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1992 U.S. Study Tour of European Concrete Highways

Front Cover


The objective of this research project was to update Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA), Office of International Programs' (OIP) document, entitled, Acquiring Highway Transportation Information from Abroad: Handbook (Publication No. FHWA-PL-95-011[B]), which was developed out of the FHWA International Technology Scanning Program, and was published in November 1994.

The intent of the revised document is to provide for the highway transportation professional, a guide to aid in identifying principally non-U.S., as well as key U.S. highway transportation information sources and document acquisition services. Topics include: (1) highway transportation libraries, information, and research centers; (2) websites; (3) document delivery vendors, lenders, and clearinghouses; (4) bibliographic and non-bibliographic databases; and (5) highway transportation associations, organizations, and other professional societies.

The information is this report should be of interest to domestic and foreign highway transportation professionals; as well as academicians, applied researchers, and administrative officials in the highway transportation arena; and transportation information library specialists. The Guides are also useful for civil engineers or other professionals in highway construction, operations, and materials; as well as highway safety and human factors engineers; psychologists; and social scientists.

Copies of this report can be obtained through the FHWA Research and Technology Report Center, 9701 Philadelphia Court, Unit Q, Lanham, Maryland 20706, telephone: (301) 577-0818, fax: (301) 577-1421, or the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia, 22161, telephone: (703) 487-4650, fax: (703) 321-8547. The report is also available on FHWA's website at www.international.fhwa.dot.gov.


This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.

The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein only because they are considered essential to the object of this document.

Technical Report Documentation Page

1. Report No.


2. Government Accession No.

3. Recipient's Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle



5. Report Date

March 2001

6. Performing Organization Code


7. Author(s)

Lawrence E. Decina and Kathy H. Lococo*

8. Performing Organization Report No.

9. Performing Organization Name and Address

The Scientex Corporation

Transportation Safety Division

P.O. Box 1367, 1722 Sumneytown Pike

Kulpsville, PA 19443

10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
11. Contract or Grant No.


12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

Office of International Programs

Federal Highway Administration

400 Seventh Street, S.W., Room 3325 (HPI-10)

Washington, D.C. 20590

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Final Report

Sept.1999 - March 2001

14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

Work performed under subcontracting agreement with American Trade Initiatives, Inc., Alexandria, VA 22306-8228, 703-780-3428, Joseph N. Conn, Vice President.

* Authors currently with TransAnalytics, LLC, P.O. Box 328, Kulpsville, PA 19443, 866-650-5380, ledecina@transanalytics.com

16. Abstract

This final report is a compilation of a multi-volume set of Guides that provides highway transportation information resources for domestic and international professionals. The Guides are useful for the traffic engineer, transportation planner, and intelligent transportation systems specialist, as well as academics, applied researchers, administrative officials, and highway transportation information and library professionals. The Guides are also useful for civil engineers or other professionals in highway construction, operations, and materials; as well as highway safety and human factors engineers; psychologists; and social scientists.

Information sources for member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and other selected countries are included in the Guides. The list of countries includes: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States. This document is organized by chapters that correspond to each of the volumes in the set; each volume is available as a stand-alone document that is available on FHWA's website (www.international.fhwa.dot.gov). The volumes incorporated into this document are as follows: Volume 1 - Highway Transportation Libraries and Information Centers; Volume 2 - Websites; Volume 3 - Document Delivery Suppliers; Volume 4 - Bibliographic and Non-Bibliographic Database Producers; and Volume 5 - Highway Transportation Associations, Organizations, and Other Professional Societies.

17. Key Words

highway transportation, international resource guide, libraries, information, research centers, websites, database producers, highway transportation associations, organizations, professional societies

18. Distribution Statement

No restrictions. This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.

19. Security Classif. (of this report)


20. Security Classif. (of this page)


21. No. of Pages


22. Price

Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized


Section Page



Argentina 5

Australia 7

Austria 19

Belgium 23

Brazil 27

Canada 28

Chile 35

Czech Republic 36

Denmark 38

Finland 42

France 44

Germany 49

Greece 54

Hungary 57

Iceland 59

Ireland 61

Italy 62

Japan 74

Luxemburg 79

Mexico 80

Netherlands 82

New Zealand 87

Norway 91

Poland 93

Portugal 96

South Africa 97

South Korea 99

Spain 100

Sweden 104

Switzerland 108

Turkey 111

United Kingdom 113

United States of America 115

Argentina 137

Australia 138

Austria 139

Belgium 140

Brazil 141

Canada 142

Chile 143

Czech Republic 144

Denmark 145

Finland 147

France 148

Germany 149

Greece 150

Hungary 151

Iceland 152

Ireland 153

Italy 154

Japan 155

Luxemburg 157

Mexico 158

Netherlands 159

New Zealand 161

Norway 163

Poland 165

Portugal 166

South Africa 167

South Korea 168

Spain 169

Sweden 170

Switzerland 172

Turkey 173

United Kingdom 174

United States of America 175

Worldwide Organizations 183


Section Page


American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 187

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 188

ARRB Transport Research, Ltd. 189

Bell and Howell Information and Learning 190

British Library Document Supply Centre 191

Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI) 192

Delft University of Technology Library 193

Dialog Corporation 194

Elsevier Science, Inc. (Pergamon Press) 195

Engineering Information, Inc. 196

European Information Network Services (EINS) (QUESTORDER) 197

Fachinformationszentrum (FIZ) Karlsruhe 198

Institut de l'Information Scientifique Technique (INIST) Diffusion 199

Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) 200

Institute of Transportation Studies Library, University of California, Berkeley 201

Japan Information Center for Science and Technology Corporation (JICST) 202

National Technical Information Service (NTIS) 203

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International 204

STN International 205

Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) 206

Transportation Library, Document Delivery Service,

Northwestern University Library 207

Transportation Research Board (TRB) 208

The Uncover Company 209

United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT)

National Transportation Library 210

Universitatsbibliothek und Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) 211


Service Providers 213

ANTE (Abstracts in New Technologies and Engineering) 214

Ei Compendex 215

Encyclopedia of Associations 216


IRTAD (International Road Traffic and Accident Database) 218

ITRD (International Transport Research Documentation) 219

JICST-EPlus (Japanese Science and Technology) 220


Section Page


NTIS (National Technical Information Service) 221


PATH (Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways) 223

PsycINFO 224


SIGLE (System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe) 226

Sociological Abstracts 227

TAC (Transportation Association of Canada) 228


TRIS (Transportation Research Information Services) 230

USDOT/BTS (U.S. Department of Transportation/Bureau of Transportation Statistics) 231

USDOT/FHWA (U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration) 232



AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety 233

Advocates for Highway Auto Safety (AHAS) 233

Alliance for Traffic Safety (ATS) 233

American Academy of Safety Education (AASE) 233

American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) 233

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 234

American Automobile Association (AAA) 234

American Concrete Institute International (ACI) 234

American Driver and Traffic Safety Association (ADTSEA) 234

American Highway Users Alliance 234

American Public Works Association (APWA) 235

American Road and Transportation Association (ARTA) 235

American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) 235

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 235

American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE) 236

American Society of Transportation and Logistics (ASTL) 236

American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) 236

Andean Association of International Highway Transportation 236

Arab Roads Association (ARA) 237

Argentina Center of Road Technology Transfer 237

ARRB Transport Research (ARRB) 237

Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM) 237

Association of African Road Directors (AARD) 237


Section Page



Association of Industrial Road Safety Officers 238

Association of Road Traffic Safety and Management (ARTSM) 238

Australian Automobile Association (AAA) 238

Austrian Automobile Touring and Motorcycle Club (OATMC) 238

Automobilclub von Deutschland (AvD) 239

Automovil Club Argentino (ACA) 239

Bicycle Transportation Action (BTA) 239

British Road Federation (BRF) 239

Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) 240

Canadian Institute of Traffic and Transportation (CITT ICTT) 240

Eno Transportation Foundation (ETF) 240

European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) 240

Icelandic Automobile Association (IAA FIB) 240

Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers (IHIE) 241

Institute of Highways and Transportation (IHT) 241

Institute of Road Transport Engineers (IRTE) 241

Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) 241

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) 241

Intelligent Transport Systems Europe (ERTICO) 242

Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) 242

Inter-American Safety Council (IASC) 242

International Automobile Federation (FIA) 242

International Bicycle Fund (IBF) 243

International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) 243

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 243

International Road Federation (IRF) 243

International Safety Council (ISC) 243

International Union of Technical Associations and Organizations (UATI) 244

Japan Road Contractors Association 244

Motorist Information and Services Association (MISA) 244

National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) 244

National Association of Governors' Highway Safety Representatives (NAGHSR) 245

National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders (NAWHSL) 245

National Commission Against Drunk Driving (NCADD) 245

National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances (NCUTLO) 246

National Motorists Association (NMA) 246

National Research Council (NRC) 246


Section Page



National Safety Council 246

North American Professional Driver Education Association (NAPDEA) 247

Operation Lifesaver 247

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 247

Partners for Highway Safety Foundation 247

Pedestrians' Association 247

Road Information Program (TRIP) 247

Roadway Safety Foundation (RSF) 248

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International 248

South African Road Federation (SARF SAPF) 248

Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) 248

Transportation Research Board (TRB) 249

Vehicle, Road, and Traffic Intelligence Society (VERTIS) 249

World Road Association (PIARC) - England 249

World Road Association (PIARC) - France (WRA AIPCR) 250



In November 1994, a Handbook (Publication No. FHWA-PL-95-011[B]) was produced as a companion document to the final report developed under FHWA Contract DTFH61-93-C-00035, entitled "Acquiring Highway Transportation from Abroad." The purpose of the Acquiring Highway Transportation from Abroad: Handbook was to provide reference sources for identifying and acquiring foreign and domestic highway transportation information. The Handbook covered the following topics: domestic transportation libraries and information centers; online database vendors; CD-ROM products; document delivery vendors; associations, organizations, and professional societies; foreign highway and transportation research centers; foreign transportation libraries and database contributors; electronic bulletin boards; and selected Internet discussion groups.

