Federal Aviation Administration

PilotWeb Help

Flight Safety NOTAM Help

NOTAM Search by Number Help

Radius Search Help Guide

Flight Path Search Help Guide

The NOTAM Query Subsystem allows users to receive NOTAMs which are generated by the US NOTAM System. Now available are Domestic and International NOTAMs in addition to Military and FDCs. Please refer to "About This Query Subsystem" for more information.

Flight Safety NOTAM Help

Users using this form may select only those NOTAMs they wish to display using the check box provided for each NOTAM and clicking the Display Selected NOTAMs button.

To retrieve a NOTAM:

  1. Enter in the Domestic Location identifier(s)

    For example, if you are interested in Dulles Airport, Washington, DC and San Francisco International, you would enter: IAD SFO into the box provided.

    Note: If there is no Domestic Location ID available for a location you may enter the ICAO ID. For example if you wanted NOTAMs for ALBUQUERQUE INTL ARPT/KIRTLAND AFB enter KIKR .

    Locations should be separated by a space. Up to fifty locations can be entered for this query.

  2. Select "Report" or "Raw" Text Type:

    Report text
    This is the default option. For readability, formatting is performed to expand dates and Q codes. This is the format currently called distribution text.

    Raw text
    This option displays NOTAMs the way they were entered by the originator. No formatting is performed.

  3. Click the "View NOTAMs" button

    The NOTAMWeb system will search the database for the locations specified in option 1 and return all active NOTAMs (Domestic, International, Military, and site specific FDCs)

Error Messages:

  • The following message will be displayed when there are no active NOTAMs for a location covered by the United States NOTAM System:

    No active NOTAMs for this location.

  • The following message will be displayed if a Domestic location id is entered for a location that is not covered by the United States NOTAM System:

    Location not covered by the US NOTAM System.

    Note: The requested Domestic location ID was not found in the US NOTAM System database. Either you mistyped the Domestic location ID or the location does not send NOTAMs to the US NOTAM System. Check FLIP Enroute Supplements for correct ID code, or call the location in question.

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NOTAM Search by Number Help

To retrieve a particular NOTAM:

  1. Enter in the Accountability or Location identifier

    There are many accountabilities associated with a location.
    Dulles Airport, Washington, DC (IAD) has at least 3 accountabilities which use the domestic format NOTAM ID number (mm/nnn): IAD, UAR and USD. Therefore, if you enter IAD and 05/087, you could retrieve 3 or more NOTAMs which will have their identifiers displayed as follows:
    !IAD 05/087 IAD
    !UAR 05/087 IAD
    !USD 05/087 IAD

    • Accountability

      For example, if you are interested in GPS or CARF NOTAM, you would enter that identifier into the box provided.

    • Location

      For example, if you are interested in Dulles Airport, Washington, DC or San Francisco International, you would enter: IAD or SFO into the box provided.

      Note: If there is no Domestic Location ID available for a location you may enter the ICAO ID. For example if you wanted NOTAMs for ALBUQUERQUE INTL ARPT/KIRTLAND AFB enter KIKR .

  2. Enter in the NOTAM #

    If you are entering the id, "A0241/02" put A0241 in the 1st box provided and 02 in the 2nd box provided.

    Note: The NOTAM # must be entered exactly, all leading and trailing zeros are required.

  3. Click the "View NOTAMs" button

    The NOTAMWeb system will search the database for the accountability or location specified in option 1 with NOTAM ID specified in option 2 and return all active NOTAMs that meet that criteria.

Error Messages:

  • The following message will be displayed when there are no active NOTAMs for Request:

    The Record does not exist.

  • Note: The requested NOTAM was not found in the US NOTAM System database. Either you mistyped the acountability/location ID and number or the location does not send NOTAMs to the US NOTAM System.

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Radius Search Help

Welcome to the geographical web page. First time users are encourage to review this help page prior to using the Radius NOTAM search options.

Note: If there is no Domestic Location ID available for a location you may enter the ICAO ID. For example if you wanted NOTAMs for ALBUQUERQUE INTL ARPT/KIRTLAND AFB enter KIKR .

Within the Radius Search web page, there are two options, a Domestic Location Radius Search and a Lat./Long. Radius Search. These options are mutually exclusive, meaning only one type of search can be performed at a time. Below describes default settings and limitations for these two options:

  • Minimum radius is 2 nautical miles.
  • Maximum radius is 500 nautical miles.
  • Default radius is set to 20 nautical miles.
  • Maximum number of locations returned from the database is approximately 380. An error message will ask the user to reduce the radius if this limitation is exceeded. This error message will only occur in densely populated areas where there are numerous airports.
  • You cannot perform a Domestic Location search on locations that do not have two dimensional points such as Center locations i.e. ZDC, ZME etc. An error message will be generated to inform you that a two dimensional location was not entered.
  • The NOTAMs from a Domestic Location Radius Search will be displayed in the following order:
    • The location entered will be the first location on the report.
    • Then Surrounding Airports
    • Navigational Aids
    • ARTCCs/UIRs/FIRs
  • The NOTAMs from a Lat./Long Search will be displayed in the following order:
    • Airports
    • Navigational Aids
    • ARTCCs/UIRs/FIRs

If no locations exist for a particular category, i.e. No Navigational Aids, Special Use Air Space, etc., then that category will be highlighted at the bottom of the report indicating there were no locations found within the specified radius.

Lastly, using a large radius in a area where many airports exist, such as Washington DC or JFK with a large radius, will generate a tremendous amount of NOTAMs, this could amount to several hundred NOTAMs.

Users using this page may select only those NOTAMs they wish to display using the check box provided for each NOTAM and clicking the Display Selected NOTAMs button.

Flight Path Search Help Guide

Welcome to the geographical web page. First time users are encourage to review this help page prior to using the Flight Path NOTAM search options.

Note: If there is no Domestic Location ID available for a location you may enter the ICAO ID. For example if you wanted NOTAMs for ALBUQUERQUE INTL ARPT/KIRTLAND AFB enter KIKR .

The system has the capability to perform Flight Path NOTAM searches for up to 5 locations. You can specify a buffer from 2 to 100 nautical mileson both sides of the flight path. The search includes Enroute Airports and Navigational Aids, ARTCCs/UIRs/FIRs, and Regulatory Notices. Default settings and limitations are described below:

  • All Domestic locations entered in the 'From' fields must be valid and have two dimensional lat./long. boundaries, meaning you cannot enter a Center location such as ZDC because Center locations do not have two dimensional boundaries.
  • You must have a least two valid Domestic locations entered in the 'From' field.
  • Two consecutively entered Domestic locations cannot be identical or share the same lat./long. For example, locations ABQ (ALBUQUERQUE INTL SUNPORT)and KIKR (ALBUQUERQUE INTL ARPT/KIRTLAND AFB) share the same runway facilities therefore they both have identical lat./longs. The system will generate an error if this occurs.
  • The minimum radius is 2 nautical miles and the maximum is 100 nautical miles.

Be patient, based on the radius and number of locations and selected options , the database search could take as long as 30 seconds to a minute. The output generated from a large search could be 30 or more pages of NOTAMs.

Users using this page may select only those NOTAMs they wish to display using the check box provided for each NOTAM and clicking the Display Selected NOTAMs button.