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U.S. Department of Transportation

Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations: An Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based Approach – A Guidebook

Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations

February 2010

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Contact Information: Wayne Berman at

Table of Contents

[ Quality Assurance Statement ] [ Technical Report Documentation Page ] [ Transmission Letter ] [ Acronyms ]
empty cell
empty cell 1.1 Motivation for Advancing Operations in Metropolitan Transportation Planning
empty cell 1.2 What is Planning for Operations?
empty cell 1.3 Federal Requirements
empty cell 1.4 Creating an Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based Approach to Planning for Operations
empty cell 1.5 Guidebook Organization
Chapter 2 An Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based Approach to Planning for Operations
empty cell 2.1 Rationale for a New Approach
empty cell 2.2 The Approach
empty cell 2.3 Relationship to the Congestion Management Process
Chapter 3 Developing Operations Goals and Objectives
empty cell 3.1 Develop Operations Goals
empty cell 3.2 Develop Operations Objectives
empty cell 3.3 Operations Objectives Are Scalable
Chapter 4 Developing Performance Measures, Assessing Needs, and Selecting Strategies
empty cell 4.1 Operations Objectives Lead to Performance Measures
empty cell 4.2 Develop Performance Measures
empty cell 4.3 Use Performance Measures to Determine Operational Needs
empty cell 4.4 Identify and Evaluate Strategies
Chapter 5 Resulting Plans, Programs, and Projects
empty cell 5.1 The Resulting Metropolitan Transportation Plan and TIP
empty cell 5.2 Benefits of the Resulting Plan and TIP
Chapter 6 Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation
empty cell 6.1 The Role of Monitoring and Evaluation in the Approach
empty cell 6.2 Aspects of Monitoring and Evaluation
empty cell 6.3 Collecting Data for Evaluation Studies
Chapter 7 Moving Forward through Regional Coordination and Collaboration
empty cell 7.1 The Role of Regional Coordination and Collaboration in the Approach
empty cell 7.2 Who is Involved?
empty cell 7.3 How to Engage Participants
empty cell 7.4 Tools to Advance the Approach
empty cell 7.5 Engage Elected Officials and the Public
Chapter 8 Getting Started
empty cell 8.1 Steps to Getting Started: Planning for Operations Using the Approach
empty cell 8.2 Self-Assessment.
Appendix A SAFETEA-LU Requirements
empty cell 1.0 Management & Operations in the Planning Process
empty cell 2.0 Transportation Systems Management and Operations
empty cell 3.0 Congestion Management Process
Appendix B Components of the CMP
empty cell 1.0 Developing a CMP: The "8 Steps"
empty cell 2.0 Beyond the "8 Steps"
empty cell 3.0 Other Considerations
Appendix C Applications of the Approach
empty cell 1.0 Linking Planning and NEPA
empty cell 2.0 Freight Planning
empty cell 3.0 Safety Planning
empty cell 4.0 Land Use Integration
Appendix D Operations Objectives and Performance Measures in Private and Public Organizations

List of Figures

Figure 1 An Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based Approach to Planning for Operations
Figure 2 Sources of Congestion
Figure 3 M&O and CMP in the Context of Metropolitan Transportation Planning Requirements
Figure 4 An Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based Approach to Planning for Operations
Figure 5 A Metropolitan Transportation Plan Resulting from the Approach Includes Goals, Operations Objectives, Performance Measures, and M&O Strategies
Figure 6 The 8-Step Framework for the CMP

List of Tables

Table 1 Guidebook Organization by Section and Description
Table 2 Operations Objectives Motivated by Significant Issues in the Region
Table 3 Example of Operations Objectives Applied in the Planning Process
Table 4 Data Collection Methods for Evaluating Transportation Strategies
Table 5 Assessment Tool to Measure Integration of an Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based

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