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The Government/Industry Pipeline R&D Forum was held in New Orleans, Louisiana on February 7-8, 2007. The 2 day event included approximately 250 representatives from Federal, State and international government agencies, public representatives, research funding organizations, standards organizations, and pipeline operators from the U.S. and overseas. The forum brought government and industry pipeline stakeholders together for the following purpose(s):
  1. To develop a consensus agenda of technical gaps & challenges for future R&D;
  2. To identify both short and long term research objectives for liquid/gas transmission and gas distribution pipelines;
  3. Conduct basic road mapping on identified technical gaps so solicited research is addressing the need effectively; and
  4. Provide details of the ultimate research goals so appropriate end users are factored into project scopes.

View the 2007 Government and Industry Pipeline R&D Forum Report
View the Forum feedback results
Forum documents are available below.

Government/Industry Pipeline R&D Forum
New Orleans, LA
February 7-8, 2007

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Welcome/Opening Remarks:

Forum Moderator: Jeff Wiese
Acting Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA

Perspective on Energy Pipelines:

Speaker: Vice Admiral Thomas J. Barrett, (USCG Ret.)
Administrator, DOT/PHMSA

Key Challenges Facing Industry:

Liquid Transportation: Tim Felt
President and CEO, Explorer Pipeline Company

Gas Transmission: Walter Ferguson
Sr. Vice President, Operations, CenterPoint Energy

Gas Distribution: Peter Terranova
Vice President of Operations, UGI Utilities, Inc.

ILIA: Garrett Wilkie
President, In Line Inspection Association

Generating Innovation: Are we investing enough?:

Speaker: Robert Howard
Vice President, Gas Transmission and Distribution, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Corporation

The Value of Government/Industry Collaboration:

Speaker: George W. Tenley Jr.
President, Pipeline Research Council International

Research and Development Success Stories:

Remote Methane Leak Detector: A key technology used during the Hurricane Katrina/Rita aftermath
Speaker: Claude Trahan, Compliance Supervisor, Atmos Energy

Live CCTV Pipeline Inspection - Pioneering Technology for Today's Robotics Programs
Speaker: George Ragula, Distribution Technology Manager, PSE&G

US Natural Gas Pipelines Operating at 80% SMYS: How R&D influenced critical consensus standards
Speaker: David Johnson, Technical Consultant, Panhandle Energy (SUG)

Track Session Information:

Forum Moderator: Jeff Wiese
Acting Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA

Technical Track Sessions:

1. Data Mining/Threat Assessment
Session Leader: Chad Zamarin, Engineering Data Manager, Colonial Pipeline

Speaker 1 – Introduction/Scope: Chad Zamarin, Colonial Pipeline
Speaker 2 – Data Security: Chris Ziolkowski, GTI
Speaker 3 – PPTS, IMP Tracking, Annual Reporting: Cheryl Trench, Allegro
Speaker 4 – PHMSA Future Integrity, Initatives, Gaps: Roger Little & Piyali Talukdar, DOT/PHMSA
Speaker 5 – Data Integration Process Issues and Opportunities: David Nemeth, Panhandle Energy
Speaker 6 – Threat Identification and Response Selection: Chad Zamarin, Colonial Pipeline
Speaker 7 – GPS Data Collection and Utilization: Steve Biagiotti, Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.
Speaker 8 – Data Visualization and Analysis Tools: Ed Weigele, GE (proprietary)
Speaker 9 – Coordinating Multiple Data Systems Across the Enterprise: Craig Wilder, BP

2. Excavation Damage Prevention
Session Leader: Burt Williams, Gas Construction Coordinator, City of Mesa

Speaker 1 – Excavation Damage Prevention Research and Activities: Blaine Keener, DOT/PHMSA
Speaker 2 – ThreatScan Damage Detection Technology: Manuel Terranova, GE
Speaker 3 – Innovative Damage Prevention Technology: Mark Andraka, Peco Energy Corp
Speaker 4 – Obstacle Detection While Drilling Technology: Kiran Kothari, GTI

