U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Research and Technology Agenda


Meeting the Challenge: Safety

High-quality data and useful analysis tools can help transportation professionals make better decisions.


Comprehensive Approach to Safety

High-quality data and useful analysis tools can help transportation professionals make better decisions.

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Developing new designs and technologies can help prevent crashes at intersections as well as the roughly 20 percent of fatalities that result from these crashes.


Intersection Safety

Developing new designs and technologies can help prevent crashes at intersections as well as the roughly 20 percent of fatalities that result from these crashes.

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Keeping roads safe for walking and biking increases transportation options, reduces congestion, and improves the quality of life in American communities.


Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

Keeping roads safe for walking and biking increases transportation options, reduces congestion, and improves the quality of life in American communities.

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Using strategies to reduce speed-related crashes can help keep the roads safe for everyone.


Speed-Related Crashes

Using strategies to reduce speed-related crashes can help keep the roads safe for everyone.

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Analyzing roadway crashes and keeping cars on the road could help lower roadway fatalities by 50 percent.


Roadway Departures

Analyzing roadway crashes and keeping cars on the road could help lower roadway fatalities by 50 percent.

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Improving roadway visibility is a critical element of highway safety.



Improving roadway visibility is a critical element of highway safety.

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Improving safety for motorcyclists, some of the most vulnerable roadway users.



Improving safety for motorcyclists, some of the most vulnerable roadway users.

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Improving road design and safety countermeasures to address the unique challenges of rural roads.


Local and Rural Roads

Improving road design and safety countermeasures to address the unique challenges of rural roads.

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Improving our understanding of the ways drivers perceive and use the Nation's roadways.


Human Factors

Improving our understanding of the ways drivers perceive and use the Nation's roadways.

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Program Contact

Monique Evans
FHWA Office of Safety Research and Development
Tel: 202-493-3074
Email: monique.evans@dot.gov


Although tremendous progress has been made to improve highway safety, nearly 33,000 people still die in highway vehicle crashes each year. FHWA is working to prevent deaths and injuries by identifying and analyzing critical road safety issues. The Agency's comprehensive approach uses engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency services to reduce deaths and serious injuries.

FHWA's safety research program addresses the causes of roadway deaths and injuries related to roadway design, construction, and maintenance. The safety research program develops robust data analysis tools that enable transportation professionals to match crash causes with cost-effective countermeasures. With safety resources aimed at targeted safety problems, State and local agencies can deliver significant safety improvements to the public.

Each of the following objectives expands to describe the Safety strategic approach to innovation.

Click here to slide downObjective 1: Support the systematic planning, management, and evaluation of roadway safety.
Click here to slide upObjective 1: Support the systematic planning, management, and evaluation of roadway safety.
Objective 1: Support the systematic planning, management, and evaluation of roadway safety.
Click here to slide downObjective 2: Accelerate the reduction in injury and fatal crashes at intersections.
Click here to slide upObjective 2: Accelerate the reduction in injury and fatal crashes at intersections.
Objective 2: Accelerate the reduction in injury and fatal crashes at intersections.
Click here to slide downObjective 3: Increase pedestrian and bicycle safety and mobility.
Click here to slide upObjective 3: Increase pedestrian and bicycle safety and mobility.
Objective 3: Increase pedestrian and bicycle safety and mobility.
Click here to slide downObjective 4: Provide policy and technical assistance to State and local agencies in reducing speeding-related fatalities, injuries, and crashes.
Click here to slide upObjective 4: Provide policy and technical assistance to State and local agencies in reducing speeding-related fatalities, injuries, and crashes.
Objective 4: Provide policy and technical assistance to State and local agencies in reducing speeding-related fatalities, injuries, and crashes.
Click here to slide downObjective 5: Reduce crashes and fatalities due to roadway departure.
Click here to slide upObjective 5: Reduce crashes and fatalities due to roadway departure.
Objective 5: Reduce crashes and fatalities due to roadway departure.
Click here to slide downObjective 6: Improve the visibility on and along the roadway and of traffic control devices.
Click here to slide upObjective 6: Improve the visibility on and along the roadway and of traffic control devices.
Objective 6: Improve the visibility on and along the roadway and of traffic control devices.
Click here to slide downObjective 7: Reduce motorcycle crashes and fatalities.
Click here to slide upObjective 7: Reduce motorcycle crashes and fatalities.
Objective 7: Reduce motorcycle crashes and fatalities.
Click here to slide downObjective 8: Reduce fatalities and serious injuries on local and rural roads.
Click here to slide upObjective 8: Reduce fatalities and serious injuries on local and rural roads.
Objective 8: Reduce fatalities and serious injuries on local and rural roads.
Click here to slide downObjective 9: Improve the understanding of how road users perceive, process, and respond to the roadway environment to inform better roadway design, construction, repair, and improvement processes.
Click here to slide upObjective 9: Improve the understanding of how road users perceive, process, and respond to the roadway environment to inform better roadway design, construction, repair, and improvement processes.
Objective 9: Improve the understanding of how road users perceive, process, and respond to the roadway environment to inform better roadway design, construction, repair, and improvement processes.


Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101