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Successful Practices for P3s: A Review of What Works When Delivering Transportation Via Public-Private Partnerships ››

Report Cover

This report identifies best practices in the use of public-private partnerships (P3) where private sector concession companies design build finance operate and maintain new highways and other transportation improvements. The report was prepared by the United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) to describe how public agencies can best work with the private sector to implement new transportation improvements. The report also supports the mission of U.S. DOT's newly established National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau (the Bureau), which is to promote best practices in innovative finance and the use of P3s to deliver transportation improvements. The report documents successful practices that have emerged in the U.S. P3 market since the early 1990s, together with the important issues they address. As these practices continue to evolve, the document captures the current state of knowledge.

The information in the report was developed from interviews and discussions with P3 practitioners from both the public and private sectors, complimented by publicly available reports and articles. The report is intended to be helpful to all transportation professionals involved in any way with P3 projects, as well as legislative advisors and public policy professionals. The document is organized around the following phases in implementing and operating P3 projects: legislation and policy, project development, procurement, and performance monitoring and oversight.

View the Report (March 2016)

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