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MUTCDs & Traffic Control Devices Information by State

The 2009 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Edition was published on December 16, 2009. The adopted changes were effective on January 15, 2010. 23 CFR provides the States with a 2-year period from the effective date to adopt the MUTCD. Therefore, by January 15, 2012 States were required to have adopted the National Manual or have a State MUTCD/supplement that is in substantial conformance with the National Manual. The role of our 52 FHWA Division Offices (50 States plus Puerto Rico and Washington D.C.) is to review any State MUTCD or supplement to determine if it is in substantial conformance with the National MUTCD. [23CFR 655.603(b)]

The FHWA's MUTCD Team has compiled information on which States have State MUTCDs or supplements, as shown on the map below.

As an added convenience to MUTCD users, the FHWA MUTCD Team has also compiled information on the States' web sites where electronic documents related to traffic control devices can be accessed. These documents include State MUTCDs; State Supplements to the MUTCD; State policies and practices regarding traffic control devices; State sign/signal/markings manuals, drawings, and catalogs; and State standard drawings ("typicals") for traffic control devices.

Links listed within the individual state information web pages were functional and were as complete as possible as of August 2012. Naturally, the States are constantly updating their documents as well as revising their web sites, so users of the lists of each State's available web information might encounter non-functional links. If that occurs, please contact the applicable State DOT traffic engineering office [list of these contacts] to obtain the needed information, and please ask the State to provide the FHWA MUTCD Team with updated link information so we can keep this page up to date.

Choose a state for their information.

Select a state to retrieve MUTCD information. Rhode Island adopted the national MUTCD Delaware adopted a state MUTCD Connecticut adopted the national MUTCD Washington adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Oregon adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Montana adopted the national MUTCD Nevada adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) California adopted a state MUTCD Arizona adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) New Mexico adopted the national MUTCD Colorado adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Utah adopted the national MUTCD Wyoming adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) North Dakota adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) South Dakota adopted the national MUTCD Nebraska adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Kansas adopted the national MUTCD Minnesota adopted a state MUTCD Iowa adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Texas adopted a state MUTCD Oklahoma adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Missouri adopted a state MUTCD Arkansas adopted the national MUTCD Louisiana adopted the national MUTCD Wisconsin adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Illinois adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Michigan adopted a state MUTCD Indiana adopted a state MUTCD Mississippi adopted the national MUTCD Alabama adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Florida adopted the national MUTCD Idaho adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Georgia adopted the national MUTCD Tennessee adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Ohio adopted a state MUTCD Kentucky adopted the national MUTCD South Carolina adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) North Carolina adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Virginia adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) West Virginia adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Maryland adopted a state MUTCD Pennsylvania adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) New York adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Vermont adopted the national MUTCD Massachusetts adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) New Jersey adopted the national MUTCD Maine adopted the national MUTCD New Hampshire adopted the national MUTCD Alaska adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Hawaii adopted the national MUTCD Puerto Rico adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Washington D.C. adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Delaware adopted a state MUTCD New Jersey adopted the national MUTCD Connecticut Massachusetts adopted the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Rhode Island adopted the national MUTCD Maryland adopted a state MUTCD Adoption of the national MUTCD Adoption of the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Adoption of a State MUTCD Vermont adopted the national MUTCD New Hampshire adopted the national MUTCD

Color red reference Adoption of the national MUTCD Adoption of the national MUTCD
Color blue reference Adoption of the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s) Adoption of the national MUTCD along with a State supplement(s)
Color green reference Adoption of a State MUTCD Adoption of a State MUTCD