The Handbook has been very popular with highway transportation professionals since its publishing in November 1994, and it was recently suggested that the Handbook be reprinted. However, it was speculated that much of the information in the Handbook is outdated. Also, new highway transportation topics have appeared, as well as new subject database products and document acquisition services. In addition, with the advent of the Internet in the last five years, there have been dramatic changes in how people access information, as well as how they send and receive information (e.g., electronic mailing addresses and websites). Thus, a sufficient need to revise this publication was identified.

The goal of the current effort was to produce a highway transportation information resource guide for domestic and international professionals, with an emphasis on extending the coverage for international sources. This Guide will be useful for the traffic engineer or transportation planner, as well as academics, applied researchers, administrative officials, and highway transportation information and library professionals. The Guide will also be useful for civil engineers or other professionals in highway construction, operations, and materials, as well as highway safety and human factors engineers and psychologists, as well as social scientists. Intelligent transportation systems professionals will also find the Guide useful.

Information sources from member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (i.e., Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States); and other selected countries, principally: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and South Africa are included in this Guide. Only key United States sources are included.

This Guide encompasses the five topic areas that have each been produced as a separate volume for this project: (1) highway transportation libraries, information, and research centers; (2) websites; (3) document delivery vendors, lenders, and clearinghouses; (4) bibliographic and non-bibliographic databases; and (5) highway transportation associations, organizations, and other professional societies. A brief description of the methods used to obtain the information included in each volume (corresponding to the major sections of this report) is presented below, along with a description about how the information is presented.

In Volume 1 (the section in this report that lists and describes Highway Transportation Libraries and Information Centers), several research and information search methods were used to identify and collect appropriate information. They include: using telephone, telefax, and electronic mail correspondence with government officials and staff from transportation libraries and information centers; reviewing existing directories of transportation information sources; conducting searches in computerized online and CD-ROM transportation-related subject databases; and conducting comprehensive searches on the Internet using several search engines, as well as accessing transportation information and library-related websites.

Information about each library/information center is displayed in tabular format, one institution per page. Information includes: name of country; name of library/information center (in national language and English); mailing address; telephone and fax numbers; e-mail address; website; contact; coverage (topics covered in library); collection size - titles (i.e., books, reports, monographs, conference proceedings, other literature) and serials (i.e., journals, periodicals, bulletins, newsletters); special collections; and additional information.

In Volume 2 (the section in this report that lists and describes Websites), a list of organizations (native language and English), and their website addresses is provided, with a brief description of the organizations and website content. Some of the websites are currently presented only in the native language of the country where the website is produced. However, many websites include alternate languages, as well, such as English and French, and a few indicate that alternate language versions are being produced. State- and provincial-level transportation departments are not included in this section, nor does this section include libraries with highway transportation departments, as these sites were identified in Volume 1. The information is presented in tabular format by country. Although all websites included in this documents were accessed in April 2000, it is important to note that website addresses are subject to change.

In Volume 3 (the section in this report that lists and describes Document Delivery Suppliers), several research and information search methods were used to identify and collect appropriate information. They include: correspondence with transportation library staff; searching and scanning existing directories of information sources; conducting searches in computerized online and CD-ROM transportation-related subject databases; and conducting comprehensive searches on the Internet using several search engines, as well as accessing information and document vendor and clearinghouse websites. Information about each document delivery supplier is displayed in tabular format, one entity per page. Information includes: name; address; telephone and fax number; e-mail address; website; description of services; average costs per document delivered; and additional information. As a general rule, all of the document delivery suppliers can accommodate several different methods of payment, including deposit accounts, payment upon order, check or money order, credit card, and invoice.

In Volume 4 (the section in this report that lists and describes Bibliographic and Non-Bibliographic Database Producers), several research and information search methods were used to identify and collect appropriate information. They include: correspondence with transportation library staff; searching and scanning existing directories of information sources; conducting searches in computerized online and CD-ROM transportation-related subject databases; and conducting comprehensive searches on the Internet using several search engines. Information about each database is displayed in tabular format, one database per page. Information includes: name, contact/address, telephone, fax, e-mail, website, topics, dates covered, file size, publications covered, update frequency, and availability/access host. Several of these databases are accessible through websites on the Internet. However, many of the databases are only available through subscription to online service providers. These providers have several types of fee options available to meet the needs of users. The Dialog Corporation, STN International, and SilverPlatter Information Ltd. provide online service for the highway transportation and related subject databases that have been identified in this section. SilverPlatter also provides CD-ROM versions of several of the databases listed. The main contacts for these companies are also presented in this section of the Guide.

In Volume 5 (the section in this report that lists and describes Highway Transportation Associations, Organizations, and Other Professional Societies), the focus is on identifying international associations, organizations, and other professional societies that can provide a source of information about research projects, expert and consultant directories, standards and regulations, and calendars of conference events. In developing Volume 5, several research and information search methods were used to identify and collect appropriate information. These included: correspondence with transportation library staff; searching and scanning existing directories of information sources (e.g., Gale Research Inc.'s Encyclopedia of Associations) in computerized online and CD-ROM transportation-related subject databases; and conducting comprehensive searches on the Internet using several search engines and searching in several government and transportation-related web sites. Volume 5 is set up in tabular form with three columns: (1) name of association, organization, or professional society; (2) contact information (i.e., address, phone, fax, email, and URL); and (3) a description of the association, organization, or professional society that includes the mission statement and membership characteristics.

We thank and acknowledge the following individuals for reviewing these Guides: Jeanne F. Thomas, Manager of Information Services, Michigan Department of Transportation; Daniel C. Krummes, Director of Harmer Davis Transportation Library, University of California at Berkeley; Bonnie A. Osif, Engineering Librarian, Pennsylvania State University; and Michael Kleiber, Consultant and Former Director of Harmer Davis Transportation Library.



Name Departamento de Bibliotecas y Publicaciones. Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Department of Libraries and Publications, Faculty of Engineering, National University of La Plata
Address Department of Libraries and Publications, Faculty of Engineering National University of La Plata

Calle 1 y 47

La Plata



Telephone (5421) 833298
Fax (5421) 259471
E-mail bibcentral@volta.ing.unlp.edu.ar
Coverage civil engineering and roads; aeronautics; agriculture; construction; mechanical; metallurgy; hydraulics; electrical and electronics; industrial engineering
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  



Name Direccion Nacional de Vialidad Biblioteca
National Directorate of Roadways Library
Address Diag. Julio A. Roca 738

80 Piso

1104 Buenos Aires, Argentina

Telephone 54 1 343 8521
Fax 54 1 343 8521
Website www.vialidad.gov.ar/indice.html
Contact Cora Llano, Librarian
Coverage Construction, highway planning, soils and materials, maintenance, highway management, traffic engineering.
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information Government library with special collections that include technical publications. Interlibrary loan. Library open to the public.


Name ARRB Transportation Research Ltd.
Address ARRB Transportation Research Ltd.

500 Burwood Highway

Vermont South

Victoria 3133


Telephone 03 9881 1555
Fax 03 9802 5502
E-mail info@arrb.org.au
Website http://www.arrb.org.au/inf_serv/inf_serv.htm
Contact Anne Burke, Interlibrary Loan, 03 9881 1561
Coverage road construction and maintenance; road safety; traffic engineering; intelligent transport systems; transport planning; and transport economics
Collection Size 40,000 titles, 500 serials
Special Collections Maintains comprehensive collection of items published by ARRB, ARRB Transport Research Ltd., National Association of Australian State Road Authorities, and Austroads; and has strong Australian and New Zealand holdings; and large holdings of UK, USA, and Canada reports.
Additional Information Produces ROAD (Australian Road Research Board Database). This electronic database contains over 53,000 records covering all aspects of roads and transport.


Name Federal Office of Road Safety, Department of Transport and Regional Development Library
Address Federal Office of Road Safety

Department of Transport and Regional Development Library

Trace Building, Ground Floor

22 Cooyong St.

Canberra City

GPO Box 594

Canberra, ACT 2601


Telephone 61 2 6274 7614
Fax 61 2 6274 7641
E-mail Library@dotrs.gov.au
Website http://www.dot.gov.au/library/index.htm
Contact Peter Fitzgerald
Coverage transport and transport-related topics
Collection Size 20,000 titles; 1,300 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Main Roads Western Australia
Address Main Roads Western Australia

Waterloo Crescent

P.O. Box 6202

East Perth

Western Australia 6892

Telephone 08 9323 4564
Fax 08 9323 4181
E-mail lana.badenko@mrwa.wa.gov.au
Website www.mrwa.wa.gov.au
Contact Lana Badenko, Library Manager
Coverage road design; construction; planning and maintenance; bridge design; construction and maintenance; pavement design; soil mechanics; road safety; traffic engineering; town planning; and environment
Collection Size 20,000 titles; 250 serials
Special Collections all TRB series
Additional Information  


Name Northern Territory Planning and Development Library
Address Northern Territory Planning and Development Library

38 Cavenagh Street

Darwin NT 0801


Telephone 08 8999 7278
Fax 08 8999 5097
E-mail marie.yeardley@nt.gov.au
Contact Marie Yeardley, Library Manager
Coverage traffic and highway engineering; structural engineering; road, rail, sea and air transport; transport economics; transport policy and planning; management; geotechnical engineering; marine engineering; asset management
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information Formerly named Northern Territory Transport and Works.


