How Do I Create an ORCID ID?

1. Visit
2. Complete basic profile information
3. Specify default level for future research

What does ORCID stand for?

ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID

What kind of organization is ORCID?

ORCID is an international not-for-profit organization created in 2010 to benefit research organizations and funders, publishers, and researchers.

What does ORCID do?

ORCID provides a registry of persistent unique identifiers for researchers and scholars and automating linkages to research objects such as publications, grants, and patents.

Do I need to register as a member of an official institution?

No. Initial registration requires only:

  • Name
  • Email address

  • You do not need to have an official affiliation and there is no set of requirements to qualify as a researcher.

    How can I use my ORCID ID help me in my research and publications?

    Individuals may register, maintain, and share their ORCID identifier and associated ORCID record data. Additionally, individuals may receive updates to their ORCID record, such as linkages to published manuscripts in which they included their ORCID ID during the submission and review process.

    I've completed the basic registration. What's next?

    To maximize your benefit from ORCID, you can refine your research profile in several different ways:

  • Add other versions of your name
  • Link your past publications and other research to your ORCID ID
  • Add additional contact methods
  • Add education and employment information
  • Add funding information/records
  • Where can I find more information about ORCID?

    ORCID maintains a large knowledgebase. Detailed information can be found in the User section at

    Updated 04:04 PM EST, December 07, 2015