The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s mission is to save lives, prevent injuries and reduce economic costs due to road traffic crashes.

Washington D.C. · http://www.nhtsa.gov


Are your windshield wiper blades not cleaning right anymore? You may need to replace them; clear and clean windshields are essential.

When you drink & drive as a teen, you’ll be treated like an adult, & that includes arrested with adult handcuffs. Always

October is Walk to School Month: We’ve got tips on how to walk safely, whether it’s to the school bus stop or all...

It's Walk to School Month! Walking to school isn't just the walk from the house to the school: it's the walk to the school bus stop, too.

Giving an underage teen alcohol means if they drive drunk and crash, the fatal consequences are on your shoulders....

Parents, it’s up to you to be the difference: talk to your teens about drinking and driving.

Teens, we’re encouraging you to spread the word to your friends: always ! RT if you agree!

Drink & drive? Teens, think about this: it might’ve been cool to sneak a drink, but how cool is it to get arrested for it?

Teens, this week is dedicated to your safety when you drive! Always remember your seatbelt when you drive, no matter the destination.

This National Teen Driver Safety Week, we’re looking for YOUR help. Encourage friends to stop texting and driving.

Keep your fellow sports fans safe after the game: remind everyone to designate sober drivers!

Choose to keep your family safe. Nice reminder that car seat safety matters from Kids Safety First

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