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Project Profiles

95 Express


Miami, Florida

Project Borrower / Sponsor

Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)

Program Areas

P3Revenue - Road Pricing Revenue


Highway / Managed Lanes


When fully constructed, the 95 Express will run approximately 22 miles from I-395 in Miami-Dade County to I-595 in Broward County. The express lanes are converted HOV lanes that allow single occupancy vehicles (SOVs) to use the lanes for a dynamically priced toll. The tolls are priced to maintain a minimum 45 mph speed in the express lanes. The project is being developed in two phases. Phase 1 is complete and was delivered as a design-build-finance project. It consisted of two components.

Phase 1A included work on the northbound travel lanes from south of S.R. 112 / I-195 to the Golden Glades area north of 151st Street. The main projects included re-striping the northbound lanes to create two express lanes and four regular travel lanes, and installing electronic signage and tolling equipment in those lanes.

Phase 1B included construction of southbound express lanes along I-95 from the Golden Glades area to north of S.R. 836. The main projects in this phase included re-striping southbound lanes to create two express lanes and four regular travel lanes, and installing electronic signage and tolling equipment.

Passenger vehicles and express transit services have access to the express lanes, but they are closed to trucks of more than three axles, which must use the regular lanes.

Phase 2 is a design-build project extending the express lanes in both direction between the Golden Glades Interchange and I-595 in Broward County.


Phase 1A and 1B: $139 million

Funding Sources

USDOT Urban Partnership Agreement (UPA) funds - $62.9 million ($19.5 million used for transit)

Federal funds: $62.6 million

State Legislative earmark - $33 million

Project Delivery/Contract Method

DBF (design-build-finance)

Private Partner


Project Advisors/Consultants

Not available




Phase 1A construction began February 2008; electronic tolling began December 2008 (northbound lanes). Phase 1B construction began summer 2008; electronic tolling began January 2010 (southbound lanes). Cross-county express bus service by Broward County Transit began January 2010. Phase 2 construction began November 2011 and is expected to reach completion in 2014.

Financial Status

Closed. The final payment to the contractor is scheduled for Spring 2013 (for Phase 1A and 1B).


  • One of six cities to receive federal funding through USDOT's Urban Partnerships and Congestion Reduction Demonstration programs
  • First implementation of priced managed lanes in Florida
  • Second project in the U.S. to increase occupancy requirements for HOV lane users (HOV 2+ to HOV 3+) to ensure the lanes will remain free-flowing and to create some excess capacity for priced vehicles

Related Links/Articles

95 Express Website

USDOT Miami UPA Website


Javier Rodriguez, P.E.
TSM&O Program Engineer
Florida Department of Transportation
Tel: (305) 640-7307

Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
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