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1. Area of Australia–States and Territories. Geoscience Australia, Australian Government, Canberra ACT, Australia, October 2008. http://www.ga.gov.au/education/geoscience-basics/dimensions/area-aus-states-territories.jsp. Accessed Jan. 3, 2009.

2. Land and freshwater area, by province and territory. Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, February 2005. http://www40.statcan.gc.ca/l01/cst01/phys01-eng.htm. Accessed Jan. 3, 2009.

3. Australian Demographic Statistics. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Belconnen ACT, Australia, June 2008. http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/3101.0. Accessed Jan. 3, 2009.

4. Quarterly Demographic Estimates. Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, December 2008. http://www. statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/081219/t081219b2-eng.htm. Accessed Jan. 3, 2009.

5. R. Moeller, J. Pestinger, M. Frierson, W. Kennedy, A. McCormick, C. Colan Muth, J. Myers, P. Scott, and S. Waymack. European Right-of-Way and Utilities Best Practices. FHWA-PL-02-013. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, August 2002.

6. National Guidelines for Transport System Management in Australia. Australian Transport Council, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, 2006. http://www.atcouncil.gov.au/documents/NGTSM.aspx. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

7. Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation Developments Adjacent to Highways. Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, October 2007.

8. Land-use Framework. Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. http://www.landuse.alberta.ca/. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

9. Public-Private Partnerships. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, undated. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/PPP/index.htm. Accessed Jan. 3, 2009.

10. M. Sakal. "Project Alliancing: A Relational Contracting Mechanism for Dynamic Projects." Lean Construction Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2005. http://www.leanconstruction.org/lcj/paper_v2_i1.html. Accessed Jan. 3, 2009.

11. Request for Proposals. Tullamarine–Calder Project. VicRoads, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, undated.

12. Agreement to Design, Build, Finance and Operate. Northwest Anthony Henday Drive. Alberta Transportation, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. http://www.transportation.alberta.ca/1704.htm. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

13. Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991. New South Wales Consolidated Acts, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/latca1991442/. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

14. Roads Act 1993. New South Wales Consolidated Acts, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/ra199373/. Accessed Nov. 19, 2008.

15. Land Titles. Department of Lands, Government of New South Wales, Australia. http://www.lands.nsw.gov.au/land_titles. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

16. Land Acquisitions. Second Edition. Roads and Traffic Authority, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 1999. 17. Valuation. Department of Lands, Government of New South Wales, Australia. http://www.lands.nsw.gov.au/ valuation. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

18. Best Practice Reporting Review. Joint Committee on the Office of the Valuer General, Parliament of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, November 2005. http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/prod/parlment/committee.nsf/0/5cfd1f048b295e02ca2570ba0013f2b8/$FILE/Best%20Practice%20Report%20Part%20One%20Without%20Apendices.pdf. Accessed Jan. 4, 2009.

19. Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994. Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Brisbane, Queensland, 1994. http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Acts_Passed/Acts_Passed_NUM_1994.htm. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

20. Transport Infrastructure Act 1994. Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Brisbane, Queensland, 1994. http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Acts_Passed/Acts_Passed_NUM_1994.htm. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

21. Integrated Planning Act 1997. Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Brisbane, Queensland, 1997. http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Acts_Passed/Acts_ Passed_NUM_1994.htm. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

22. Land Act 1994. Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Brisbane, Queensland, 1994. http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Acts_Passed/Acts_Passed_NUM_1994.htm. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

23. Acquisition of Land Act 1967. Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, Brisbane, Queensland, 1994. http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Search/isysquery/30cf9847-aadf-4f48-b2ac-ba0d09836500/4/doc/AcqLandA67.pdf#xml=http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Search/isysquery/30cf9847-aadf-4f48-b2acba0d09836500/4/hilite/. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

24. Property Acquisition. A Guide to DTEI's acquisition process under the Land Acquisition Act 1969. Department for Transport, Energy, and Infrastructure, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

