Real-Time System Management Information Program
photo of traffic stopped at traffic lights on a city street
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Real-Time System Management Information Program

What's New

Data Exchange Format Specification and companion Guide

The Data Exchange Format Specification (DXFS) helps in the development of interoperable real-time traffic and travel information within and among public agencies, as well as with private entities to establish Real-Time System Management Information Programs (RTSMIP) by establishing a standards-based specification of key RTSMIP interfaces. The DXFS can be used to define the information exchanges across a system-to-system interface, helping the interoperability of systems. A companion document is the Guide on how to use the DXFS for specifying implementation of RTSMIP at a State or regional level.

The Real-Time System Management Information Program was included in Section 1201 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The Real-Time System Management Information Program is to provide the capability to monitor in real-time the traffic and travel conditions of the major highways across the U.S. and provide a means of sharing these data with state and local governments and with the traveling public. A Final Rule was published on November 8, 2010, establishing the provisions and parameters for the Real-Time System Management Information Program to be established by State DOTs, other responsible agencies, and partnerships with other commercial entities. The Program is to be established on all Interstate routes within 4 years (November 8, 2014) and on other significant roadways as identified by the States and local agencies within 6 years (November 8, 2016).

The Final Rule also requests additional comments relating to the costs and benefits of the Real-Time System Management Information Program and general information about current and planned programs. The Final Rule with its questions seeking comments and the link for submitting comments by December 23, 2010 are noted below.

The Real-Time System Management Information Program provides a foundation of basic traffic and travel conditions information that may be built upon and used by public agencies, other public and private parties who may deliver value-added information products, and the traveling public. Data exchange formats will allow the information to be more easily interchanged and used among agencies and other parties.

Policy, Legislation, & Regulations

  • Federal Register Notice Published on July 19, 2011 (HTML, PDF, 182KB) - ACTION: Summary of responses to request for comments. The final rule establishing the minimum parameters and requirements for States to make available and share traffic and travel conditions information via real-time information programs as required by Section 1201 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) was published on November 8, 2010. In issuing the final rule, the FHWA also sought additional comments relating to the costs and benefits of the Real-Time System Management Information Program and general information about current and planned programs. Thirty-one entities provided responses to the Request for Comments and this document provides a summary of those responses.
  • Federal Register Notice Published on November 8, 2010 (HTML, PDF 121KB) - ACTION: Final rule; request for comments. This rule is effective December 23, 2010. Establishment of the real-time information program for traffic and travel conditions reporting along the Interstate system highways shall be completed no later than November 8, 2014. Establishment of the real-time information program for traffic and travel conditions reporting along the State-designated metropolitan area routes of significance shall be completed no later than November 8, 2016.
  • Federal Register Notice Published on January 14, 2009 (HTML, PDF 100KB) - This notice seeks comments from States and other jurisdictions and interested parties on a proposed rule to establish minimum parameters and requirements for States to make available and share traffic and travel conditions information via the Real-Time System Management Information Program. Comments may be submitted until April 14, 2009 at [FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2006-24219].
  • Federal Register Notice Published on October 15, 2007 (HTML, PDF 325KB) - This notice seeks comments from States and other jurisdictions and interested parties on Interim Guidance on the Information Sharing Specifications and Data Exchange Formats for the Real-Time System Management Information Program. Comments may be submitted until February 12, 2008. [FHWA Docket Number FHWA-2007-28969].
  • Federal Register Notice Published on May 4, 2006 (HTML, PDF 65KB) - This notice seeks comments and information for the Real-Time System Management Information Program under Section 1201 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). [FHWA Docket Number FHWA-06-24219]


Contact Us

Robert Rupert
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
Mail Stop: E84-402
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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