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Become familiar with railroads operating in your area of jurisdiction and the types of products they regularly transport

Take note of grade crossings and develop a map of railroads in areas you patrol

Monitor grade crossings; educate violators and issue citations when necessary

Develop an emergency response plan for handling rail-related incidents

Keep a list of emergency contact numbers for each railroad operating in your area of jurisdiction


Become familiar with the railroads operating in your area of jurisdiction and the types of products they regularly transport

Ensure your team has an understanding of basic railroad operations, policies, and procedures

Develop an emergency response plan for handling railroad incidents

During an emergency, locate the blue and white Emergency Notification System (ENS) sign to contact the railroad


Direct callers to look for the blue and white Emergency Notification System (ENS) sign to quickly determine the location of the railroad emergency

Immediately contact the railroad responsible for the track 

Determine if the incident involves a trespasser or a motor vehicle

Determine if there are additional dangers such as motor vehicles on the track or hazardous cargo

Ensure that your call center has a map of all railroads in your area as well as a policy for handling railroad incidents

Rail Safety for Law Enforcement Video
Rail Safety for Emergency Response Services
Rail Safety for Emergency Dispatchers


  • Contact us
  • Federal Railroad Administration
    1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
    Washington, DC 20590
  • Regional Offices