25. Highways Act 1926. South Australian Legislation, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. http://www.legislation.sa.gov.au/LZ/C/A/HIGHWAYS%20ACT%201926.aspx. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

26. Land Acquisition Act 1969. South Australian Legislation, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. http://www.legislation.sa.gov.au/LZ/C/A/LAND%20ACQUISITION%20ACT%201969.aspx. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

27. Metropolitan Adelaide Road Widening Plan Act 1972. South Australian Legislation, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. http://www.legislation.sa.gov.au/LZ/C/A/METROPOLITAN%20ADELAIDE%20ROAD%20WIDENING%20PLAN%20ACT%201972.aspx. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

28. Road Management Act 2004. Parliament of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. http://www.dms.dpc.vic.gov.au/Domino/Web_Notes/LDMS/PubLawToday.nsf?OpenDatabase. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

29. Road Management Act, regulations and codes. Roads Corporation, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/Home/RulesStandardsRegulations/RoadManagementActRegulationsCodes/. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

30. Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986. Parliament of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. http://www.dms.dpc.vic.gov.au/Domino/Web_Notes/LDMS/PubLawToday.nsf?OpenDatabase. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

31. Victoria's Registrar of Titles. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. http://www.dse.vic.gov.au/DSE/nrenptm.nsf/LinkView/6D774E81233A3E42CA2572110081044E787BEB628BB684FBCA25729500794750. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

32. Policy and Instructions for the Purchase, Compulsory Acquisition, and Sale of Land. Government Land Monitor, Department of Infrastructure, Melbourne, Australia, August 2000. http://www.land.vic.gov.au/CA256F310024B628/0/A770487351EBA70BCA25702C00816754/$File/Policy+and+Instructions+for+the+Purchase+Compulsory+Acquisition+and+Sale+of+Land.pdf. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

33. Government Panel of Valuers. Valuer-General Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, May 2008. http://www.land.vic.gov.au/Land/lcnlc2.nsf/childdocs/-418EED712A81C5AE-4A256A0A0015CDC1-26C8409B2467569D4A256A0A-001DAC6F-236D1771CBB90BBFCA256E5F0014647EDF4C0519746C52D14A256A63001E1A4D?open. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

34. Expropriation Act. Queen's Printer, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. http://www.qp.gov.ab.ca/catalogue/catalog_results.cfm?frm_isbn=0779741048&search_by=link. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

35. Highways Development and Protection Act. Queen's Printer, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. http://www.qp.gov.ab.ca/documents/Acts/H08P5.cfm?frm_isbn=9780779724581. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

36. Highway Development and Protection Regulation. Draft. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2008.

37. Government Organization Act. Queen's Printer, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. http://www.qp.gov.ab.ca/documents/Acts/G10.cfm?frm_isbn=9780779733071. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

38. Calgary Restricted Development Area Regulations. Queen's Printer, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. http://www.qp.gov.ab.ca/documents/regs/1976_212.cfm. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

39. Edmonton Restricted Development Area Regulations. Queen's Printer, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. http://www.qp.gov.ab.ca/documents/regs/1974_287.cfm. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

40. Transportation/Utility Corridor (TUC) Program Policy. Realty Services Branch, Properties Division, Alberta Infrastructure, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. http://www.infrastructure.alberta.ca/TUCContent/tucpolicy.pdf. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

41. Transportation/Utility Corridors. Presentation, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, undated.

42. Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. Legislative Assembly, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/Download?dDocName=elaws_statutes_90p50_e. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

43. Expropriations Act. Legislative Assembly, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/Download?dDocName=elaws_statutes_90e26_e. Accessed Nov 24, 2008.

44. Streamlining Land Acquisitions. Implementation Guidelines. Property Office, Ministry of Transportation, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, February 2007.