Name NRMA Public Affairs Library
Address NRMA Public Affairs Library

Level 26

388 George Street

Sydney, North Southwest 2000


Telephone 02 9292 8208
Fax 02 9292 9311
E-mail gayem@ozemail.com.au
Contact Gaye Miller, Librarian
Coverage road transport and safety; communications; management
Collection Size 2000 titles; 85 serials
Special Collections world road statistics
Additional Information  


Name Queensland Department of Main Roads Central Library
Address Queensland Department of Main Roads Central Library

477 Boundary Street

Spring Hill, Queensland 4004


GPO Box 1412

Brisbane, Queensland 4001


Telephone 07 3834 2310
Fax 07 3834 8012
E-mail library@mainroads.qld.gov.au
Contact Pixie Trimbonias, Reference Librarian
Coverage highway engineering; bridge design and construction; traffic engineering; road safety; urban transport; transport planning and economics; navigation; maritime transport; ports and marine terminals; freight and logistics; aviation
Collection Size 74,000 titles; 2,000 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name RACV Library
Address RACV Library

550 Princes Highway

Noble Park, Victoria 3174


Telephone 03 9790 2919
Fax 03 9790 3054
E-mail joan_corcoran@racv.com.au
Website www.racv.com.au
Contact Joan Corcoran, Manager, Library Services
Coverage traffic safety; traffic engineering; management; marketing
Collection Size 10,000 titles; 200 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Road Safety and Traffic Management Directorate
Address Road Safety and Traffic Management Directorate

P.O. Box K 198

Haymarket, New South Wales 1238


Telephone 61 2 92186210
Fax 61 2 92186639
E-mail CHRIS_FORD@rta.nsw.gov.au
Website http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au
Contact Chris Ford, Director, Graham Hoskin, Librarian
Coverage traffic crashes; highway and traffic safety; vehicles
Collection Size 18,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Roads and Traffic Authority
Address Roads and Traffic Authority

Level 1, 52 Rothschild Avenue

Rosebery, New South Wales 2018


Telephone 02 9662 5065
Fax 02 9662 5059
E-mail library@rta.nsw.gov.au
Contact Graeme Smart, Manager 02 9662 5060
Coverage civil engineering; road construction, bridge construction; traffic engineering; road safety; traffic crash research; motor vehicle design; environment; transport economics; soil mechanics
Collection Size 50,000 monographs; 700 serial titles
Special Collections road safety videos (approximately 1000)
Additional Information  


Name Tasmania Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Transport Library
Address Tasmania Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Transport Library

10 Murray Street

Hobart, Tasmania 7000


Telephone 03 6233 2048
Fax 03 6233 5336
E-mail library@dot.tas.gov.au
Contact Judy Jensen, Librarian
Coverage road and bridge engineering; traffic engineering; road safety; public transport; transport policy; transport planning
Collection Size 11,000 titles; 750 serials
Special Collections large collection of Tasmanian road photographs
Additional Information  


Name VicRoads
Address VicRoads

60 Denmark Street

Kew, Victoria 3101


Telephone 03 9854 2231
Fax 03 9853 0084
E-mail library@vrnotes.roads.vic.gov.au
Contact Iris Whittaker, Manager 03 9854 2447
Coverage road building and maintenance; transport; road safety; engineering
Collection Size 20,000 titles; 400 serials
Special Collections VicRoads publications archives, VicRoads photographic collection
Additional Information  


Name Western Australia Department of Transport Library and Information Service
Address Western Australia Department of Transport Library and Information Service

441 Murray Street

Perth, Western Australia 6000

P.O. Box 7272

Cloisters Square

Perth, Western Australia 6850

Telephone 08 9320 9316
Fax 08 9320 9321
E-mail tyoung@transport.wa.gov.au
Contact Toni Young, Librarian
Coverage road safety; public transport; transport policy and planning (all modes)
Collection Size 9,000 titles; 250 serials
Special collections bikewest library collection; former Transperth library collection
Additional Information  


Name Institut für Transportwirtschaft, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Department of Transport Economics Library, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Address Department of Transport Economics Library, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

Augasse 2-6, A-1090

Wien, Österreich

Telephone 43 1 313 36 4610
Fax 43 1 313 36 716
E-mail ubww@wu-wien.ac.at
Website http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/wwwu/institute/transport/tafel.html
Collection Size 5,000 titles in transport economics library; 730,000 titles and 2,800 serials in main library
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Institut fur Verkehrswesen
Institute for Transport Studies
Address Institute for Transport Studies

Peter Jordanstrasse 82

A-1190 Vienna


Telephone 43 1 476545300
Fax 43 1 476545344
E-mail verkehr@mail.boku.ac.at
Website http://www.boku.ac.at/verkehr
Contact Prof. Dr. Gerd Sammer
Coverage transportation
Collection Size 2,800 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Kuratorium für Verkerhrssicherheit (KfV)
Austrian Road Safety Board
Address Austrian Road Safety Board

Ölzeltgasse 3

A-1031 Vienna


Telephone 43 1 717 70 (ext. 171)
Fax 43 1 717 70 9
E-mail dokumentation@kfv.or.at
Website http://www.kfv.or.at
Contact Karin Haid, Head, Library and Information Services
Coverage all fields of transport and traffic
Collection Size 73,000 titles
Special collections Austrian and international literature; emphasis on traffic psychology; traffic engineering; traffic medicine; traffic education; driver training; driver improvement; vehicle safety and safety campaigns; gray literature and conference proceedings
Additional Information Interlibrary loan services not offered.


Name Technische Universitat Wien, Bibliotheksdirektor der Technischen Universitat Wien
Vienna University of Technology, Technical Library
Address Vienna University of Technology, Technical Library

A-1040 Vienna

Resselgasse 4

A-1040 Austria

Telephone 43 1 58801 44051
Fax 43 1 58801 44099
E-mail kub@novsrv.ub.tuwien.ac.at
Website www.ub.tuwien.ac.at
Contact Hr. Dr. Peter Kubalek, Director of Library
Coverage technical and environmental sciences
Collection Size 1.1 million titles; 5,000 titles on transportation/traffic topics rail
Special Collections  
Additional Information Other transportation collections available at other branch locations on campus, Institutes for Traffic System Planning; Transport Planning and Engineering; Railway Engineering; Traffic Economics and Ropeways.


Name Centre de Recherches Routières (CRR)
Belgian Road Research Center
Address Belgian Road Research Center

Boulevard de la Woluwe, 42

B-1200 Brussels


Telephone 32 2 766 03 20 32 2 766 03 22
Fax 32 2 767 17 80
E-mail brrc@brrc.be P.hubot@brrc.be
Website http://www.brrc.be
Contact Paul Hubot, Librarian 32 2 766 05 20
Coverage road construction and operation
Collection Size 40,000 titles; 30 serials
Special Collections American civil engineering; testing and evaluation; and general scientific journals
Additional Information Provides transportation-related bibliographic citations and abstracts to the IRRD database. Produces a research-in-progress database.


Name Fédération de l'industrie cimentiere belge asbl Federatie van deBelgische cementnijverherd vzw (FEBELCEM)
Federation of the Cement Industry of Belgium
Address Centre National de Recherches Scientifiques et Techniques pour l'Industrie Cimentiere

Rue Voltastraat, 8

B-1050 Brussel


Telephone 32 2 645 52 11
Fax 32 2 640 06 70
E-mail info@febelcom.be
Website www.febelcem.be
Contact Daniel Read
Coverage cement, concrete, roads, buildings
Collection Size 100,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Institut Belge pour la Sécurité Routière (IBSR)
Belgian Road Safety Institute
Address Institut Belge pour la Sécurité Routière

Chaussée de Haecht 1405

B-1130 Brussels


Telephone 32 2 244 15 23
Fax 32 2 216 43 42
E-mail info@IBSR.BE
Website www.IBSR.BE
Contact J. Van Cauwelaert
Coverage crash data; driver behavior; driver education; vehicles; traffic and transport planning; regulation; and mobility
Collection Size 52,000 titles; 170 serials
Special Collections standards
Additional Information Contributes to the IRRD database.


Name Union Internationale des Transports, UITP - Documentation Centre
International Association of Public Transport, UITP Documentation Center and Library
Address International Association of Public Transport - Documentation Center

Herrmann-Debroux 17

B-1160 Brussels


Telephone 32 2 673 6100
Fax 32 2 660 10 72
E-mail thierry.marechal@uitp.com
Website www.uitp.com
Contact Thierry Maréchal, Documentation Centre Manager
Coverage urban and regional public transport
Collection Size 30,000 titles; 300 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name IPT Divisa de Technologia de Transportes, IPT Divisao de Engenharia Civil, Cidade Universitaria, "Armando de Salles Oliveira"
Institute of Technological Transportation, IPT Division of Civil Engineering
Address Institute of Technological Transportation, IPT Division of Civil Engineering

Postal 7141

01064-970 Sao Paulo, SP


Telephone 55 11 2682211
Fax 55 11 8693353
Contact Dr. Claudio M. Wolle, Coordinator, Rosa M.V. Souza Berto, Librarian
Coverage roads; structural engineering; geotechnical engineering; fire prevention; architectural acoustics; building materials, buildings
Collection Size 20,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Canadian Institute of Traffic and Transportation (CITT)
Address Canadian Institute of Traffic and Transportation

National Research Council of Canada

Building M-55, Montreal Road

Ottawa, ON K1A 052


Telephone 1-800-668-1222
Fax 613-952-9112
E-mail cisti.info@nrc.ca
Website www.nrc.ca/cisti
Coverage all engineering topics; science; medicine
Collection Size 50,000 titles; 15,000 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information online catalog internet address < http://cat.cisti.nrc.ca >


Name Ontario Ministry of Transportation Library
Address Ontario Ministry of Transportation Library

2nd Floor North

301 St. Paul St.

St. Catharines, Ontario L2r 7R4


Telephone 905-525-9140 ext. 24143
E-mail zvejniek@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA
Contact Laila Zvejnieks, Reference Librarian
Coverage Ontario Ministry of Transportation publications
Collection Size 2,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Quebec Ministere des Transports. Centre de documentation
Quebec Ministry of Transportation, Documentation Center
Address Quebec Ministry of Transportation

