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Did you know that traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for American teens? And when it comes to distracted driving, young people are among the most likely to text and talk behind the wheel.

Don't become a statistic. Here's how you can keep yourself and others safe when you're out on the road:

Take the Pledge
Commit to being a safe, distraction-free driver. Print out the pledge form, fill it in, and keep it in your car or locker as a reminder to stay off the phone when you're driving.
Be Seen
Share a "Faces of Distracted Driving" video on Facebook or Twitter to let your friends know about the consequences of cell phone use behind the wheel. Change your social networking profile picture to remind your friends that "One Text or Call Could Wreck It All."
Speak Up
Don't stop at being a great driver - be a great passenger! Make sure to call out your friends, and even your parents, if you see them using a cell phone behind the wheel.
Spread the Word
Get involved in promoting safe driving in your community. Hang up posters, host an event on distracted driving, or start a SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) chapter at your school.

PSAs & Videos

  • Emoji (:30)
  • Manifesto (:30)
  • Impact Tyler Story (:30)
  • Liz Marks (:30)
  • OMG!
  • OMG! (Meteor)

For more short clips on distracted driving to share with others, please visit our YouTube channel.

Pledge Form


Facebook & Twitter Avatars


Social Media Posts


Some of these materials are available in Spanish to support your outreach, education, and awareness efforts. Click here to see the Spanish versions.