/unspecified
Intersection signing – relocate existing regulatory sign
Intersection traffic control - other
Modify control – all-way stop to roundabout
Modify control – modifications to roundabout
Modify control – no control to roundabout
Modify control – no control to two-way stop
Modify control – remove right-turn yield
Modify control – reverse priority of stop condition
Modify control – traffic signal to roundabout
Modify control – two-way stop to all-way stop
Modify control – two-way stop to roundabout
Modify control – two-way yield to two-way stop
Pavement Markings – add advance signal ahead
Pavement markings – add advance stop ahead
Pavement markings – add dashed edge line along mainline
Pavement markings – add lane use symbols
Pavement markings – add stop line
Pavement markings – add yield line
Pavement markings – miscellaneous/other/unspecified
Pavement markings – refresh existing pavement markings
Modify traffic signal – add additional signal heads
Modify traffic signal – add backplates
Modify traffic signal – add backplates with retroreflective borders
Modify traffic signal – add closed loop system
Modify traffic signal – add emergency vehicle preemption
Modify traffic signal – add flashing yellow arrow
Modify traffic signal – add long vehicle detection
Modify traffic signal – add railroad preemption
Modify traffic signal – add wireless system
Modify traffic signal – miscellaneous/other/unspecified
Modify traffic signal – modernization/replacement
Modify traffic signal – modify signal mounting (spanwire to mast arm)
Modify traffic signal – remove existing signal
Modify traffic signal – replace existing indications (incandescent-to-LED and/or 8-to-12 inch dia.)
Modify traffic signal timing – left-turn phasing (permissive to protected/permissive)
Modify traffic signal timing – left-turn phasing (permissive to protected-only)
Modify traffic signal timing – adjust clearance interval (yellow change and/or all-red)
Modify traffic signal timing – general retiming
Modify traffic signal timing – signal coordination
Systemic improvements – signal-controlled
Systemic improvements – stop-controlled
Lighting Continuous roadway lighting
Intersection lighting
Lighting – other
Site lighting – horizontal curve
Site lighting – intersection
Site lighting – interchange
Site lighting – pedestrian crosswalk
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Non-infrastructure Educational efforts
Data/traffic records
Non-infrastructure – other
Road safety audits
Training and workforce development
Transportation safety planning
Parking Modify parking
Parking – other
Remove parking
Restrict parking
Truck parking facilities
Pedestrians and bicyclists Crosswalk
Install new "smart" crosswalk
Install new crosswalk
Install sidewalk
Medians and pedestrian refuge areas
Miscellaneous pedestrians and bicyclists
Modify existing crosswalk
Pedestrian beacons
Pedestrian bridge
Pedestrian signal
Pedestrian signal – audible device
Pedestrian signal – Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon
Pedestrian signal – install new at intersection
Pedestrian signal – install new at non-intersection location
Pedestrian signal – modify existing
Pedestrian signal – remove existing
Pedestrian warning signs – add/modify flashers
Pedestrian warning signs – overhead
Railroad grade crossings Grade separation
Model enforcement activity
Protective devices
Railroad grade crossing gates
Railroad grade crossing signing
Railroad grade crossings – other
Surface treatment
Upgrade railroad crossing signal
Widen crossing for additional lane
Roadside Barrier end treatments (crash cushions, terminals)
Barrier transitions
Barrier – cable
Barrier – concrete
Barrier – metal
Barrier – other
Barrier – removal
Curb or curb and gutter
Drainage improvements
Removal of roadside objects (trees, poles, etc.)
Roadside grading
Roadside – other
Roadway Install / remove / modify passing zone
Pavement surface – high friction surface
Pavement surface – miscellaneous
Roadway narrowing (road diet, roadway reconfiguration)
Roadway – other
Roadway – restripe to revise separation between opposing lanes and/or shoulder widths
Roadway widening – add lane(s) along segment
Roadway widening – curve
Roadway widening – travel lanes
Rumble strips – center
Rumble strips – edge or shoulder
Rumble strips – transverse
Rumble strips – unspecified or other
Superelevation / cross slope
Roadway delineation Improve retroreflectivity
Longitudinal pavement markings – new
Longitudinal pavement markings – remarking
Delineators post-mounted or on barrier
Raised pavement markers
Roadway delineation – other
Roadway signs and traffic control Curve-related warning signs and flashers
Sign sheeting – upgrade or replacement
Roadway signs and traffic control – other
Roadway signs (including post) – new or updated
Shoulder treatments Widen shoulder – paved or other
Pave existing shoulders
Shoulder grading
Shoulder treatments – other
Speed management Modify speed limit
Radar speed signs
Speed detection system / truck warning
Speed management – other
Traffic calming feature
Work Zone Work zone

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Appendix B: Full Title of SHSP Emphasis Areas

EA 1 Instituting Graduated Licensing for Young Drivers
EA 2 Ensuring Drivers are Fully Licensed and Competent
EA 3 Sustaining Proficiency in Older Drivers
EA 4 Aggressive Driving
EA 5 Reducing Impaired Driving
EA 6 Keeping Drivers Alert
EA 7 Increasing Driver Safety Awareness
EA 8 Increasing Safety Belt Usage and Improving Air Bag Effectiveness
EA 9 Making Walking and Street Crossing Safer
EA 10 Ensuring Safer Bicycle Travel
EA 11 Motorcycle Safety Awareness
EA 12 Making Truck Traffic Safer
EA 13 Increasing Safety Enhancements in Vehicles
EA 14 Reducing Vehicle-Train Collisions
EA 15 Keeping Vehicles on the Roadway
EA 16 Minimizing the Consequences of Leaving the Roadway
EA 17 Improving the Design and Operation of Intersections
EA 18 Reducing Head-on and Cross Median Crashes
EA 19 Design Safer Work Zones
EA 20 Enhancing Medical Capabilities to Increase Survivability
EA 21 Improving Information and Decision Support Systems
EA 22 Creating More Effective Processes and Safety Management Systems

