78 FR 71036
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Nov 27, 2013
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[Docket ID PHMSA-2013-0248]

Pipeline Safety: Random Drug Testing Rate; Contractor Management Information System Reporting; and Obtaining Drug and Alcohol Management Information System Sign-In Information

ACTION: Notice of Calendar Year 2014 Minimum Annual Percentage Rate for Random Drug Testing; Reminder for Operators to Report Contractor Management Information System (MIS) Data; and New Method for Operators to Obtain User Name and Password for Electronic Reporting.

Summary: PHMSA has determined that the minimum random drug testing rate for covered employees will remain at 25 percent during calendar year 2014. Operators are reminded that drug and alcohol testing information must be submitted for contractors performing or ready to perform covered functions. For calendar year 2013 reporting, PHMSA will not mail the "user name" and “password” for the Drug and Alcohol Management Information System (DAMIS) to operators, but will make the user name and password available in the PHMSA Portal (https://portal.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline).

DATES: Effective January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2014.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Blaine Keener, National Field Coordinator, by telephone at 202-366-0970 or by email at blaine.keener@dot.gov.