Improving the Performance of the Transportation Industry Through Training

NHI Training Products and Services

NHI's training, course materials, and free training seminars are tailored to meet the needs of the transportation community. Whether you are new to the industry or a transportation professional with many years of experience, NHI has something for you. We strive to provide the transportation community with the educational tools and resources necessary to improve the transportation infrastructure domestically and internationally.

Training Formats

NHI offers a wide variety of transportation-related training courses. These courses are presented in a variety of delivery formats, including:

Instructor-led Training (ILT)
ILTs are held in-person and led by an instructor. In order to open a session, a transportation organization must request to host it. Once the session is opened, other individuals may sign up for that session (based on availability).
Web-conference Training (WCT)
Like an ILT, a WCT session has an instructor or facilitator and must be requested by a transportation organization. The difference is that a WCT takes place online in a virtual classroom and can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection. Although course participants may access a WCT course from almost anywhere in the world, these courses are scheduled to occur at a specific time and consist of live events.
Web-based Training (WBT)
Like WCT courses, a WBT course is also located online and can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection via the My Training page. WBTs are self-paced and are not led by an instructor. Instead, they are designed for individual training and reference. You can access a WBT at any time and return to it as many times as you wish, although the final exams can only be completed once.
"Blended" courses may combine two or three of the above methods (for example, a course may have a Web-based component that must be completed before the instructor-led component).

Training Topics

NHI offers courses in an extensive variety of Program Areas ranging from Highway Safety to Hydraulics to Financial Management. For more information on NHI Program Areas and courses within each one, please visit the NHI Program Areas page.

NHI Materials

NHI offers individual training materials that can be used in conjunction with a course or as stand-alone educational and reference items. These materials include manuals, workbooks, and guides, and they are available through the NHI Store in both hard copy and electronic format.

Browse or Order NHI Materials.

Related Links

To learn more about NHI training, including how to host a course, how to enroll, and receiving credit for courses, please browse the links below:

Free Training Seminars

NHI periodically hosts free and interactive educational events on specific topics from the transportation industry. These online seminars provide case studies and information from those in the field working on current transportation issues

  • NHI Real Solutions

    This free series features guest speakers presenting case studies on problems or issues they've faced in the field and what steps were taken to solve the problems. Participants are able to ask questions and receive answers. Register for an upcoming event, or view archived presentations.

  • NHI Innovations

    Brought to you by Highways for LIFE and NHI, NHI Innovations is another free Web conference seminar series that addresses current transportation issues. Register for an upcoming event, or view archived presentations.

More Information

NHI Course Catalog
For a printable, PDF version of NHI's course offerings, please see the NHI Couse Catalog page.
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