Appendix C. Detailed Tables of Project Costs Summaries

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Table 2: Number and Cost of 2013 Projects by Improvement Category

Improvement Category No. of Projects Total Cost of Projects* Average Total Cost* Total HSIP Cost of Projects* Average HSIP Cost*
Access management 34 $195,352,612.42 $5,745,665.07 $30,737,148.44 $1,097,755.30
Advanced technology and ITS 21 $7,835,018.00 $391,750.90 $6,755,822.66 $321,705.84
Alignment 55 $149,902,498.19 $2,775,972.19 $35,993,363.80 $679,120.07
Animal-related 3 $8,450,107.00 $2,816,702.33 $7,043,972.40 $2,347,990.80
Interchange design 87 $177,683,228.85 $2,140,761.79 $48,053,087.31 $586,013.26
Intersection geometry 376 $445,306,021.01 $1,213,367.90 $243,071,648.34 $655,179.65
Intersection traffic control 420 $279,443,365.54 $666,929.27 $190,167,790.03 $475,419.48
Lighting 48 $18,678,171.44 $389,128.57 $18,462,105.44 $384,627.20
Miscellaneous 39 $39,536,487.75 $1,013,756.10 $16,663,845.81 $462,884.61
Non-infrastructure 109 $42,545,671.00 $393,941.00 $44,806,151.00 $443,625.00
Parking 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Pedestrians and bicyclists 103 $53,892,611.32 $528,358.93 $35,694,976.78 $346,553.17
Railroad grade crossings 4 $972,389.00 $243,097.25 $992,389.00 $248,097.25
Roadside 225 $195,970,161.86 $894,840.92 $166,283,887.36 $766,285.20
Roadway 854 $541,384,359.69 $635,427.65 $290,915,274.31 $342,656.39
Roadway delineation 102 $59,644,608.12 $602,470.79 $43,313,203.01 $424,639.25
Roadway signs and traffic control 163 $43,409,123.45 $269,621.88 $41,413,281.27 $254,069.21
Shoulder treatments 179 $411,469,681.42 $2,298,713.30 $211,374,731.00 $1,180,864.42
Speed management 12 $3,214,173.15 $267,847.76 $3,111,752.04 $259,312.67
Work Zone 1 $93,273.00 $93,273.00 $93,273.00 $93,273.00
Unknown 457 $416,019,421.66 $912,323.29 $26,054,849.35 $234,728.37
Total 3292 $3,093,063,463.87 $950,834.14 $1,458,742,072.10 $504,580.45

* Not all states provided cost data for all projects in a given improvement category.

Table 3. Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Intersection Geometry

Subcategory No. of Projects Total Cost
Auxiliary lanes - add left-turn lane 114 $126,343,935
Auxiliary lanes - add right-turn lane 16 $6,702,633
Auxiliary lanes - other 44 $88,956
Intersection geometrics - other 141 $176,292,446
Intersection geometrics - modify skew angle 35 $15,305,107
Intersection geometrics - realignment to improve offset 15 $23,366,776
Blank (no subcategory indicated) 11 $8,338,568
Total 376 $356,438,422

Table 4: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Intersection Traffic Control

Subcategory No. of Projects Total Cost
Intersection flashers and signing 35 $4,924,215
Intersection traffic control – other 88 $51,598,810
Modify control to roundabout 47 $56,973,072
Modify traffic signal – add additional signal heads 12 $12,050,242
Modify traffic signal – other 45 $21,692,152
Modify traffic signal – modernization/replacement 77 $60,115,452
Modify traffic signal – modify signal mounting 14 $15,604,417
Modify traffic signal timing or phasing 15 $21,663,179
Pavement markings 48 $9,248,702
Systemic improvements – signal-controlled 31 $23,105,395
Blank (no subcategory indicated) 8 $2,467,729
Total 420 $279,443,366

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Table 5: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

Subcategory No. of Projects Total Cost
Install or modify crosswalk 11 $6,110,617
Install sidewalk 33 $10,619,125
Miscellaneous pedestrian and bicyclist improvements 29 $22,545,047
Install or modify pedestrian signal 30 $14,617,823
Total 103 $53,892,611

Table 6: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Roadway

Subcategory No. of Projects Total Cost
Pavement surface – high friction surface 21 $9,761,102
Pavement surface – miscellaneous 100 $38,737,373
Roadway widening – add or widen lanes 24 $126,677,292
Roadway narrowing (road diet, roadway reconfiguration) 3 $337,903
Rumble strips – center 11 $3,962,583
Rumble strips – edge or shoulder 66 $143,286,118
Rumble strips – unspecified or other 4 $818,892
Roadway – other 595 $194,671,135
Blank (no subcategory indicated) 30 $23,131,961
Total 854 $541,384,360

Table 7. Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Non-Infrastructure

Subcategory No. of Projects Total Cost
Data/traffic records 5 $581,791
Educational efforts 5 $1,226,474
Enforcement 2 $2,895,444
Non-infrastructure – other 31 $13,143,650
Road safety audits 9 $2,649,500
Transportation safety planning 10 $4,112,108
Blank (no subcategory indicated) 45 $20,197,184
Total 109 $44,806,151

* There were two additional projects labeled as "Outreach" and "Training and workforce development" that did not have a cost indicated.

Page last modified on August 13, 2014.
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