Early Warning Reporting

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Upcoming Light Vehicles and Buses, Medium & Heavy Vehicles Changes - Updated

posted December 19, 2014

Beginning with submissions of 2015 Quarter 1 (January 1, 2015 - March 31, 2015) data, new Excel templates / XML schemas and instances will be used for data submittals. The Version 2.0 files can be downloaded from the supplementary table on the corresponding pages to allow for setting up your processing to accommodate the new requirements.

Submissions using the new templates and schemas will NOT be accepted prior to April 1, 2015. After April 1, 2015 only revisions to submissions prior to that date will be accepted using the old templates and schemas.

EWR SFTP Servers Changes

posted December 21, 2011

As part of the Early Warning Reporting (EWR) environment update, the SFTP servers were replaced with a new set of servers. This necessitates manufacturers to verify the NHTSA SFTP servers by accepting the new remote host key once for each SFTP server.

Using Winscp the manufacturers may see a message similar to one below to verify the new SFTP servers' host key. This would be only one time activity and the Manufacturers shall not see any changes with the functionality of the SFTP servers.

warning message

NOTE: No changes were made to the SFTP Server Doman Name Server (DNS) Addresses. Manufacturers may still access the Data and Field Report Servers at the following server addresses:

The following table lists the EWR submission time periods for Aggregate data, Death and Injury data, Field Reports, and Substantially Similar Vehicles for the most recent quarter.
Year Quarter Report Type Begin Date End Date Days
2016 3 Aggregate 10/1/2016 11/30/2016 60
Death and Injury 10/1/2016 11/30/2016 60
Field Reports 10/1/2016 12/15/2016 75
Substantially Similar Vehicles 8/1/2016 11/2/2016 93
Last updated September 21, 2016