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Drunk Driving - buzzed driving is drunk driving

The 2014 and 2015 dates are out with
- August 15 - September 1, 2014
- December 12 - January 1, 2015

"CLICK IT OR TICKET" observed:
- May 19 - June 1, 2014.

Calling all Communities to plan for upcoming mobilizations.

Now is the time for Communities to start thinking about how they can contribute to the success of the 2013 National "Click It or Ticket" Mobilization and the 2013 "DRIVE SOBER OR GET PULLED OVER" Crackdown.

Coordination with the State Highway Safety Office is key. For instance, Ohio Safe Communities have been active in recent mobilizations. They work closely with the State Highway Safety Office and use a Safe Communities Reporting Form to capture evaluation data on local activities. Contact Ohio Department of Public Safety, P.O. Box 182074, Columbus, OH 43218-2074, Phone: 614-466-3250.

Cuyahoga County Ohio Safe Communities and DUI Taskforce
Chrystal Gullett and Director Kathy Wesolowski of the Cuyahoga County Ohio Safe Communities
stand with the DUI Task force as they display awards.

Here are some examples of Safe Communities' participation in past Impaired Driving Crackdown:

  • Ohio's Safe Community Programs held media events in cities and counties across the State.
  • Community traffic safety grantees, community partners, and representatives from State and county law enforcement attended Georgia's Crackdown kickoff press conference. 
  • Community highway safety advocates spoke about always drinking responsibly, designating a driver, and -- if necessary -- take the keys. 
  • Montana Safe Kids/Safe Communities Coalitions promoted the State's Crackdown efforts through TV appearances, and coordination with local tavern owners on DWI prevention activities.
Advertising support for DWI mobilization - all 50 states participated in the Impaired Driving Crackdown last August. What was different about it? More than 10,000 participating law enforcement agencies got some extra awareness help from an $11 million advertising component. The national advertisements in English and Spanish were targeted to 18-34 year-old males, which research shows are demographically most likely to drive impaired. The ads ran on networks and programs primarily viewed by that targeted audience. The ads focused on what research shows affects behavioral change among this group - increased threat of arrest, of losing their car, license, and money.
Mobilizations and Crackdowns

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They'' see you before you see them - don't drink and drive

U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
1-800-424-9153 (TTY)