Mountain-Prairie Region
Conserving the Nature of America


Public Meetings and Comment Opportunities

Current Issues: 

Arctic Grayling Black-footed Ferret Black-tailed Prairie Dog Bonneville Cutthroat Trout  Boreal toad Bull Trout Canada Lynx Colorado Butterfly Plant Graham's Beardtongue Gray Wolf Greater Sage-grouse Greenback Cutthroat Trout Grizzly Bear Recovery News and Information Gunnison Sage Grouse Missouri River News and Information
Mountain Plover Pallid Sturgeon Piping Plover Platte River Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse Salt Creek Tiger Beetle Spotted Frog Spotted Owl Topeka Shiner Uinta Mountain Snail White-Tailed Prairie Dog
Westslope Cutthroat Trout Wolverine Wyoming Pocket Gopher Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout Threats to Wildlife and Habitat: Secondary Pentobarbital Poisoning of Wildlife Rock Creek Mine Biological Opinion (10/13/2006) Bull Trout in Montana: Regarding the Proposed Critical Habitat Designation for Bull Trout: What it Means to Montana’s Landowners and Recreationists: What it Means to Recreationists and Landowners Fire News and Information Fisheries Restoration and Irrigation Mitigation Program

Recent Mountain-Prairie Region News Releases:

August 10, 2009
Regional Director Stephen Guertin Announces the Garrison Dam National Fish Hatchery Pond Liner Project

August 3, 2009
Kansas Nation Wildlife Refuge Garners Carbon Kudos

July 31, 2009
Liberal Season Proposed for Upcoming Late Waterfowl Season

July 13, 2009
Hotchkiss National Fish Hatchery Begins Stocking Fish for Animas-LaPlata Project

July 10, 2009
Utility Giant to Pay Millions for Eagle Protection

July 8, 2009
Fish and Wildlife Service to Conduct Status Review of the Susan's Purse-making Caddisfly

July 1, 2009
Northern Leopard Frog in West May Warrant Federal Protection

June 30, 2009
Secretary Salazar Announces $6.1 million for New Visitors Center at Audubon National Wildlife Refuge

June 19, 2009
Fish and Wildlife Service Seeks Proposals From States For 2010 Endangered Species Grants

June 19, 2009
Fish and Wildlife Service to Conduct Status Review of the Clay-loving Wild Buckwheat

June 9, 2000
Fish and Wildlife Service Issues Decision on Petition to List the Narrowleaf Evening Primrose

May 19, 2009
Interior Secretary Salazar Awards States More than $61 Million to Help Wildlife

May 18, 2009
Let's Go Outside Campaign to Connect People with Nature and Create Photomosaic

May 15, 2009
New Facilities Now Under Construction at Jackson National Fish Hatchery

May 14, 2009
Releases for Endangered Fish Begin Today


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 Wildlife Photo Library at National Conservation Training Center

Last updated: August 17, 2009