

Update on Airport Security Sweeps—Boston, Los Angeles


Boston: Jabri Mouhsine, of Revere, MA, a former checkpoint security guard at Logan International Airport in Boston, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Boston to falsifying his application for an airport security badge. Mouhsine was arrested in February as part of a security sweep at Logan, where he was employed with the security agency Argenbright Holdings Limited. At the time of his arrest, he had been illegally living and working in the U.S. since July 1999. He is the third of 20 defendants in the Logan Airport SIDA investigation to plead guilty. Although Mouhsine’s sentencing date has not been scheduled, once he is sentenced, he will be deported to his native Morocco. This matter was investigated by OIG, the Social Security Administration OIG, and INS, with assistance from the Massachusetts Port Authority.

Los Angeles: An ongoing security sweep begun August 22 at 3 Los Angeles (CA) area airports resulted in an additional 6 arrests at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) during the week of August 26. The total number arrested at the 3 airports—LAX, John Wayne, and Ontario—now stands at 88 and the number indicted at 104.