Data & Statistics

Raw Data

PHMSA collects data and provides information and analyses of pipeline infrastructure under its authority. PHMSA's incident data access files can be downloaded free of charge. The agency uses this information to create a baseline for evaluating programs, increase safety awareness, motivate corrective actions, set priorities, and target public education programs.

Annual Report Data from Gas Distribution, Gas Gathering, Gas Transmission, Hazardous Liquids, and Liquefied natural Gas (LNG) Operators

Operators are required to submit annual reports to PHMSA. Reports include information such as total pipeline mileage, commodities transported, mileage by material, and installation dates.

Incident / Accident Data from Gas Distribution, Gas Gathering, Gas Transmission, and Hazardous Liquids and LNG Operators

Operators of LNG facilities and gas and hazardous liquid pipelines are required to submit reports to PHMSA within 30 days of an incident or accident (49 CFR Parts 191, 195). Reports include incident times and locations, injury and/ or fatality counts, commodity spilled/ gas released, causes of failure, evacuation procedures, and other relevant information.

  • Operator Submission – Incident report data submitted to PHMSA by pipeline operators since 1970.
  • Flagged Files – Incident report data submitted to PHMSA by pipeline operators plus data needed to replicate the pipeline incident trends.

Safety-Related Condition Reports (SRCRs)

PHMSA tracks Safety-Related Condition Reports submitted by operators of LNG facilities and gas and hazardous liquid pipelines when certain hazards (e.g., corrosion, movement caused by extreme weather) are discovered.

Mechanical Fitting Failure Data from Gas Distribution Operators

Gas distribution pipeline operators are required to submit annual reports on all hazardous leaks that involved a mechanical fitting (49 CFR Parts 191, 192). Operators submit date and location information, the type of mechanical fitting involved, and the apparent causes of leaks.

Safety Program Data for Pipeline and LNG Operators

Since 2012, operators of pipelines and liquefied natural gas plants have been required to submit Safety Program data to PHMSA (49 CFR Parts 191.22 and 195.64). Data is submitted for each safety program applicable to the pipeline system type. When Safety Program data changes, operators are required to notify PHMSA of the change.