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How do I change the company name associated with my USDOT number information?

Published 12/05/2014 12:01 PM   |    Updated 05/23/2015 08:36 AM

You may change the name of your company by submitting an updated MCS-150 (Motor Carrier Identification Report) form by mail, faxing it to 202-366-3477 or 606-330-3802, or submitting it via our web form (you will receive a tracking number). You can also complete the process online. There is no fee.

PLEASE NOTE: If you change the name associated with your US DOT number, it is not automatically changed on your MC number as well. You still need to go through the MC number name change procedure. If you change the name associated with your MC number, however, the name is also changed for your US DOT number. There is a $14 fee for an MC number name change.

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