45. Planning Act. Legislative Assembly, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/Download?dDocName=elaws_statutes_90p13_e. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

46. Corridor Control and Permit Procedures Manual. Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2001. http://www.library.mto.gov.on.ca/ webopac/zoomrecord.asp?recordkey=55689fe3-43d9- 4e10-bf6c-ebaa2e3c78d3&TemplateGUID=26c8336 a-34a4-4079-8514-5cf60c65e6eb&passport=0b49eaf2- 2a8f-4ff0-9351-0404c499b607&data_dictionary=7422212a-4e1b-475d-8b16-63406bda3e4f&CommandQuery=+%28Title+%25+%27corridor+control+and+permit+procedures+manual%27+%29&SearchBu tton=Command&SearchTemplate=&page=1&RootTempla teGUID=f1273652-1c89-4feb-b4ed-aa5525c2792b&rpt_ session_guid=&hpp=25&searchmode=basic&ParentTemp lateGUID=&CurSortCol=&CurSort=0&LinkGUID=&mode =search&hide=1. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

47. Memorandum of Understanding between Sydney Water Corporation and Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Issue 1.2, May 2007.

48. Model Agreement for Local Councils and Utility/Service Providers. NSW Streets Opening Conference, August 1999.

49. Guide to Codes and Practices for Street Opening. NSW Streets Opening Conference, 2007.

50. AUS-SPEC. Standards Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, undated. http://www.standards.org.au/cat.asp?catid=32&ContentId=61. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

51. M. Nenes and I. Davies. Memorandum of Understanding. Energex and Main Roads. Telstra and Main Roads. Presentation, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane, Queensland, 2008.

52. Telecommunications Act 1997. Commonwealth of Australia Law, Canberra, Australia. http://www.comlaw.gov.au/comlaw/Legislation/ActCompilation1.nsf/0/9658F043246AC29DCA25748A001FD7C1?OpenDocument. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

53. Project Guidelines. Issue 4. Power Line Environment Committee, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. http://www.lga.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm?c=11287. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

54. Annual Report 2002–2003. Power Line Environment Committee, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

55. Road Management Act 2004. Code of Practice. Management of Infrastructure in Road Reserves. Victoria Government Gazette, October 2008. http://www.gazette.vic.gov.au/Gazettes2008/GG2008S269.pdf. Accessed Nov. 24, 2008.

56. Relocation Procedures (Utilities), Version 3. Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, June 3, 2008.

57. Hydro One Plant Relocation Guidelines. Hydro One, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, undated.

58. Domestic Scan Program: Best Practices in Right-of-Way Acquisition and Utility Relocation. FHWA-HEP-07-022. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, December 2006. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/REALESTATE/scans/bprowscan.htm. Accessed Jan. 7, 2009.

59. 2008 FHWA Incentive Payments Peer Exchange Report. Federal Highway Administration, Portland, Oregon, August 13–14, 2008. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/realestate/incpeerexch.htm . Accessed Jan. 4, 2009.

60. K. Hancock. 8-55 Integrating Geo-spatial Technologies into the Right-of-Way Data Management Process. 8-55A Developing a Logical Model for a Geo-spatial Right-of-Way Information Management System. 2008 AASHTO/FHWA Right-of-Way and Utilities Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 4–8, 2008. http://cms.transportation.org/sites/rightofway/docs/2008_ch05s05.pdf. Accessed Jan. 7, 2009.

61. C. Quiroga, E. Kraus, N. Koncz, S. Lyle, and Y. Li. Right-of-Way Real Property Asset Management— Prototype Data Architecture. Publication FHWA/TX-09/0- 5788-1, Texas Department of Transportation, Austin, TX, February 2009.

62. C. Quiroga, D. Ford, T. Taylor, S. Kranc, E. Kraus, and E. Park. Specification Framework for Telecommunication Utilities and Estimation of Utility Adjustment Costs. Publication FHWA/TX-08/0-4998-3, Texas Department of Transportation, Austin, TX, December 2007. http://tti.tamu.edu/documents/0-4998-3.pdf. Accessed Jan. 7, 2009.

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