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Highway Security-Sensitive Materials (HSSM) Security Action Items (SAIs)

Highway and Motor Carrier

TSA is providing these voluntary security practices as measures that should be considered for implementation by motor carriers transporting Tier 1 HSSM and Tier 2 HSSM. If the motor carrier adopts these security practices, TSA recommends that the practices be included in security plans when they are developed, implemented, and revised. The security practices are voluntary to allow highway motor carriers to adopt measures best suited to their particular circumstances provided the measures are consistent with existing regulations, laws, or directives.

The security action items have been divided into four categories 1) general security; 2) personnel security; 3) unauthorized access; and 4) en-route security. General security measures pertain to security threat assessments, security planning, protecting critical information, and awareness of industry security practices. Personnel security and unauthorized access refer to practices affecting the security of the motor carrier's employees, contracted employees, and its property. En-route security refers to the actual movement and handling of motor vehicles containing HSSM.

TSA recognizes that no one solution fits all motor carriers and circumstances. These security action items allow for flexibility in implementation based upon the assessed vulnerability of a particular process or operation. Where appropriate, implementation of these action items to their fullest extent practicable should be the goal of the affected property owner and operator.

TSA plans to monitor the use and effectiveness of these security action items and to revise them as circumstances warrant. TSA encourages members of the affected industry and Federal agencies to provide feedback to TSA Highway and Motor Carrier Division. Questions and comments may be provided to the TSA Highway and Motor Carrier Division at


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