3. Direct Assessment
Session Leader: Chris Bullock, Sr. Pipeline Integrity Engineer, CenterPoint Energy

Speaker 1 – Direct Assessment Research: James Merritt, DOT/PHMSA
Speaker 2 – Long Range Ultrasonic Inspection for Challenging ECDA Situations: Daniel Ersoy, GTI
Speaker 3 – NACE Pipeline Integrity Standards Update: Drew Hevle, Enbridge
Speaker 4 – DG-ICDA: Oliver Moghissi, CC Technologies/DNV
Speaker 5 – WG-ICDA: Garry Matocha, Spectra Energy
Speaker 6 – LP-ICDA – Update, Issues & Next Steps: Trevor Place, Enbridge
Speaker 7 – DG-ICDA – An Operator’s Perspective: Andrew Pulsifer, CenterPoint Energy
Speaker 8 – SCCDA – Current Research & Future Needs: Raymond Fessler, BIZTEK Consulting, Inc.
Speaker 9 – SCCDA Experience – A TransCanada Perspective: Robert Worthingham, TransCanada

4. Defect Detection/Characterization
Session Leader: David Batte, Consultant, Pipeline Research Council International
Session Leader: Daphne D'Zurko, Executive Director, NYSEARCH, Northeast Gas Association

Speaker 1 – Defect Detection/Characterization Research: Robert Smith, DOT/PHMSA
Speaker 2 – Integrity Management Considerations: Terry Boss (Speech, No Slides), INGAA
Speaker 3 – NYSEARCH Current Programs: Daphne D’Zurko, NGA/NYSEARCH
Speaker 4 – GTI Current Programs: Albert Teitsma, GTI
Speaker 5 – SwRI Current Programs: Gary Burkhardt, SwRI
Speaker 6 – PRCI Current Programs: Dave Batte, PRCI
Speaker 7 – Defect Assessment: Bob Francini, Kiefner and Associates
Speaker 8 – Defect Characterization: Tom Bubenik, CC Technologies
Speaker 9 – In-Line Inspection/Detection: Garrett Wilkie, In Line Inspection Association
Speaker 10 – Remote Inspection/Guided Wave Ultrasonics: Peter Mudge, TWI Plant Integrity
Speaker 11 – Remote Inspection/Guided Wave Ultrasonics: Larry Weigel, Structural Integrity
Speaker 12 – User Viewpoint – Liquid Transmission: Scott Ironside, Enbridge
Speaker 13 – User Viewpoint – Gas Transmission: Jerry Rau, Panhandle Energy
Speaker 14 – User Viewpoint – Gas Distribution: Thomas Picciott, National Grid

5. Defect Remediation/Repair/Mitigation
Session Leader: Dave McNeill, Manager, Pipeline Integrity, Enbridge
Session Leader: Gary Vervake, Principle Metallurgical Engineer, Spectra Energy

Speaker 1 – Defect Remediation/Repair/Mitigation Research: Elizabeth Komiskey, DOT/PHMSA
Speaker 2 – Offshore Pipelines – Hurricanes in Gulf Coast: Manny Gagliano, DOI/MMS
Speaker 3 – Liquid/Gas Transmission Lines: Dave McNeill, Enbridge/Gary Vervake, Spectra Energy
Speaker 4 – Gas Distribution Plastic Pipe Repair: Andrew Hammerschmidt, GTI

6. New Fuels Transportation
Session Leader: Joe Vitelli, Principle Engineer, KeySpan
Session Leader: Glyn Hazelden, PE, Acting Managing Director, Gas Technology Institute

Speaker 1 – LNG Interchangeability: George Vradis, NGA/NYSEARCH
Speaker 2 – LNG Interchangeability: Bob Wilson, Key Span Energy
Speaker 3 – Hydrogen Economy: Yong Yi Wang, Engineering Mechanics Corporation of Columbus
Speaker 4 – Hydrogen Economy: Glyn Hazelden, Gas Technology Institute
Speaker 5 – Ethanol Transportation: Kevin Bodenhamer, Enterprise Products Company

Thursday, February 8, 2007
Reviewing the proposed PHMSA Technology Transfer Plan:

Speaker: Jeff Wiese
Acting Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA

Click here for the Draft Technology Transfer Plan

Session Leader Report-Outs:

1. Data Mining/Threat Assessment
2. Excavation Damage Prevention
3. Direct Assessment
4. Defect Detection/Characterization
5. Defect Remediation/Repair/Mitigation
6. New Fuels Transportation

Final Remarks/Next Steps:

Forum Moderator: Jeff Wiese
Acting Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA