U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Roadway Safety Professional Capacity Building Program

Develop Your Plan

This page features information on the fundamental elements of the SHSP process. This is helpful for States that are updating their Strategic Highway Safety Plans (SHSP) or assessing their SHSP development process, and it also provides a reference for professionals new to safety and planning. These elements are described in The Strategic Highway Safety Plan Champion’s Guidebook, Second Edition.

  • New! SHSP Quick Reference Guide: This guide is designed to provide professionals, especially those who are new to the SHSP process, with quick and easy access to the information they need to successfully understand and manage an SHSP.  It provides an overview of the basic elements and requirements of an SHSP, as well as offers helpful resources and links to learn more. The guide also contains practical tips and noteworthy practices from professionals involved in the daily operations of the SHSP process. If it’s too long you can take out the highlighted part. 
  • New! Safety Target Coordination Report: MAP-21/FAST Act regulation require that identical safety targets be set in each State for the common safety performance measures. Additionally, safety targets must be coordinated between State DOTs and MPOs. The SHSP process provides an excellent forum for target setting discussions and coordinatingannual target setting methods with the SHSP multiyear goal setting approach. This report documents best practices identified via interviews and workshops that can help States and MPOs improve coordination on safety target setting.
  • SHSP Overview:  Review SHSP History and Background, Legislative and Regulatory Requirements, Benefits of SHSPs, and the SHSP Cycle.
  • SHSP Fundamentals: Learn about the fundamental elements of a successful SHSP; including Champions, Leadership, Organizational Structure, Safety Partners, Collaboration, and Communication.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Learn about the data driven SHSP process; including Types of Data, Data Integration, Data Collection and Management, Data Analysis, and Data Sharing.
  • SHSP Content: Learn about the elements that should be included in an SHSP; such as Performance Measures, Strategic Goals and Objectives, and Emphasis Areas.

    For assistance with determining emphasis area strategies, you can consult:
  • SHSP Preparation: Learn how the SHSP can be formatted.
  • SHSP Implementation and Evaluation: Review the importance of SHSP Implementation and Evaluation.
  • Resources: Find additional resources for SHSP development, implementation, and evaluation.