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Young kids shouldn't be using language like that.
+xXMist FawkesXx , why not try to put together a coherent statement regarding what it is you dislike about the President, can you do it?
 Bet you can't.
 Also, this isn't even a post about the President you just cursed at.
Someone who comes up with crazy stories is insane they need a Brain surgery something definitely wrong with their Head they must hear voices in their Head they need psychological help. They must think All kind's weird & crazy s*** in their head.
Hey! Cipher TheDemonLord what an idiotic name, guess u busted your putrid little brain coming up with such nonsense, fking maggot.
What was that about coherent statements?
Hes black
+xXMist FawkesXx​ and? Pathetic coming from you...someone using a fake name and.not showing his face. How bout you ball up and show who you are so others can judge you based on what you look like. Coward.

P.S. "hes" isn't a word.
I'd rather my community partner with local investors to build the rail line. Federal government(macro) should be focused on paying off the debt and fully restoring the Bill of Rights. 
Dude im just bored as fuck, the reason i hate Obama is because he put us even more into debt, he's an evil moneygrabber, and last but not least, hes black
+xXMist FawkesXx​​ well that just proved you're an idiot. No President spends money, Congress does. His administration has cut their budget deficit to more than half of what it was under Bush. Educate yourself...unless you enjoy the luxury of ignorance and mom's basement.

What does him being black have to do with it? Evolve already loser.
Im sorry im too inferior to "evolve" i need to be a level 40
+Kahil Nettleton You go FUCK YOURSELF ,pathetic loser , how about you grow a set of balls to start with. Then you can stop judging people who scare you . POS Coward . 
Sometimes it is a snake in the bag that will come in handy
+Clif McBee who's scared of a cowardly internet troll? No one. All talk. So...I call out someone for judging others based on their race and I'm the judgy one? Classic. The bigots and racists feel persecuted against because they can't get away with persecuting others anymore. Boo...hoo...
Those fellas on the left are brother ironworkers! Solidarity 
+Kahil Nettleton if your not scared why do you attack ?
Call names ?
XxMist FawkesXx just said Fuck Obama ,how is that judging others ? How is that cowardly ?
They did not come on here and start attacking you ,you did . You are the cowardly troll afraid of the boogie man that doesn't show his face .
You are the bigoted racist with No BALLS on here crying ,"mommy he wont show me his face,I'm scared ."
All these trips all over the world first lady and family take are really done by Congress right .
Call others idiot makes you so big and smart then why attack someone ?
Because you are a bigger POS COWARD still on moms tit and young kids scare you . You da' loser .

+Clif McBee​ I didn't attack, I called him out for being racist. What's wrong, he can dish it but not take it?

What was his second comment? "He's black". How is that not racist? Are you delusional?

There it is... I call out someone for literally being racist and that apparently makes me the racist. #logicfail

Members of Congress passed the budget that the administration uses. Crack a book.

Funny how you chose to ignore that he said he hated Obama because he is black...twice. Reading comprehension, look into it.

No one is afraid of you. Aim higher kiddo.
You are stupid ,it was the third thing he said and it was the third part of his answer to a question .
You are who calls him names and labels him yet you do not really know him so yes that makes you a racist and a POS that #FAILS logic .
Crack a book and answer the question about the first lady . Not avoid with deflection.
Reading comprehension is not your strong point i see young man .
Go back and read it again before you point fingers and do it right this time .
Black was not his only reason ,he had other reasons too.
Funny how you ignore that you attack him and say "no president spends money bla bla bla " then defend your own racism with the lame ass bullshit about he calls him black so that means i am not a racist!
Yea right , then say i can't read . You fucked up in the head thinking your crap is invisible. That is what males you the POS punkass LIER .
You might fool yourself but you ane not fooling this kiddo .
Read this,Go Fuck Yourself
Then try again punk ,make my day ,i been looking for someone's cheerios to piss in .

+Clif McBee Newsflash kid. When someone makes a racist comment, that makes them...wait for it...a racist. Kinda how it works.

You didn't ask a question. You made a statement. Questions end with a question mark. That's grade school grammar. No one deflected. That rhetoric was proven to be bullshit when compared to every other modern first lady. /smh

Yeah....pretty sure you don't know what reading comprehension even is.

Care to cite anything I said about someone else's race? You can't.

Holy incoherent sentences Batman!

That's what males me a lier? You mean "make" and "lier" isn't a word. Why? Because English.

