(User Guide)

(Data is updated every 3 minutes - Page automatically refreshes every 2 minutes)

PRN        Satellite PRN number
TOVF       Time of Validity for WAAS Fast correction (GPS Time of Week in seconds)
UDREI      User Differential Range Error Index (0 – 15)
UDRE       User Differential Range Error (meters)
PRCF       Fast Pseudorange Correction + Range-Rate Correction (meters)
CLKL       Satellite Clock offset Long correction (meters)
NM         WAAS Not Monitored satellite status (0 = Monitored, 1 = Not Monitored) 
DNU        WAAS Do Not Use satellite status (0 = Usable, 1 = Not Usable)
TOVL       Time of Validity for WAAS Long correction (GPS Time of Week in seconds)
XLC        X-axis Satellite Long term Ephemeris correction in WGS-84 ECEF (meters)
YLC        Y-axis Satellite Long term Ephemeris correction in WGS-84 ECEF (meters)
ZLC        Z-axis Satellite Long term Ephemeris correction in WGS-84 ECEF (meters)
EPHML      WAAS SV Ephemeris position correction along the SV to normal user line of sight vector (meters)
WAASCORR   WAAS SV Range correction along the SV to normal user line of sight vector  (meters)
IODE       WAAS Issue of Data Ephemeris for Satellite Long term Ephemeris correction
TOA        Time of Applicability for Satellite Long term correction (seconds of day)
VC         Velocity Code status of Satellite Long term correction Rates (1 = Available)
LAT        Latitude of satellite over Earth's surface
LONG       Longitude of satellite over Earth's surface