Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Programming for Operations: MPO Examples of Prioritizing and Funding Transportation Systems Management & Operations Strategies

September 2013

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Table of Contents

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Background and Purpose
empty cell About Metropolitan Planning
Cross–Cutting Findings
empty cell Foundations for Advancing TSMO in Programming
empty cell Funding Sources Used for TSMO Activities
empty cell Types of Activities Funded
empty cell Procedures for Programming TSMO Activities
empty cell Efforts to Support Project Selection for TSMO Activities
Denver Regional Council of Governments (Denver, CO)
Genesee Transportation Council (Rochester, NY)
Maricopa Association of Governments (Phoenix, Arizona)
MetroPlan Orlando (Orlando, Florida)
North Central Texas Council of Governments (Dallas–Ft. Worth, Texas)
Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Puget Sound Regional Council (Seattle, Washington)
Portland Metro (Portland, OR)
San Diego Association of Governments (San Diego, California)

List of Figures

Figure 1. GTC's Mode–Specific Project Evaluation Criteria for TSMO Projects
Figure 2. Operations Performance Measures from MetroPlan 2030 LRTP
Figure 3. MetroPlan's Interactive TIP
Figure 4. ITS Project Selection Criteria

List of Tables

Table 1. Description of Federal Funding Programs that may Support TSMO Activities
Table 2. MPOs Selected for Research
Table 3. TSMO Activities Included in TIP Documents
Table 4. TSMO Funding Set–Aside Programs and Projects Included in TIP Documents
Table 5. TSMO Project Selection Process Summary
Table 6. DRCOG Regional Operations Program Pools.
Table 7. TDM Evaluation Criteria for the FY 2014–15 TDM Pool
Table 8. 2012 Regional Project Evaluation Criteria For PSRC's FHWA Funds (STP & CMAQ)
Table 9. Portland Metro's Investment Strategy for Management and Operations
Table 10. Estimated Short–Term Investments in Region–wide Projects
Table 11. Estimated Short–Term Investments in Corridor–specific Projects
Table 12.Examples of TSMO Projects Included in the 2012–2015 MTIP

United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
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Washington, DC 20590

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Office of Operations