Seriously, put your back into it.
Obama, the CIA stooge behind the mass shooting hoaxes. 
F--- your fake shootings. No confidence vote in Traitor-in-thief Obama.
+Kahil Nettleton
racism ; ...the belief that a particular race is inherently superior .
If this is not you then why do you attack ,i mean call out someone,
Racism towards others is not just calling others black or white .
You try to hide your racism but you can't.
You believe you are superior to the other person based on your characterization of his behaviors.
Text book definition of racism .
Your logic is what fails .
You think your racism is invisible.

You still not answer why you afraid of him . It's him you attacked . Or called out as you label it .
Why do you call him a idiot and pathetic and no balls ? All that because he said he don't like the preident because he is black.
You call him out for judging others but it's OK for you to judge him based on your characterization of him .
Why do you feel the need to smack down or chastise this boy ? I think it is because you are the bigotted racist that must prove his superiority over young people .
Or you attack because you are the internet police keeping everyone politically correct ?
Talk about a cry baby,he is a kid ,your not .

Why are liberals so infatuated with trains? I like trains, but whatever.

We're Americans. We drive and we fly. Sure, restore some trains if it makes you feel better.

Especially, if we can't even afford to build real train service. Like Europe or Asia.

Who here takes Amtrack on a regular basis? I bet you only live in about 5 cities on the East coast Acela line. Raise your hands.

Otherwise, it's a novelty.

+Samuel Teter "liberals are infatuated with trains" ? what the hell? I think you are infatuated with what you think liberals are infatuated with.
"Who here takes Amtrack on a regular basis? I bet you only live in about 5 cities on the East coast Acela line. Raise your hands"
That's a chicken and egg thing. If Amtrak went more places, people would use it more. The longer Amtrak runs are akin to Greyhound bus routes or plane routes, most people don't use them because they don't have a need to. For shorter runs, if they are on a commute route, people will take them.
For some parts of the US, cities are spread out enough so it's not too feasible, but there would definitely be demand for a fast train from SF to LA . Trains can take more people than  a plane and go faster than a car without hitting traffic.

+Samuel Teter
+Chris Stehlik We here in Texas are just starting to experiment with commuter trains. I can only hope we do better than  the rest of the country and I still have my fingers crosses for the hyper loop.
Basic economics, if you ask me. When demand increases it will become more

Until then we'll just have to wait.

I'm glad that Denver will finally be getting commuter train service to DIA
next year (about $6 billion over-budget). Nonetheless, I'm all for trains.
But let's start by putting them where they need to be.
+Clif McBee First, if you expect a reply, then learn to actually tag someone.

Again, cite anywhere I said anything about someone's race. I'll wait. Let me stop you there because you can't. I called him out for making a racist comment.

Cafe to cite where I said I was superior to him? Even if I did, that still isn't racism. Seriously kid, don't use the big words, they'll only confuse you.

I never said I was afraid of him. There is nothing to be afraid of. He's just a kid on the internet spitting off racist comments while using a fake profile. Why? Because he doesn't have the balls to actually own up to his have and racism. It's that simple. That's what happens when you use fake profiles. If his profile showed him as an adult, then that would only make his immaturity and racism that much more pathetic.

You make it sound as though him being racist isn't something to detest in another human being. /smh

Yes, that's the whole point! If he is going to be hateful and judge someone because of the color of their skin, then they should expect to be judged on that behavior! You keep using fallacy arguments. You're claiming that I'm the bad guy for calling him out for being racist. That's like claiming you're being discriminated against because you legally can't discriminate. Wow...

You donget that young people aren't a race right? I have nothing against young people. Not once have I stated as such. I called him a kiddo because he is being naive and childish, as are you.

Politically correct? Nothing here has been discussed on that topic. Do you even know what that term means? Clearly not.

Your and you're aren't the same words.

Stop making excuses for him. He can defend his racism himself if he wants to. In the end he chose to make a public comment asserting his racism before anyone went after him on that topic.

Grow up.
+Clif McBee​ Sweet velvet Jesus... Just looked at your profile and you literally have a lost where you claim it is the minorities who have racism for whites and that's the real problem. No wonder you're defending that kid's racist comments. 👏👏👏

Time to block ya. You're a special kind of stupid that can only be tolerated in small radiation.
I want America to develop even better...and God Bless you Sir B.Obama !
Can do, because the Obama EPA isn't happy with our sewer system and refuses to take an 80/20 compromise my water/sewage bills have tripled the last couple years and are only going up. Thanks supreme leader comrade obama
+Kahil Nettleton Wow what a display of ignorance you are fighting. These kids do not know how to put in a sentence their opinions hopefully factually based. I appreciate your decorum and choice of words.
You already know...See you here, "Mr. President." The Vice Mice have the building secure; welkommen!
I was tired of the blue color of my river so the federal government partnered up with me to change it yellow!   #change  
You were saying about flags and racism..?
  Your fag flag looks worse than the Confederate Flag as it's only what 25 or 30 years old..?