Documentation Center

700 boulevard Rene-Levesque est

21 e etage

Quebec, Quebec G1R 5H1


Telephone 418-643-3578
Fax 418-646-2343
E-mail doc-qtr@mtq.gouv.qc.ca
Contact Donald Blais, Librarian < dblais@mtq.gouv.qc.ca >
Coverage 50,000 titles; 800 serials
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Transport Canada Business Centre, Information & Research Services, Library Services
Address Transport Canada Business Centre, Information & Research Services, Library Services

Place de Ville, Tower C, 15th Floor, ATA

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5


Telephone 613-998-5130
Fax 613-954-4731
E-mail morans@tc.gc.ca
Website www.tc.gc.ca/library/libeng.htm
Contact Shaun Moran, Head Librarian, Ginette Desormeaux, Interlibrary Loan, 613-998-5131 < desormg@tc.gc.ca >
Coverage transportation safety; road safety; transportation policy; marine; air
Collection Size 12,000 Transport Canada publications
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Transport Canada - Ontario Regional Library
Address Transport Canada - Ontario Regional Library

4900 Yonge St., Suite 300

Toronto, Ontario M2N 6A5


Telephone 416-952-0441
Fax 416-952-0440
Contact Eng Ching, Regional Librarian
Coverage transportation, management, aviation, airports
Collection Size 4,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Transportation Development Centre Library
Address Transportation Development Centre Library

800 Rene Levesque Blvd. West, 6th Floor

Montreal, Quebec Province H3B 1X9


Telephone 514-283-0007
Fax 514-283-7158
Website www.tc.gc.ca/TDC/library/library.htm
Contact George Ludgate, Head Librarian < ludgate@tc.gc.ca >

Elaine Joffre, Interlibrary Loan < >`

Coverage transportation technology; accessible transportation; arctic marine transportation
Collection Size 3,000 titles; 10,000 technical reports; 300 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Transportation Information Service, Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)
Address Transportation Association of Canada

Transportation Information Service

2323 St. Laurent Blvd.

Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0G9


Telephone 613-736-1350
Fax 613-736-1395
Website www.tac-atc.ca/resources/index.htm
Coverage transport and traffic planning; geometric design; pavement design transport
Collection Size 15,000 titles; 100 serials (surface transportation only)
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Biblioteca del Departamento de Ingeniera de Transporte, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Library of the Department of Engineering Transportation, Catholic University of Saints, Chile
Address Biblioteca del Departamento de Ingeniera de Transporte, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Vicuna Mackenna 4860



Telephone 56 2 686 5957
Fax 56 2 553 0281
E-mail alebravo@ing.puc.cl
Contact Alejandra Bravo B., Librarian
Coverage transportation engineering; traffic engineering; public transport; transport policy; transport economy
Collection Size 5,500 titles; 68 serials; 150 theses
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Centrum Dopravniho Vyzkumu
Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Transport Research Centre (CDV) Library
Address Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Transport Research Centre Library

Vinohrady 10

P.O. Box 22

639 00 BRNO

Czech Republic

Telephone 420 5 43 21 50 50
Fax 420 5 43 21 12 15
E-mail sismova@cdv.cz
Website www.cdv.cz
Contact Ivana Šišmov
Coverage transport safety; road; urban; public; transport safety; transport planning and policy; transport psychology; transport information databases; transport prognosis and modeling; GIS land use; telematics
Collection Size 700 titles; 56 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Czech Technical University in Prague, The Library of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences
Address Czech Technical University in Prague, The Library of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences

Konviktska 20

110 00 Praha 1

Czech Republic

Telephone 02 2422 1720
Fax 02 2422 9201
E-mail zizkova@fd.cvut.cz
Contact Zizkova Stepanka, Manager
Coverage transportation; transport; traffic problems; management; economy; automatization; logistics; traffic engineering; roads; communication; telecommunication
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Asfaltindustriens Vejforskingslaboratorium
Danish Asphalt Industries Road Research Laboratory
Address Danish Asphalt Industries Road research Laboratory

Stamholmen 91

DK-2650 Hvidovre


Telephone 45 36780822
Fax 45 36771208
E-mail rec@asfaltindustrien.dk
Website http://www.asfaltindustrien.dk
Contact Erik Nielsen, Head
Coverage bituminous materials in road construction
Collection Size 2,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Institut f. Plankegnig
Technical University of Denmark, Department of Planning, Library
Address Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Planning, Library

Bldg. 115

DK-2800 Lyngby


Telephone 45 45 25 16 25
Fax 45 45 88 55 82
E-mail kg@ifa.dtu.dk
Website http://ifp.dtu.dk/vt
Contact Kirsten Gammelgaard, Librarian
Coverage broad range of traffic and transportation topics; pavement and paving material; urban transportation development; transportation planning
Collection Size 30,000 titles; 50 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Rådet for Trafiksikkerhedsforskning
Danish Council of Road Safety Research
Address Danish Council of Road Safety Research

Ermelundsvej 101

DK-2820 Gentofte


Telephone 45 39 68 04 44
Fax 45 39 65 73 62
E-mail rft@rft.dk
Website www.rft.dk
Contact Elly Ditlevsen
Coverage road user behavior, in-vehicle equipment
Collection Size 10,000 titles; 34 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information All RfT publications are in Danish with an English summary.


Name Vejdirektoratet
Danish Road Institute (VI/DRI)
Address Danish Road Institute, Library and Documentation

P.O. Box 235

4000 Roskilde

Elisagaardsvej 5


Telephone 45 46 30 01 00
Fax 45 46 30 01 05
E-mail lo@vd.dk
Website www.vd.dk
Contact Lilian Olling
Coverage road and transport research; highway and road construction
Collection Size 30,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Tielaitos
Library of Finnish National Road Administration (Finnra)
Address Library of Finnish National Road Administration (Finnra)

P.O. Box 33

00521 Helsinki


Telephone 358 204 44 2034
Fax 358 204 44 2652
E-mail sirpa.haapamaki@tieh.fi
Website www.tieh.fi/libr.htm
Contact Sirpa Haapamäki
Coverage road and transport-related; domestic, Scandinavian and international
Collection Size 30,000 titles; 300 serials
Special Collections comprehensive collection of Finnra research reports; collection of 80 Finnra publications in English
Additional Information  


Name Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus (VTT)
Road, Traffic and Geotechnical Laboratory, Technical Research Centre of Finland
Address Road, Traffic and Geotechnical Laboratory, Technical Research Centre of Finland

P.O. Box 19301

02044 VTT


Telephone 358-9 456 4970
Fax 358-9 463 251
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Bibliothèque/Centre de documentation del'INRETS, Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (INRETS)
Library/Information Center, National Research Institute on Transportation and Transport Safety
Address National Research Institute on Transportation and Transport Safety, Library/Information Center

2, avenue du General Malleret-Joinville

94114 Arcueil Cedex


Telephone 33 47407000
Fax 33 45475606
E-mail chouksmn@inrets.fr
Website http://www.inrets.fr
Contact Marlene Choukroun, Chief of Service
Coverage road safety; driving ergonomics and vehicle design; traffic control; road information
Collection Size 12,000 titles; 4864 books; 200 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Bibliothèque du Laboratoire d'Economie des Transports (LET)
Library Center of LETS
Address LETS Documentation Center

14 avenue Berthelot

F-69363 Lyon Cedex 07


Telephone 33 4 72 72 64 03
Fax 33 4 72 72 64 48
E-mail letdoc@let.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr/let/
Website http://www.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr/let/
Contact Jean-Jacques Regnier
Coverage transport, management
Collection Size 15,000 titles; 150 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Centre d'études sur les réseaux, les transports, l'urbanisme et les constructions publiques (CERTU)
Center for Studies on Urban Planning, Transport, Utilities, and Public Construction
Address Center for Studies on Urban Planning, Transport, Utilities, and Public Construction

9 rue Juliette-Récamier

F-69456 Lyon Cedex 06

Telephone 33 4 72 74 58 00
Fax 33 4 72 74 59 00
E-mail inter@certu.Fr
Website http://www.certu.Fr
Contact Stephane Canalis, International Relations
Coverage urban transport; mobility; town planning; highway; road design
Collection Size 400 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees (LCPC)
Public Works Research Laboratory
Address Public Works Research Laboratory

58, blvd. Lefebvre

75732 Paris


Telephone 33 3 40435000
Fax 33 1 40435498
E-mail dirlcpc@lcpc.fr
Contact Andree Veillat
Coverage traffic engineering and safety; scientific and technical issues of the environment and urban and civil engineering; road construction issues; LCPC publications
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Service d'Etudes Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes (SETRA) (Ministere de L'Equipement, du Logement de l'Amenagement du Territoire et des Transports)
Roads and Highways Engineering Department (in the Ministry of Planning, Housing, Country Development and Transportation)
Address SETRA Library

46, avenue Aristide Briand

B.P. 100 - 92223 Bagneux


Telephone 33 1 46 11 31 31
Fax 33 1 46 11 31 69
Website http://www.setra.fr
Contact Catherine Mallaret, External Affairs Board, in charge of Documentation Service
Coverage engineering studies
Collection Size 8,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Bundesanstalt für Stassenwesen (BASt)
Federal Highway Research Institute
Address BASt

Bruderstrasse 53

D-51427 Bergisch Gladbach


Telephone 49 2204 43 336
Fax 49 2204 43 673
E-mail info@bast.de
Website http://www.bast.de
Contact Helga Trantes, Senior Documentalist 49 2204 43 336

Dieter Ridder, Senior Librarian 49 2204 43 273

Coverage road safety and traffic engineering; highway and bridge construction; crash research; vehicle technology; environmental aspects
Collection Size 35,000 titles; 300 serials; 120 loose leaf editions; electronic media; CD-ROMS

Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name FGSV-Verlag Gmbh
Address FGSV-Verlag Gmbh

Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse 13

D-50996 Köln


Telephone 49 221 93 55 73 0
Fax 49 221 39 37 47
Collection Size  
Special Collections Standards of road construction and traffic engineering
Additional Information  


Name Institut für Strassen-und Verkehrswesen
Institute for Transportation Planning and Road Engineering
Address Institute for Transportation Planning and Road Engineering, Library

Pfaffenwaldring 7

70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Telephone 49 711 6856447
Fax 49 711 6856966
E-mail isv@isvs.uni-stuttgart.de
Website http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/UNIusers/isv/
Contact Dr. Ing. Walter Vogt., Information Officer
Coverage road and transport systems; transportation planning; traffic engineering; road construction and design

Collection Size 18,000 titles
Special Collections

Additional Information


Name Technische Universität München, Bibliothek
Technical University of Munich, Library
Address Arcisstr. 21




Telephone 49 89 289 23333
Fax 49 89 289 28622
E-mail infocenter@ub.tum.de
Website http://www.ub.tum.de
Contact Hartwig Linderkamp, Civil Engineer Librarian
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name TU Berlin - FB Verkehrswesen und Angewandte Mechanik
Technical University of Berlin, Institute of Traffic Planning and Transport Engineering, Library
Address Institute of Traffic Planning and Transport Engineering Library

Fachberelchsverwaltung FB 10, Sekr. H 83

Strasse des 17 Juni 135

10623 Berlin


Telephone 49 30 3142 27 03
Fax 49 30 3142 22 57
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Aristotle's University of Thessaloniki, Laboratory of Transport Engineering Transport Research Unit
Address Aristotle's University of Thessaloniki

Laboratory of Transport Engineering Transport Research Unit, Library

Thessaloniki 540 06


Telephone 30 31 995749
Fax 30 31 995749
E-mail library@civil.auth.gr
Contact Sofia Fragou, Librarian
Coverage crash data; road safety; traffic characteristics; safety of road construction elements
Collection Size  
Special Collections

Additional Information


Name Ethniko Metsovio Polytechneio, Ergastirio Opopoiias
National Technical University of Athens, Laboratory of Highway Engineering
Address National Technical University of Athens, Laboratory of Highway Engineering, Library

5 Iroon Polytechniou St.

GR-157 73 Zografou, Athens


Telephone 30 1 772 1285
Fax 30 1 772 1327
E-mail skolias@central.ntua.gr
Website www.civil.ntua.gr/transport.html
Contact Dr. Stylianos Kolias, Associate Professor Civil Engineering
Coverage pavement design and testing; construction; maintenance and management; highway engineering; road safety; safety audits; human factors in engineering design
Collection Size

Special Collections videos on construction methods and testing
Additional Information


Ministry of the Environment, Physical Planning, and Public Works
Address Ministry of the Environment, Physical Planning, and Public Works, Library

Ippokratous 207

GR-101 78 Athens


Telephone 30 1 64 49 752
Fax 30 1 64 54 595
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information


Name Közlekedéstudományd Intézet Rt Könyutása (KTI)
Institute for Transport Sciences, Ltd.
Address Institute for Transport Sciences Library

Than Karoly u. 3-5

P.O.B. 107

H-1119 Budapest


Telephone 36 1 205 59 36
Fax 36 1 205 57 05
E-mail furedi@kti.hu
Website www.kti.hu
Contact Dr. Furedi Mihály
Coverage all transportation topics, roads, bridges, vehicles
Collection Size 70,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Udvözöljük a Közlekedési, Hírközlési és Vízügyi Minisztérium honlapján
Ministry of Transport, Communications and Water Management
Address Ministry of Transport, Communications and Water Management, Library

Fenyes Elek u. 7-13

H-1024 Budapest


Telephone 36 1 20 20 811
E-mail tombor@mail.kozut.hu
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Rannsóknastofun Byggingaridnadarins (Rb)
The Icelandic Building Research Institute (IBRI), Library
Address The Library of the Icelandic Building Research Institute

Rb - Keldnaholt

IS-112 Reykjavik


Telephone 354 570 7300
Fax 354 570 7311
Contact Svanlaug Baldursdóttir, Librarian
Coverage road research; concrete and cement research; geotechnology; acoustics, ventilation and construction industry
Collection Size 14,000 titles; 124 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Public Roads Administration
Address Public Roads Administration Library

Borgartum 5-7

LS-105 Reykjavik


Telephone 354 56 314 00
Fax 354 56 223 32
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name National Roads Authority
Address National Roads Authority

St. Martin's House

Waterloo Road

Dublin 4


Telephone 01 6602511
Fax 01 6680009
E-mail tegan@nra.ie
Contact Therese Egan, Librarian
Coverage roads and transport
Collection Size 3,000 titles; 5,000 reports; 30 serials
Special Collections annual crash data and traffic statistics of Ireland
Additional Information  


Name Associazione Italiana per la Sicurezza della Circolazione (AISICO)
AISICO - Road Safety Italian Association
Address AISICO - Road Safety Italian Association

I - 00199 Roma

Via Sabazio, 42

00199 Rome


Telephone 39 06854 36 70 or 0039 06854 95 11
Fax 39 06854 34 68 or 0039 06884 59 24
E-mail a.i.si.co@agora.stm.it
Contact Ing. Fernando Cecilia, AISICO Secretary General
Coverage road safety, road safety education, traffic engineering
Collection Size 100 topic headings; 500 titles
Special Collections OECD; Italian Ministry of Public Works Collection (road safety topic)
Additional Information  


Name Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Idraulica, Trasporti e Strade DITS "Franco Giannini"
Library of the Department of Hydraulics, Transportation of Highways DITS - "Franco Giannini"
Address Library of the Department of Hydraulics, transportation of Highways DITS - "Franco Giannini"

Via Eudossiama,




Telephone 0039 06 44585126 or 0039 06 4458117
Fax 0039 06 44585150
E-mail Ams@dits.ing.uniroma1.it
Collection Size
Special Collections
Additional Information


Name Biblioteca Dipatimento di Idraulica, Trasporti e Strade dell "Università La Sapienza. Sezione Topografia e Geodesia
Library - Department of Hydraulics Transportation and Highways of the University of Apienza Section of Topography and Geodesics
Address Library - Department of Hydraulics Transportation and Highways of the University of Apienza Section of topography and Geodesics

LiVia Eudossiana,

18 - 00184



Telephone 0039 06 4819763
Collection Size
Special Collections
Additional Information


Name Biblioteca Facoltà di Ingegneria dell 'Università di Brescia
Faculty Library of Engineering of the University of Brescia
Address Faculty Library of Engineering of the University of Brescia

Via Branze,

38 25123



Telephone 0039 030 3715488
Fax 0039 030 380210
E-mail Zatti@bsing.unibis.it
Website http://www.ntweb.ing.unibis.it
Contact Andrea Taroni, Preside
Collection Size
Special Collections
Additional Information


Name Biblioteca Istituto di Trasporti. Facoltà di Ingegneria di Bologna
Library, Institute of Transportation, Faculty of Engineering of Bologna
Address Library, Institute of Transportation, Faculty of Engineering of Bologna



2 - 25128



Telephone 0039 051 6443335
Fax 0039 951 6443337
Collection Size
Special Collections
Additional Information


Name Biblioteca Istituto di Trasporti Facoltà di Ingegneria dell 'Università di Cagliari
Library, Institute of Transportation, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cagliari
Address Library Institute of Transportation Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cagliari

P. d'Armi sa Duchessa




Telephone 0030 070 282292
Fax 0030 070 282292
Collection Size
Special Collections
Additional Information


Name Biblioteca Istituto di Vie e Trasporti Facoltà di Ingegneria dei Trasporti Federico II
Library, Institute of Ways and Transportation, Faculty of Engineering of Transportation Federico II
Address Library, Institute of Ways and Transportation, Faculty of Engineering of Transportation Federico II

Via Claudio,





Telephone 0039 081 7683380
Fax 0039 081 610366
Collection Size
Special Collections
Additional Information


Name Biblioteca Sezione di Strade, Trasporti e Topografia dell'Universita di Trieste
Library, Highway Section Transport Topography at the University of Triest
Address Library, Highway Section Transport Topography at the University of Triest

Via Valerio

8 34127



Telephone 0039 040 6763582
Fax 0039 040 6763580
Website http://www.Biblio.univ.trieste.it
Collection Size
Special Collections
Additional Information


Name Biblioteca Università dell 'Aquila Facoltà di Ingegneria
Library of the University of Aquila - Engineering Faculty
Address Library of the University of Aquila - Engineering Faculty


Monteluco di Roio



Telephone 0039 0862 434031 or 0039 0862 434032
Fax 0039 0862 434035
E-mail Granata@ing.univaq.it Bibling@ing.univa.it
Website http://www.inq.univaq.it
Contact Giovanna Granata, coordinator
Collection Size
Special Collections
Additional Information


Name Ente Nazionale per le Strada (ANAS), Centro di Documentazione-Biblioteca
ANAS Documentation/Library Center
Address ANAS Documentation/Library Center

Via Monzambano,

10 - 00185 Rome


Telephone 39 06 444 61
Fax 39 06 44 549 56 06 44 56 224 06 44 700 852 06 44 54 948
E-mail urp@enteanas.it
Website www.enteanas.it
Contact Carlo Argeni
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici
Ministry of Public Works
Address Ministry of Public Works, Library

Via Nomentana 2

1-00161 Rome


Telephone 390 6 44 12 51 11
Fax 390 6 44 26 73 38
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Ministerio del Trasporti e della Navigazione
Ministry of Transport and Navigation
Address Ministry of Transport and Navigation Library

Piazza della Croce Rossa 1

I-00100 Roma


Telephone 39 06 841 6944
Fax 39 06 855 9192
Website http://www.trasportinavigazione.it/
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Civil Engineering Research Institute
Address Civil Engineering Research Institute

Hokkaido Development Bureau

Hiragishi 1-3 Toyohiraku

Sapporo 062


Telephone 81 11 8411111
Fax 81 11 8241226
Website http://www.ceri.90.jp/
Contact Y. Matsumura, Librarian
Coverage civil engineering
Collection Size 2072 titles (Japanese); 329 titles (Western); 13 serials (Japanese); 17 serials (Western)
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Doboku Kenkyujo
Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), Ministry of Construction
Address PWRI, Library

Asahi-1 Tsukuba-shi

Ibaraki-ken, 305-0804


Telephone 81 298 64 2211
Fax 81 298 64 3146
E-mail kokusai@pwri.go.jp
Website http://www.pwri.go.jp
Coverage civil engineering; roads; highway engineering
Collection Size 177,000 titles; 1,200 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information Civil Engineering Newsletter is quarterly in English language.


