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Project Profiles

Foothill/Eastern and San Joaquin Toll Roads - Orange County, California


Orange County, California

Project Sponsor / Borrower

Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA)

Program Areas

Project FinanceP3Revenue - Non-Road Pricing Revenue


Toll Road


In 1986, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency and the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency were formed as public joint-powers agencies to manage financing, construction, and operations of several proposed roads in Orange County. In 1987, Senate Bill 1413 was passed by the California State Legislature, giving the Transportation Corridor Agencies the authority to construct toll facilities and to issue non-recourse bonds backed by future toll revenues and development impact fees. The Foothills Corridor, Eastern Corridor, and San Joaquin Toll Roads began construction in 1993 in order to mitigate congestion along the I-5 and I-405 corridors and to accommodate the major population development boom in Orange County, California.

Today, the TCA are a joint powers authority consisting of two agencies: the San Joaquin Transportation Corridor Agency (SJHTCA), which manages and operates the 73 Toll Road and the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency (F/ETCA) which manages and operates the 133, 241 and 261 Toll Roads. The TCA facilities provide a substantial enhancement to the Orange County transportation network. The 73 Toll Road is a 12-mile, 8-lane facility running parallel to Interstate 5 in the southern portion of the county. The 241 Toll Road is a 24.5-mile facility that runs along the northern portion of the county with 4 to 6 lanes along its length, providing a connection to SR 91. The 133 and 261 Toll Roads provide north-south connections between Interstate 5 and the 241 Toll Road. The 133 Toll Road is 8 miles long with 6 lanes, while the 261 Toll Road is 6 miles long with 5 lanes.

The TCA charges developers of certain residential and commercial properties a one-time development fee, contributing towards the construction costs of the transportation facilities. Residential developments are charged a flat fee per unit, while commercial developments are charged per square foot of new buildings. Residential fees are dependent on several factors including fee zone (two zones for SJHTC and F/ETC each based on proximity to the roadways) and the nature of housing (single family vs. multifamily). The fee rate schedule increases each year on July 1 by 2.667% for SJHTCA and 2.206% for F/ETCA.

The development fees were crucial in providing seed capital for the early stages of the roads, especially during the environmental review and design periods. The development fees were successful due to the high level of new development in Orange County in the 1990s and through the mid-2000s. Although revenues from development fees dropped with the 2008 recession, local officials have modified their application, allowing developers to pay the fee upon the completion of a project rather than making it contingent on the issuance of a building permit.


$1.456 billion - San Joaquin Hills TCA

$1.808 billion - Foothills/Eastern TCA

Funding Sources

SJHTCA: $1.456 billion

  • Senior-lien Revenue Bonds - $1,079 billion
  • Junior-lien Revenue Bonds - $91 million
  • Project Revenue Certificates - $38 million
  • Advanced-funded Development Impact Fees - $31 million
  • California Transportation Commission Grant - $40 million
  • State and Local Transportation Partnership Program - $71 million
  • Interest Earnings - $106 million

F/ETCA: $1.808 billion

  • Fixed Rate Bond Proceeds - $1.263 billion
  • Variable Rate Bond Proceeds - $246 million
  • State and Local Transportation Partnership Program - $35 million
  • Project Revenue Certificates - $24 million
  • 1993 Bond Funds - $36 million
  • TCA Contribution - $6 million
  • Interest Earnings - $198 million

Project Delivery / Contract Method


Private Partner

SJHTCA: Kiewit Corporation

F/ETCA: Flatiron Construction Corporation

Project Advisors / Consultants

Not available



Duration / Status

F/ETCA: 1st segment opened in 1993 with final completion in 1998.

SJHTCA: Completed in 1996

Financial Status / Financial Performance



  • The toll roads have relied upon development impact fees to supplement toll revenues.

Related Links / Articles

Transportation Corridor Agencies

FHWA Initial Funding Breakdown


Lori Olin
Communications and Public Affairs
Tel: (949) 285-3856

Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
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