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Official Rulings

The MUTCD Official Rulings is a resource that allows web site visitors to obtain information about requests for changes, experiments, and interpretations related to the MUTCD that have been received by the FHWA. The current status of experiments, as well as any contact information for the requestor that has been made a part of the public record, is also available. Web site visitors should keep in mind that this resource is currently a work in progress. The FHWA is still in the process of adding some of the older official requests for Parts 2 and 6.

 [such as "2-125" or "4(09)-27"]  

Notes on how to search the Official Rulings database: The search function allows web site visitors to limit the number of Official Requests that will be listed on the next page to only those of particular interest to the visitor. All of the search parameters are initially set to the default "All" setting. If the default settings are not altered before clicking on the search button, the next page will show every request, which amounts to thousands of records. Setting one or more of the parameters to something other than "All" will limit the search. Multiple selections may be made for each parameter by holding down the "control" key on the keyboard. There is no upper limit to the number of multiple selections that can be made for a parameter. The multiple selections are set to an "or" condition; for example, if "Part 4" and "Part 8" are both selected, the search will show all requests that are associated either with Part 4 or with Part 8. The "Keywords" parameter is the only parameter that can be changed to an "and" condition, which is done by checking the box to the right of the column. If "Bikes" and "Regulatory Signs" are both selected and the "and" condition box is checked, the search will show only requests that have both of those keywords associated with the record.