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Who will need to file evidence of Financial Responsibility and Process Agent Designations on January 14, 2017 under the Unified Registration System (URS)?  

Published 10/18/2015 05:52 PM   |    Updated 07/28/2016 04:16 PM

On January 14, 2017, the only new entities who will need to ensure that their evidence of financial responsibility is submitted through the URS online application are private hazardous materials and exempt for hire carrier applicants. The only new entities required to ensure a process agent designation is on file, on January 14, 2017 are private and exempt for hire carrier applicants.  For example, if you are an already registered private hazardous materials carrier on January 14, 2017, then you do not need to submit evidence of your financial responsibility using the URS system until April 14, 2017.  

The URS system will accept filings for evidence of financial responsibility from existing private hazardous materials carriers and exempt for-hire carriers, and filings for designation of process agent from private and exempt for-hire carriers beginning on January 14, 2017. Existing companies are encouraged to submit filings earlier than the April 14, 2016 compliance deadline.

To read the July 28, 2016 Federal Register notice that changed the URS effective dates, click here.

For information on current (pre-January 14, 2017) requirements for which entities file evidence of financial responsibility and process agent designations, click here.

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