Transportation Planning Excellence Awards

The 2017 Transportation Planning Excellence Awards logo

The Transportation Planning Excellence Awards Program is a biennial awards program developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and co-sponsored by the American Planning Association. The program provides a unique opportunity to recognize and celebrate the outstanding transportation planning practices performed by planners and decisionmakers in communities across the country.

The nomination period for the 2017 TPEA Program is now closed. Recipients will be notified in early 2017. Nominations for the 2019 cycle will be accepted starting in the summer of 2018. For questions, please contact

Who is Eligible?

  • Anyone may nominate an individual or organization that used Federal FHWA/FTA funding to develop a plan, project, or planning process that demonstrates excellence in planning.
  • You may nominate yourself or another individual or organization.
  • The plan, project, or planning process must have been completed within the past three years, as evidenced by actions such as formal adoption by a government agency, completion of a built project, incorporation into a TIP, STIP, or City Plan, or other similar action.
  • Plans, projects, or planning processes can be in one or more of these categories.

How are submissions judged for the TPEA Program Awards?

The TPEA team of judges from a diverse set of planning backgrounds will judge the nominations on the following criteria:

  1. Community, Public Involvement, and Partnerships: How did this project successfully engage the community in the planning process? Was this program created as a collaborative effort? Are public and private partners still at the table?
  2. Context Sensitive Solutions: How does the effort demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of contexts (local, regional, etc.)? How does the project or process create effective transportation solutions, while preserving and enhancing community and natural environments?
  3. Innovation and Effectiveness: What innovative approaches were used? What has been the result of these efforts? How are results being measured?
  4. Equity: What initiatives have been undertaken to ensure that efforts of this project are implemented in an equitable manner and impacts to individual and underserved (minority and low income) communities are minimized?
  5. Implementation and Implementation Strategy: Has any part of the planned transportation-related project, plan, idea, model, design, or policy been executed to its final stages?
  6. Multimodalism: To what extent do these efforts efficiently address safe multimodal transportation options, including bicycle, pedestrian, transit, and automobile?
  7. Potential for Long-Term Benefits: What provisions have been used to ensure the long-term viability of this effort?

For more information about prior winners of the Transportation Planning Excellence Awards and about the TPEA Program in general, please visit or contact FHWA and FTA at

For more information about the TPCB program, please email

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