Innovative Project Feature

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Innovations in Pedestrian and Bicycle Counting.

 Innovations in Pedestrian and Bicycle Counting - Colorado Department of Transportation

Pedestrian and bicycle count data are useful to planners and engineers to analyze patterns; identify deficiencies in the transportation system; evaluate the impacts of projects; and inform future design, planning, and maintenance decisions. While FHWA has developed guidelines on non-motorized transportation and provides technical considerations for bicycle and pedestrian count programs in the 2013 Traffic Monitoring Guide (, collecting and analyzing bicycle and pedestrian data can present challenges to state and local agencies unaccustomed to handling such data.

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) sets an example as a state DOT providing pedestrian and bicycle count support to local communities. CDOT has used bicycle and pedestrian count data to help make design decisions and inform policy and budget decisions. Local jurisdictions use the data to support infrastructure funding requests from numerous sources. CDOT has a traffic data committee that brings together local agencies from around the state to coordinate on traffic data issues. CDOT used this mechanism to gather motorized and non-motorized counts on off-system roads. CDOT also used the committee to establish a network of partner agencies and disseminate technical guidance to locals for non-motorized monitoring.

More information on CDOTs bicycle and pedestrian program can be found here:

Innovative Project Feature Submissions

The TPCB Innovative Project Feature highlights innovative transportation planning projects, plans, and practices. The program provides a unique opportunity to recognize and celebrate the outstanding transportation planning practices performed by planners and decisionmakers in communities across the country. Submitted projects can focus on an array of planning topic areas, including public involvement, multi-modalism, equity, and collaboration, and selected submissions will be highlighted on the TPCB homepage, as well as in detail below.

We applaud the highlighted agencies for their projects as well as all of the outstanding projects nominated for this feature. We recognize all applicants for their efforts in applying to the program and appreciate the work that is being done to advance transportation planning across the county.
Submissions must include:

  • Project title
  • Contact information and agency
  • A 300-word project description
  • A photograph of the project

Eligible projects are federally funded and have been completed within the last three years.

To apply, please email submissions to All submissions will be vetted through the appropriate FHWA Division Office and FTA Regional Office.

For more information about the TPCB program, please email

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