Arterial Management Program
time-lapse photo of traffic traveling in both directions on an urban arterial road
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Arterial Management Program

New Guidance

Traffic Signal Management Plans - An Objectives and Performance based approach for Improving the Design Operations and Maintenance of Traffic Signal Systems (FHWA-HOP-15-038) provides step-by-step instructions for documenting current activities, relating them to the agency’s goals and transportation objectives, and offers a structure that shows how the activities of all staff involved in traffic signal management support those objectives.

Traffic Signal Timing Manual Second Edition, NCHRP Report 812 - Discusses a multimodal, objectives and performance based approach to development of traffic signal timing to address the needs of pedestrian, bicycles, transit and automobiles.

Arterial roadways are a crucial link in the national transportation system that provide regional mobility and access to land use that is vital to our economy and quality of life. Arterials account for more than one million lane miles of roadway, connecting local and collector roads to the National Highway System. Over 3000 State and local agencies are responsible for the management and operation of the estimated 311,000 traffic signals that are spread across urban, suburban and rural communities throughout the United States. The objective of the Arterial Management Program is to advance management practices and operations strategies that promote the safe and efficient use of arterial roadway capacity to reduce congestion.

Focus Areas


Office of Operations