  How old is the Confederate Flag..?

  You are a Racist and a Race Baiter

  No one anywhere should be taking you liberal professors seriously...Why tuition keeps rising when the quality of Professors and the Ethics coming out of their racist pie holes is just...utterly at a an all time low point in our History...

  Your ethics suck Mr.Principle
+Daniel Sauvageau Tax exemptions, corporate welfare, profiteering, conspiracy, larceny and corruption of government by congress, for tax dollars has got to end. Back to zero.( linear scale +10.........0.........-10 numbers don't lie people do) Other people's money running out. And contrary to +Jim Bayes "ass-u-me 'tions We (voters) do have the authority to stop the monopolies, quasi-governmental enterprises and lobbying. But bleating heart (emotional) liberal progressives won't allow it. Ask Jim. Or not. 
+Ben Quijada, what makes me "bleating heart (emotional) liberal progressive" and why won't I allow it?  And what is your made up  "ass-u-me 'tions word?

You mentioned nonprofits then suddenly you pivot to including forprofits.
B,b,b... apply the brakes and there is smoke, do nothing and nothing matters. 
+The White House​...I don't know if this is in every State,but " Law Enforcement " has been patrolling every Street from " Miami-Dade County to Palm Beach County" .........¥¥¥¥¥... # Local City's Police/Sheriffs//State Police/Govt Cars/F.B.I/State Government Agencies ~ Dept of Agriculture/Immigration/Local Significant Business Owners and some City Maintenance ~ Utilities Etc,also some Security guard Agencies .................Thank God that they all recognise me from my previous "SECURITY [At a level recognise by the Feds] & Other Affiliations FOR 26 Years. .......They all Blink the Lights at me DAY & NIGHT. ........I am very simple person and this irritates some CERTAIN CLASS OF PEOPLE ON THE BUS;SO THEY SOMETIMES CONFRONT MR ON THE BUS" .......or for example at the Washouse,like few days ago a " POLICEMAN'S MOTHER [ISLANDS] cursed me out and then was waiting fir me when I left The Washouse......¥¥¥¥¥¥.... There are some BAD PEOPLE & PRIVATE CITIZENS........¥¥¥¥....... Be Aware that they try to BLEND IN among the "LAW Enforcement Officials PATROLS "...........cause they have # BLACK CARS ALSO.........¥¥¥¥¥ . .... .CAN YOU PLEASE HAVE THE SHERIFFS ON ALL THE BUSES......¥¥....=.# YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENED IN ROANOKE,VIRGINIA ~ DISGRUNTLEMENT ~ .........¥¥¥¥¥ ........THANK YOU,SIR,FOR THE OFFICIALS AROUND ME 24-HRS........AND THEY TAKE THEIR JOBS SERIOUSLY
Wendy James 
Questions, questions, questions? LMAO 
+Ben Quijada, progress, progress, progress. Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha 
Okay the loony bins have taken over the asylum. MUTED
He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does. He will destroy powerful leaders and devastate the holy people. daniel 8
Hi how ar you all i'm from Bosnia and herzegovina and my dream is come in USA and live work how i cent get green card i live alone 
Help me to wrap up my dream in a reality!
Hello the president of America Barack Obama!!
I address to your magnanimity with the request to carry out my dream!.
I do not ask you To present me the AMERICAN PASSPORT. 
I ask you to present ONLY to me green card, pleasssssse/
I have fallen in love with America!
I am a excellent guy with expectations of me higher than Empire State Building !!
I shall become successful! And when newspapers will take I have interview. I shall tell it, that without you I have anything it would not turn out. I look forward to your positive response .!!