Name International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS)
Address IATSS, Library

No. 6-20, 2-Chome Yaesu, Chuo-ku

Tokyo 104 - 0028


Telephone 81 3 32737884
Fax 81 3 32727054
E-mail iatss@db3.so-net.ne.jp
Contact T. Saito, Assistant Manager
Coverage traffic safety; traffic regulations
Collection Size 2,100 titles
Special Collections IATSS publications
Additional Information  


Name Japan Information Center for Science and Technology Corporation (JICST)
Address JICST Library

P.O. Box 10, Hikarigaoka

Tokyo 179-9810


Telephone 81 3 5214 8413
Fax 81 3 3979 2210
Contact Shigeko Kurata, Office of International Affairs
Coverage road engineering; road planning and surveying; road construction; road transportation-general, traffic control and safety; driver licensing; crash data; transportation facilities
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information JICST's primary purpose is to collect, process, and disseminate scientific and technical information published in Japan and other countries. It is a database producer/vendor resource and document delivery vendor.


Name Keisatsucho
National Police Agency, Traffic Planning Division, Traffic Bureau
Address National Police Agency, Traffic Planning Division, Traffic Bureau Library

2-1-2 Kasumigaseki


Tokyo 100

Telephone 81 3 3581 0141
Fax 81 3 3581 1923
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Administration des Ponts et Chaussées
Address Administration des Ponts et Chaussées, Library

38, bld de la Foire

B.P. 243

2012 Luxembourg

Telephone 352 45 05 91
Fax 352 45 32 98
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Instituto Mexicano del Transporte
Mexican Institute of Transportation
Address Instituto Mexicano del Transporte, Library

Av. Popocatepetl No. 506

B Col. Xoco

Mexico DF CP 03330

Telephone 525 688 76 29
Fax 525 688 76 08
E-mail roberto.aguerrebere@imt.mx
Website www.imt.mx/espanol/CID.objetivos.html
Contact Blanca.Ordonez@imt.mx
Coverage transportation operation and infrastructure
Collection Size 4,500 titles; 90 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information map and cartography


Name Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Instituto de Ingenierial
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Address National Autonomous University of Mexico

Institute of Engineering, Library

Apartado Postal 70-472 Circuito Interior s/n Alvaro Obregon

04510 Mexico City 20, DF


Telephone 52 5 483044
E-mail ilf@pumas.iingen.unam.mx
Website http://www.iingen.unam.mx
Contact Hector Gonzalez Reza
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Bibliotheek TU Delft
Delft University of Technology Library
Address Delft University of Technology Library

Promtheusplein 1

P.O. Box 98,

2600 MG Delft,

The Netherlands

Telephone 31 15 278 56 78
Fax 31 15 257 20 60
Website http://www.library.tudelft.nl
Contact Y.C. de Vries, Subject Librarian Civil Engineering.
Coverage all scientific fields
Collection Size 980,000 titles; 8,000 serials; 1,108,000 microforms
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Kenniscentrum Voor Verheer, Veruoeren Infrastructeour
CROW Information and Technology Centre for Transport and Infrastructure
Address CROW

Galvanistraat 1

NL-6716 AE Ede

P.O. Box 37

NL-6710 BA Ede

The Netherlands

Telephone 31 318 62 04 10
Fax 31 318 62 11 12
E-mail crow@crow.nl
Website www.crow.nl
Contact F. Ten Brink
Coverage traffic; transport; infrastructure, road design; traffic safety; traffic management; pavements; bitumen; asphalt; concrete; road works; airport pavement; parking; public transport; standardization; sustainable safety; recycling; traffic provisions, bicycles
Collection Size 7,250 titles; 3,500 journal articles; 70 serials; 80 videos
Special Collections archive of Weopen (Dutch road magazine) since 1938
Additional Information  


Name Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer
Transport Research Centre (AVV), Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Address Transport Research Centre (AVV), Library

Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management

P.O. Box 1031

NL-3000 BA Rotterdam

The Netherlands

Telephone 31 10 282 56 53
Fax 31 10 282 59 79
E-mail bibliotheek@avv.rws.minvenw.nl
Contact H.E.M. van Dam
Coverage traffic; transportation
Collection Size 10,000 titles; 200 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid (SWOV)
Institute for Road Safety Research
Address SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Library

P.O. Box 1090

2260 BB Leidschendam

Duindoorn 32


Telephone 31 70 3209323
Fax 31 70 3201261
E-mail bibliotheek@swov.nl
Website www.swov.nl
Contact C.D. van den Braak, Senior Librarian
Coverage highway safety; traffic safety; crashes; transport; crash prevention
Collection Size 65,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name TNO Wegtransportmiddelen
TNO Automotive
Address TNO Automotive, Library

P.O. Box 6033

Delft, 2600 JA

The Netherlands

Telephone 31 15 2606783
Fax 31 15 2697276
Contact G.E. Glaser-Muller, Head Librarian
Coverage automotive engineering; ITS; regulations; crash safety; biomechanics
Collection Size 7,000 titles; 208 serials
Special Collections SAE papers56
Additional Information  


Name Land Transport Safety Authority
Address Land Transport Safety Authority, Library

7-27 Waterloo Quay

P.O. Box 2840,

Wellington 6015

New Zealand

Telephone 04 494 8600
Fax 04 494 8601
E-mail awm@ltsa.govt.nz
Website www.ltsa.govt.nz/
Contact Andrew Martin, Manager Information Services 04 494 8651
Coverage road safety issues
Collection Size 8,000 titles; 189 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Manukau Consultants Ltd.
Address Manukau Consultants Ltd.

Putney Way

P.O. Box 9716B

South Auckland Mail Centre

Manukau City

New Zealand

Telephone 09 262 8999
Fax 09 262 5131
E-mail richard.westerman@mclltd.co.nz
Website www.mclltd.co.nz
Contact Richard Westerman, ext. 8640
Coverage technical data and standards relating to civil engineering - roading; traffic; planning; environmental services
Collection Size  
Special Collections transit publications of NZ, local standards; civil and structural engineering manuals and standards
Additional Information  


Name TeLIS, Opus International Consultants
Address TeLIS Opus International Consultants

Majestic Centre

P.O. Box 12004

100 Willis Street

Wellington, New Zealand

Telephone 04 471 7261
Fax 04 473 1075
E-mail telis@opus.co.nz
Contact Dianna Roberts, 04 471 7250
Coverage multi-disciplinary
Collection Size 36,000 titles; 700 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name University of Canterbury Engineering Library
Address University of Canterbury Engineering Library

Private Bag 4800

Creyke Road


New Zealand

Telephone 03 364 2155
Fax 03 364 2755
E-mail library-eng@canterbury.ac.nz
Website library.canterbury.ac.nz
Contact H McCarrigan, Librarian C. McKee, Interlibrary Loans, c.mckee@libr.canterbury.ac.nz,
Coverage civil engineering; transportation sciences; other engineering disciplines
Collection Size 106,000 titles; 1,600 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Statens Vegvesen (SVV)
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (SVV)
Address SVV

Norwegian Public Roads Administration

Directorate of Public Roads, The Library

P.O. Box 8142, Etterstad

N-0033 Oslo


Telephone 47 22 07 35 00
Fax 47 22 07 34 92
E-mail biblvd@vegvesen.no
Contact Emilie Sortvik
Collection Size 71,350 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Transportøkonomisk institutt, biblioteket
Institute of Transport Economics, the Library
Address Institute of Transport Economics, the Library

Grensesvingen 7

P.O. Box 6110, Etterstad

N-0602 Oslo


Telephone 47 22 57 38 00
Fax 47 22 57 02 90
E-mail toi@no
Website http://www.toi.no
Contact Anne-Marie Hvaal
Coverage transportation; highway safety
Collection Size 20,000 titles; 250 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Instytut Badawczy Drog I Mostow
Road and Bridge Research Institute
Address Road and Bridge Research Institute, Library

ul. Jagiellonska 80


Warsaw, Poland

Telephone 48 22 8110383
Fax 48 22 8111792
E-mail ibdim@frodo.nask.org.pl
Contact Malgorzata Pecq
Coverage roads; bridges; civil engineering; tunnel construction
Collection Size 11,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Politechnika Krakowska
Kracow University of Technology, Institute of Road and Railway Engineering Kracow University of Technology, Institute of Transport Organization, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Address Kracow University of Technology

Institute of Road and Railway Engineering, Library

Faculty of Civil Engineering ul. Warszawska 24

31-155 Krakow


Kracow University of Technology

Institute of Transport Organization, Library

Faculty of Civil Engineering ul. Jana Pawka II 37

31864 Krakow


Telephone 48 12 325360 48 12 6440944
Fax 48 12 338451 48 12 341568
E-mail L-2@transys.wil.pk.edu.pl e-7@institute.pk.edu.pl
Website   http://www.ns.pk.edu.pl
Contact Marta Niemiec Krystyna Niedzwiecka, Librarian
Coverage highway engineering; traffic engineering; transportation planning; road materials traffic engineering; transportation, ITS, public transport, traffic control
Collection Size 2,500 titles 4,200 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Politechnika Poznaska, Instytut Inynierii Ldowej
Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Civil Engineering
Address ul. Piotrowo 5

pok. 236

61-138 Pozna, Poland

Telephone 48 61 878 2433
Fax 48 61 878 2432
E-mail rector@sol.put.poznan.pl
Website www.put.poznan.pl
Contact Witold Wolowicki, Dir.

