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Below is a list of the Eco-Logical resources available by topic.

Eco-Logical 10-Year Anniversary

Eco-Logical Reaffirmation

Eco-Logical 10th Anniversary Video

FHWA Eco-Logical Case Studies Series

Example of Implementing Eco-Logical Steps 1-4

Example of Implementing Eco-Logical Steps 7-9

Implementation Tools

Practitioner’s Handbook - Coming Soon

A Pocket Guide to the Eco-Logical Approach

Eco-Logical Website Overview Webinar

AASHTO Annual Meeting Brochure

Eco-Logical Fact Sheet

Webinar Series

Technical References

Eco-Logical: An Ecosystem Approach to Developing Infrastructure Projects

Implementing Ecosystem Crediting

Annual Reports - Eco-Logical Successes

Evaluating Montana's ITEEM: Successes and Lessons for Eco-Logical

Transportation Research Board (TRB) Reports

An Ecological Approach to Integrating Conservation and Highway Planning, Volume 1

An Ecological Approach to Integrating Conservation and Highway Planning, Volume 2

Practitioner’s Guide to the Integrated Ecological Framework, Volume 3

Manager’s Guide to the Integrated Ecological Framework, Volume 4

Integrated Eco-Logical Framework Outreach Project

Expedited Planning and Environmental Review of Highway Projects

Technical Assistance Activities

Implementing Eco-Logical Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) Peer Exchange

Eco-Logical at TRB - San Diego

Eco-Logical Peer Exchange: Establishing a Regional Ecosystem Framework (REF)

Eco-Logical Mitigation Peer Exchange for Metropolitan Planning Organizations

Eco-Logical Technical Assistance Workshop for MaineDOT and Partners

SHRP2 Eco-Logical Programmatic Mitigation Peer Exchange with State DOTs

Increasing the Use of Wildlife Data in Transportation Plans and Projects across the West Workshop

Eco-Logical Grant Recipient Peer Exchange for Implementation of the Eco-Logical Approach

GIS Applications in Eco-Logical Grant Projects – Peer Exchange Summary Report

Ecological at Meetings and Conferences

Eco-Logical at 2015 Meetings

AASHTO 2014 SCOE Meeting Presentations

AASHTO 2013 Annual Meeting Presentations

Other Eco-Logical Like Programs

Maryland – Watershed Resources Registry

Washington DOT – I-90 Wildlife Bridges

Arizona DOT – Wildlife Linkages

Vermont DOT – Staying Connected

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The Eco-Logical approach is closely linked to FHWA’s Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) initiative. The PEL is a collaborative and integrated approach to transportation decision-making that 1) considers environmental, community, and economic goals early in the transportation planning process, and 2) uses the information, analysis, and products developed during planning to inform the environmental review process. Eco-Logical could be used to address the biological components of a PEL program.


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