Have a good Day Barack Obama!
Yours faithfully Baruch.
Well, I got no photos of what I done, Most of the time I feel on the run, We'll play nine when you are through, do want to involve you with shit on my shoe

Michael Sr,
Hi Sir, I was wondering if putting solar inside a reactor would create more efficiency in energy?
that probably wouldn't work but the water that cools the reactor probably comes out hot, so they might be able to create energy from the hot water, like geo thermal energy.
Please follow me on Google Plus
Hello To +The White House​ Please Follow me on GOOGLE PLUS; I think I have Developed FREE ENERGY, FREE ELECTRICITY SOLUTIONS, etc. On my Google Plus Page, please click the word "Collections" near the Top of the Page. Then please click-on my COLLECTION entitled "AFRICAN RENEWABLE ENERGY & SELF-SUSTAINABILITY". Please Read all Posts, and Watch all Videos in that Collection. Please also have the PHYSICISTS and ENGINEERS of the White House Office Of Science And Technology Policy also Read, Watch etc., all of the Information in my Collection, and CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITIES. Briefly my Ideas for FREE ENERGY, FREE ELECTRICITY etc., involve The Sun, Fresnel Lenses, Nitinol Engines, among other things. This is 9/16/15 and yesterday I also left you messages about this. THANK YOU FOR DOING AN EXCELLENT JOB.
  One drop of the Warrior Blood touches the Earth...It's your fault..So much for all the stupid crap that's come out of your admins pie hole

What is racism and why is present I the earth? This is the question that non racist people ask. People that are not that way and are completely ignorant to it wonder. Why it is the one human being is against another having the same rights as another. I feel that there are many reason for this being this way. First, they are raised by parents that have a long line of people that are that way. Second, they are in an environment where everyone is racist and they become that way. Third, it may just be due to ignorance. Fourth, it may because someone from a different ethnicity seriously hurt them.  Finally, it could be because they are from a background of racist people. In any case it creates a major controversy. First, people that are raised around racist family members and friends tend to be racist.  This is because they have developed a bad habit of being racist. This is one that has been developed over the years. The immediate surrounding of people is the initial behaviors that they learn. If a kid is around people that constantly say racist words, the kid learns to say them. The second is that they are in a physical environment where it is common to be racist. They have to adapt to this way so they can get along with others. They may be in a community where everyone is racist. Without being racist in this environment you cannot get by. Third, people may just be ignorant and think that everyone should be less than them. This is just a personality trait from some people. Some people just believe they should have more than others. With the right counseling to can change their thought process. Fourth, the act of racism may be a serious vendetta against a group of people. This is because someone in their ethnicity hurt them really bad. The psychological torture of seeing someone from that ethnicity can make them remember a past experience. Finally, background of people can clearly define if a person is. This is because they may have an occupation where everybody is racist. They are constantly working abound racist people that slow develop a racist tendency within them. 
How to select a topic for a political argument

This is a very controversial issue because there are many good topics to choose from. This is because this is a very broad field to work with.  The first thing is people need to select a topic that they have a wide range of arguments. Second they need a specialized topic where the issues are not too broad to not be able to cover. Finally, an issue that that you can have an argument for or against. They need to select a good topic in order to have a good argument. This is because there needs to a good argument in order to generate interest. It is interest that creates popularity. This will create an interest while you can debate. Being strong within your argument deals with specializing the field. With a broad field of a topic it is much harder to cover all areas of the argument. This makes it so you can specialize your topic. Having an issue that has good and bad for both sides of the argument. This is multiple topics that they can clearly communicate.     
Trolley's, we have many right here in San Francisco. Come take a ride.
How is it possible that there is a new building on Penn Ave that carries 1600? Now we've all been taught that 1600 Penn Ave is the White House and we shouldn't have to worry about it being NW or SW. Please have this changed or the history books will be forever incorrect 
'From the Vault • Barack Obama • SEP 1995'~  Thanks so much for giving this discussion and writing this book. We are seeing a whole new way of the same now...trying to make new beginnings...yet as you have rightly said...'It needs to be worked for' . Blessings ;->
Ciao grazie tutti, am a construction worker I have been work as steel fixer steel bendable 5 years
The trail of tears tells our story pretty well of how the gov. Be an how they act. . . ...
fifa 17
conseguiu uma reunion com o 1º ministro de esrael , tem tudo a ver com o que ocorreu entre 1991 e 1992 trabalhei p/ essas pessoas eu os denunciei na cgu e no conar

The only thing I will vote for at this point is insurrection.


It's time to start killing off conservative greedy republicans. Time to make it too dangerous for some of these thieving tax dodging super rich assholes to stick their heads out of their front doors.

By the way, I voted for you, I really expected more! But I guess you have done your best with the scumbag republicans who have spent ALL their time trying to discredit you instead of performing their elected jobs.

 I will NEVER vote for any republican! Only in America would the republican idiots put up a clown like Trump to run the republicans con game. Frankly, I am a bit surprised no one has tried to punch Trumps ticket, but I guess he's the best entertainment available.

Another disenfranchised disabled Social Security victim senior.
Plz...declare pakistan as a terrorist country as soon as possible 
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