Stanislawa Dbrowska, Mgr. Tel: 61 665 2455

Coverage civil engineering; highway engineering; railroad engineering; bridges; motorways; tunnel design, construction & maintenance; railways; geodesy; geology
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information research center and library are an integral unit of Poznan University of Technology; supported by contracts & national government. Includes 32 research staff, 15 support staff, 10 technical staff.


Name Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC)
National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, Transportation Networks Department, Library
Address National Laboratory of Civil Engineering

Transportation Networks Department, Library

Avda. Do Brasil 101

1799 Lisbon


Telephone 351 8482131
Fax 351 8497660
Contact Antonio Jose De Castilho, Principal Research Officer
Coverage roads; airports; railways; traffic and road safety; transportation network planning and design; vehicles

Collection Size

Special Collections

Additional Information Research center is an integral unit of the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering.


Name CSIR Division of Roads and Transport Technology (DRTT)
Address CSIR Division of Roads and Transport Technology (DRTT), Library

P.O. Box 395

Pretoria 0001

Republic of South Africa

Telephone 27 12 8412905
Fax 27 12 8413232
E-mail hmaree@transprt.csir.co.za
Contact L. Fedder
Coverage traffic safety; traffic engineering; transportation systems; transportation economics; ITS
Collection Size 17,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information


Name University of Stellenbosch, Transport Research Centre
Address University of Stellenbosch

Transport Research Centre

Stellenbosch 7600

Republic of South Africa

Telephone 27 21 8082251
Fax 27 21 8082409
E-mail mmt@akad.sun.ac.za
Website http://www.sun.ac.za/local/Academic/Economy/transport/default.htm
Contact Wessel J. Pienaar
Coverage transportation; transportation planning; transportation economics; logistics
Collection Size 2,000 titles
Special Collections

Additional Information


Ministry of Construction and Transportation
Address Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Library

1, Joongang-Dong, Kwacheon-City, Kyunggi-DO

427-760 Seoul

South Korea

Telephone 02 504 9065 or 02 500 4046 8
Fax 02 503 7304
E-mail shlee33@hanmail.net
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Centro de Documentacion del Transporte y las Comunicaciones, Ministerio de Fomento
Transportation and Communications Documentation Center
Address Transportation and Communications Documentation Center

Paseo de la Castellana, 67

Despacho C-217

28071 Madrid, Spain

Telephone 34 91 597 7987
Fax 34 91 597 8453
E-mail csanz@mfom.es
Website www.mfom.es/documentacion
Contact Concepción Sanz Bombín, Head of the Center
Coverage transport economics
Collection Size 23,000 titles; 460 serials; 1,600 statistical reports
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Centro de Estudios de Carreteras (CEDEX)
Road Research Center
Address Road Research Center, Library

Autovia de Colmenar Viejo

Km. 18,200

El Goloso

Madrid, Spain

Telephone 34 91 3357877
Fax 34 91 3357842
E-mail rmaraver@cedex.es
Website www.cedex.es/cedex/documentacion/acceso.html
Contact Rose Maraver
Collection Size 9,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information Within CEDEX, the Road Research Center specializes in research and technological development, concerning construction management of roads including traffic engineering and road safety.


Name Centro de Estudios y Experimentacion de Obras Publicas (CEDEX)
Study and Experimentation Center for the Public
Address Study and Experimentation Center for the Public, Library

Alfonso XII 3

28014 Madrid


Telephone 34 91 33575004
Fax 34 91 3357222
Contact Amparo Barbolla
Coverage civil engineering; road surfaces
Collection Size 70,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Institut d'Estudis Metropolitans de Barcelona
Metropolitan Studies Institute of Barcelona
Address Metropolitan Studies Institute of Barcelona, Library

E-08193 Barcelona


Telephone 34 3 6918361
Fax 34 3 5806572
E-mail icem0@cc.uab.es
Website http://blues.vab.es/~icema/present.html
Contact Alicia Suarez
Coverage applied studies in transportation; urban and regional planning; geography; economics; environment; sociology
Collection Size 6,500 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information Institute is a consortium of universities and public organizations in the Barcelona area.

Name Institut for transportforskning (TFK)
Transport Research Institute
Address TFK - Stockholm

Box 12667

Pipersgaten 27

S-112 93 Stockholm


Telephone 46 8 652 41 30
Fax 46 8 652 54 98
E-mail info@tfk.se
Website www.tfk.se/
Collection Size  
Special Collections  




Name Statens Geotekniska Institut
Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI)
Address Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI), Library

S-581 93 Linkoping


Telephone 46 13 201800
Fax 46 13 201914
E-mail sgi@geotek.se
Website http://www.sgi.geotek.se
Contact Ingrid Wetterlov
Coverage roads and railways; soil mechanics and foundation engineering; land use planning; slope stability; water structures
Collection Size 85,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Statens vag-och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI)
Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute
Address Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute, Library

S-581 95 Lingkoping


Telephone 46 13 204000
Fax 46 13 141436
E-mail vti@vti.se
Website http://www.vti.se
Contact Eva Estlander
Coverage roads; highway and traffic safety; vehicles; biomechanics; highway engineering; ergonomics; crashes; driver behavior; railroads
Collection Size 40,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information VTI's ROADLINE database has 100,000 references.


Name Vägverket
Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA), Library
Address Swedish National Road Administration, Library

S-781 87 Borlänge

Röda vägen 1


Telephone 46 243 750 59
Fax 46 243 757 17
E-mail vagverket.biblioteket@vv.se
Website http://www.v.se/vaguerk/biblioteck/library.htm
Contact Anna Hultqvist, Librarian 46 243 75049
Coverage road construction, bridges and tunnels; road traffic safety; road informatics; traffic engineering; transport and vehicle technology
Collection Size 35,000 titles; 460 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (EPFL), Laboratoire des voies de circulation, Centre de documentation
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Documentation Center

Documentation Center

CH-1015 Lausanne


Telephone 41 21 693 23 45
Fax 41 21 693 63 49
E-mail irrd@epfl.ch
Website Pavdcwww.epfl.ch
Contact Frank Rolland
Collection Size  
Special Collections Research reports of Swiss Federal Road office
Additional Information  


Name Office Fédéral de la Police/Bundesamt für Polizeiwesen (BAP)
Government Policy office and Police, Documentation Center
Address Government Policy Office and Police, Documentation Center


Case Postale

CH-3084 Wabern


Telephone 41 31 963 42 01
Fax 41 31 963 43 00
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Office Fédéral des Routes (OFROU)
Swiss Federal Roads Office, Library
Address Swiss Federal Roads Office


CH-3003 Bern


Telephone 41 31 322 94 11
Fax 41 31 323 23 03
Website www.astra.admin.ch
Contact Alfred Kohler
Coverage road construction; traffic regulations
Collection Size 20,000 titles
Special Collections OFROU research reports
Additional Information Reports are mostly in German language (with French and English abstracts).


Name Bayindirlik Ve Iskån Bakanlii, Karayollari Genel Müdürlüü
Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, General Directorate of Highways
Address Karayollari Genel Müdürlüü

TR - 06 100 Yücetepe



Telephone 90 312 415 70 00
Fax 90 312 425 47 38
E-mail info@KGM.gov.tr
Website www.KGM.gov.tr
Contact Nezahat Acar, Director of Planning Division
Coverage highway and roadway-related transportation subjects
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Teknik Aratirma Dairesi Baskanligi
Department of Technical Research and Materials
Address Department of Technical Research and Materials, Library


06100 Ankara


Telephone 90 4 4191430
Fax 90 4 1172851
Contact Coskun Peker, Librarian
Coverage civil engineering; highway engineering; road materials; soil and rock mechanics
Collection Size 2,686 titles; 350 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Highways Agency Library
Address St. Christopher House, Room G44

Southwark Street

London SE1 0TE, England

Telephone 44 171 921 4614
Fax 44 171 921 4005
E-mail paula.lewis@highways.gov.uk
Website http://www.highways.gov.uk
Contact Paula Lewis
Coverage Roads, bridges, civil engineering, structural engineering, traffic engineering, management, integrated transport.
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information Government library. Interlibrary loan. Library not open to the public.


Name Transport Research Laboratory Library
Address Transport Research Laboratory Library

Old Wokingham Rd.

