

Former Illinois Trucking Company Operator Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison


On May 4, 2015, Dragan Simovski, Operator, Freedom Transportation, Inc., was sentenced in U.S. District Court, Chicago, Illinois, to 36 months incarceration, 36 months supervised release, and was ordered to pay $532,000 restitution in connection with an illegal double-brokering scheme. Simovski pleaded guilty on December 12, 2014, to wire fraud in connection with the scheme.

Simovski admitted that he and other individuals were involved in a fraudulent double brokering scheme, where they falsely represented that Freedom Transportation would use its own trucks to transport freight, knowing that Freedom had no trucks. As part of the scheme, Simovski would enter into contracts with companies on behalf of Freedom, promising to transport freight for those companies. Simovski provided information about the freight loads to a co-conspirator broker knowing that the broker would find other companies to transport and deliver the freight. Simovski and the co-conspirator agreed that Freedom would bill the customers as if they had kept and performed the jobs, knowing that in many instances, they would not pay the companies that actually did the work.  The loss to the companies that actually delivered the freight is approximately $532,000.

We conducted this investigation with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.