Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume XI: Weather and Traffic Analysis, Modeling and Simulation

December 2010

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Office of Operations

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Table of Contents

[ Quality Assurance Statement ] [ Technical Report Documentation Page ]
[ SI* (Modern Metric) Conversion Factors ] [ Foreword ]
empty cell
Chapter 1 Why Weather?
Chapter 2 Weather Impacts on the Transportation System
empty cell 2.1 Macroscopic Level Impacts
empty cell 2.2 Microscopic Level Impacts
Chapter 3 Traffic Analysis Tools Incorporating Weather
empty cell 3.1. Overview
empty cell 3.2. Mesoscopic Analysis
empty cell 3.3. Microscopic Analysis
Chapter 4 Data Sources for Weather and Traffic Analysis
empty cell 4.1. Weather Data Sources
empty cell 4.2. Traffic Data Sources
empty cell 4.3. Intelligent Transportation Systems Data Sources
Chapter 5 Weather Responsive Traffic Operations and Management Strategies
empty cell 5.1. Advisory Strategies
empty cell 5.2. Control Strategies
empty cell 5.3. Treatment Strategies
Chapter 6 Case Study
empty cell 6.1. An Implementation of DYNASMART in Hampton Roads, VA. – Mesoscopic Simulation
empty cell 6.2. Traffic Signal Operation under Inclement Weather – Signal Optimization and Microscopic Traffic Simulation
empty cell References

List of Tables

Table 2-1. Weather Impacts on Roadways and Traffic Operations
Table 2-2. Macroscopic Level Impacts on Traffic Operations
Table 2-3. Microscopic Level Impacts on Traffic Operations
Table 3-1. Calibrated Supply Parameters
Table 3-2. Weather Adjustment Factor Coefficients
Table 3-3. Demand Adjustment due to Inclement Weather Conditions
Table 3-4. Minimum Number of Simulation Repetitions
Table 6-1. Weather Sensitive Demand Parameters
Table 6-2. Weather Impacts on Traffic Demand
Table 6-3. RMSE between Observed and Simulated Speeds
Table 6-4. Parameters Adjusted During Calibration of Simulation Models
Table 6-5. Reduction Factors for Saturation Flow Rate and Free Flow Speed
Table 6-6. Performance Measures used for Benefit Assessment
Table 6-7. Benefits of Special Timing Plans – CORSIM Results for Dorset Street
Table 6-8. Benefits of Special Timing Plans – CORSIM Results for Vermont Route 15

List of Figures

Figure 3-1. Sample DynusT Network in Portland, OR (DynusT, 2010)
Figure 3-2. Flow Chart of Model Set Up
Figure 3-3. Calibration of Both Supply and Demand Data Process Flow Chart (Kunde, 2000)
Figure 3-4. Supply Parameter Calibration Procedure
Figure 3-5. Travel Time Comparisons under Three Weather Conditions
Figure 3-6. Weather Events during Peak Hour
Figure 3-7. Link Speed Comparisons
Figure 3-8. Calibration and Validation Process Flow Chart
Figure 3-9. Initial Evaluation Process
Figure 3-10. Example of X-Y plot with Acceptable Results
Figure 3-11. Concept of Acceptable Region
Figure 3-12. Relationship between Speed and Volume for Base and Weather Cases
Figure 4-1. Snapshot of Clarus Portal
Figure 4-2. National Climatic Data Center Website
Figure 4-3. UM Weather Homepage
Figure 4-4. Archived Data Management System (ADMS) Homepage
Figure 4-5. Performance Measurement System (PeMS) Homepage
Figure 4-6. PORTAL Homepage
Figure 4-7. Daily Statistics for I-5 North
Figure 4-8. Minnesota Department of Transportation Traffic Data Webpage
Figure 4-9. INRIX Homepage
Figure 5-1. WRTM Concept of Operations Flow Chart
Figure 6-1. Hampton Roads DYNASMART-P Network
Figure 6-2. Description of Weather Data in DYNASMART-P
Figure 6-3. Snapshots of WAF.dat files
Figure 6-4. DYNSMART-P Program
Figure 6-5. Hampton Roads DYNASMART-P Program Snapshot
Figure 6-6. Simulated and Observed Speeds
Figure 6-7. Dorset Street
Figure 6-8. Vermont Route 15
Figure 6-9. Impact of Inclement Weather Duration on Operational Benefits (Dorset Street)
Figure 6-10. Impact of Inclement Weather Duration on Operational Benefits (Route 15)

Office of Operations