Crowthorne, Berkshire

RG45 6AU, England

Telephone 44 1344 773131
Fax 44 1344 770356
E-mail business_eng@bdu.trl.co.uk
Website http://www.trl.co.uk
Contact Colin Howard, Librarian
Coverage traffic management and control; traffic engineering; transport safety; highway design; vehicle design; construction;
Collection Size 20,000 titles; 450 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Information Center
Address AASHTO Information Center

444 North Capitol Street, NW

Suite 249

Washington, DC 20001


Telephone 202 624 8918
Fax 202 624 5806
E-mail kyungl@aashto.org
Website www.aashto.org
Contact Kyung Kyu Lim, Information Resource Coordinator 202-624-8918
Coverage AASHTO publications
Collection Size 5,500 titles (includes serials in count)
Special Collections PIARC, ARRB, and TAC publications
Additional Information  


Name California Department of Transportation Library
Address California DOT Transportation Library

1120 N Street - Mail Stop 45, Room 1430

(or) P.O. Box 942874 - Mail Stop 45

Sacramento CA 94274-0001

Telephone 916-654-4601
Fax 916-653-4560
E-mail library@dot.ca.gov
Website http://issc.dot.ca.gov/library
Contact Laurel Clark
Coverage transportation engineering and planning
Collection Size 70,000 titles; 400 serials
Special Collections history of CALDOT and California highway system development
Additional Information  


Name Harmer E. Davis Transportation Library, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley
Address Harmer E. Davis Transportation Library, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley

412 McLaughlin Hall

University of California

Berkeley, CA 94720


Telephone 510 642 3604
Fax 510 642 9180
E-mail itslib@uclink4.berkely.edu
Website http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/ITSL/
Contact Daniel Krummes, Library Director dkrummes@library.berkeley.edu
Coverage international on all modes of transportation; emphasis on highway, rail, air, urban transportation, and intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
Collection Size 131,000 titles; 4600 serials; 136,000 microforms; 98,000 cataloged journal articles and conference papers
Special Collections aeronautical maps; transit maps
Additional Information Created, maintains, and operates the PATH database (the world's largest database of international intelligent transportation systems materials.) PATH website is http://www.nas.edu/trb/about/path1.html


Name Institute of Transportation Engineers
Address Institute of Transportation Engineers

525 School Street, S.W.. Suite 410

Washington DC 20026


Telephone 202 554 8050, ext. 143
Fax 202 863 5486
E-mail sroy@ite.org
Website http://www.ite.org/
Contact Sophie Roy
Coverage ITE materials on traffic engineering, transportation planning, transit, and ITS; public policy and legislation
Collection Size 800 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Kentucky Transportation Center Library
Address Kentucky Transportation Center Library

University of Kentucky

176 CE-KTC Building

Lexington, KY 40506-0281

Telephone 606 257 4513, ext. 234
Fax 606 257 1815
E-mail lwhayne@engr.uky.edu
Website http://www.angr.uky.edu/ktc/library.htm
Contact Laura Whayne, Librarian
Coverage highways; traffic and safety; pavements and materials; geotechnology; bridges; ITS; and policy analysis
Collection Size 10,000 titles; 521 serials
Special Collections Kentucky Transportation Center reports
Additional Information  


Name Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Information Services/OIM
Address MDOT Information Services/OIM

P.O. Box 30050

425 West Ottawa

Lansing, MI 48909-7550


Telephone 517 241 4140
Fax 517 373 0168
E-mail thomasj@mdot.state.mi.us
Contact Jeanne Thomas, Manager 517 335 2350
Coverage civil engineering; transportation; planning; demographics; environmental
Collection Size 17,262 titles; 230 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Minnesota Department of Transportation (MN DOT) Library
Address MN DOT Library

Mail Stop 155 , Room 175, 395 John Ireland Boulevard

Saint Paul, MN 55155-1899


Telephone 651 296 2385
Fax 651 297 2354
E-mail jerry.baldwin@dot.state.mn.us
Website http://www.dot.state.mn.us/library
Contact Jerry Baldwin, Library Director 651 297 4532
Coverage all modes of transportation; highway engineering and design, ITS; public administration
Collection Size 13,000 titles; 400 serials; 12,000 microforms; 400 videotapes
Special Collections standards and specifications of all state DOTs
Additional Information  


Name National Safety Council
Address National Safety Council, Library

1121 Spring Lake Drive

Itasca, IL 60143-3201

Telephone 630 285 1121, ext. 2199 or 2194
Fax 630 285 0765
E-mail bob-nsc@dupagels.lib.il.us
Website http://www.nsc.org
Contact Bob Marecek, Manager 630 775 2197 marecek@nsc.org
Coverage crash prevention; safety and health; emphasis on occupational safety and health and transportation and traffic safety
Collection Size 156,000 titles
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Knowledge Center
Address PennDOT Knowledge Center

555 Walnut Street, 8th Floor, Forum Place

Harrisburg, PA 17101-1900


Telephone 717 705 1546
Fax 717 772 1781
E-mail gutshaj@penndot.state.pa.us
Contact Judy Gutshall, Librarian
Coverage transportation/business management
Collection Size 16,000 titles; 300 serials; 1,500 audio/visual materials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Pennsylvania Transportation Institute (PTI) Library
Address PTI Library

227 Research Office Building

University Park, PA 16802


Telephone 814 863 3953
Fax 814 865 3039
E-mail bao@psulias.psu.edu
Website http://www.pti.psu.edu/library/index.htm
Contact Bonnie Osif, Librarian 814-865-3697
Coverage all modes of transportation; ITS and PTI publications
Collection Size 18,000 titles
Special Collections Yale bureau of highway traffic; PennDOT publications
Additional Information  


Name Research and Development Library, North Carolina Department of Transportation
Address Research and Development Library,

North Carolina Dept. of Transportation

1 South Wilmington Street

P.O. Box 25201

Raleigh, NC 27611


Telephone 919 715 2461
Fax 919 715 0137
E-mail portiaj@swp.dot.state.nc.us
Website http://www.doh.dot.state.nc.us/planning/statewide/research/
Contact Portia Jordan, Librarian
Coverage all transportation-related modes
Collection Size 11,651 titles; 63 serials
Special Collections all TRB publications
Additional Information  


Name Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International, Library
Address SAE International


400 Commonwealth Drive

Warrendale, PA 15096-0001


Telephone 724 772 8503
Fax 724 776 5760
E-mail janet@sae.org
Website http://www.sae.org
Contact Janet Sedlicka, Librarian
Coverage automotive; aerospace; fuels and lubricants; off-highway, truck and bus
Collection Size 107,000 titles
Special Collections Distribute materials from JSAE, KSAE,SIA,DIN, and ISO standards, AECMA standards, ImechE papers & Journal articles, Royal Aeronautics Soc., ICEC, CRC, and CEC.
Additional Information Non-lending library


Name Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) Information and Technology Exchange Center
Address TTI Information and Technology Exchange Center

Texas A & M University

College Station, TX 77843


Telephone 409 862 6993
Fax 409 845 0568
E-mail s-tucker@tamu.edu
Website http://tti.tamu.edu/
Contact Sandy Tucker, Research Librarian 409 845 1636
Collection Size 9,000 titles; 70 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name Transportation Library, Northwestern University
Address Transportation Library, Northwestern University

1935 Sheridan Road

Evanston, IL 60208-2300


Telephone 847 491 5273
Fax 847 491 8601
E-mail trans@nwu.edu
Website http://www.library.nwu.edu/transportation
Contact Robert Sarmiento, Head Librarian 847 491 2913
Coverage all modes of transportation
Collection Size 220,000 titles; 1,900 serials
Special Collections annual reports of carriers; American Society of Transportation and Logistics depository; 40,000 environmental impact statements
Additional Information One of the largest transportation libraries in the world has information on transportation air, rail, highway, water, pipeline), law enforcement and police management, and environmental impact assessment.


Name Transportation Research Board (TRB) Library
Address Transportation Research Board (TRB) Library

2101 Constitution Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20418


Telephone 202 334 2989
Fax 202 334 2527
Website http://www.nas.edu/trb/
Contact Barbara Post, Librarian 202 334 2990 bpost@nas.edu
Coverage transportation with highway engineering; other transportation modes
Collection Size 18,000 titles; 370 serials; 6,000 microforms; 60 CD-ROMs
Special Collections all TRB meeting tapes, unpublished reprints; complete collection of TRB, NCHRP, TCRP publications
Additional Information Provides abstracts for TRIS, IRRD, PATH, and Transport databases.


Name United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Technical Information Services
Address United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Technical Information Services

Nassif Building

400 7th Street, S.W. Room 5110

Washington, DC 20590-0001


Telephone 800 445 0197
Fax 202 493 2833
E-mail tis@nhtsa.dot.gov
Website http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov
Contact Kim S. Jackson, Team Leader kim.jackson@nhtsa.dot.gov
Coverage highway and traffic safety; crash data; driving impaired; occupant protection; pedestrian, bicycle, motorcycle safety; driver licensing issues; novice and older driver issues; government rulemaking
Collection Size  
Special Collections all NHTSA reports
Additional Information Written requests for information or documents are accepted only.


Name United States Department of Transportation TASC Library
Address United States Department of Transportation TASC Library

Nassif Building

400 7th St. S.W. Room 2200

Washington, DC 20590


Telephone 202 366 0752
E-mail clara.smith@tasc.dot.gov
Contact Clara Smith, Chief of Nassif Library
Collection Size  
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) Library
Address University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute Library

2901 Baxter Road

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2150


Telephone 734 764 2171
Fax 734 936 1081
Website http://www.umtri.umich.edu/
Contact Robert E. Sweet, Coordinator 734 936 1073 bsweet@umich.edu
Coverage highway safety; biomechanics of impact and injury and occupant protection devices; vehicle components; mechanics and dynamics; human factors; intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
Collection Size 93,445 titles; 287 serials
Special Collections  
Additional Information  


Name University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center (UNC/HSRC) Library
Address University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center Library

730 Airport Road, Suite 300

Campus Box 3430

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3430


Telephone 919 962 8701
Fax 919 962 8710
Website http://www.unc.edu/depts/hsrc
Contact Mary Ellen Tucker, Librarian 919 962 8701 maryellen_tucker@unc.edu
Coverage highway traffic safety, human factors, roadway engineering design, occupant restraint systems; pedestrian and bicycle safety; impaired driving; young and older driver issues
Collection Size 60,000 titles
Special Collections all UNC/HSRC reports
Additional Information  


Name Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Technical Reference Center
Address Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Technical Reference Center

55 Broadway/Kendall Square

Cambridge, MA 02142-1093


Collection Size 32,000 books; 25,000 technical reports; 350 serials; 200,000 microforms; 6 CD-ROMS
Special Collections Volpe Center technical reports; FAA documents; SAE papers and publications
Telephone 617-494-2306
Fax 617-494-3125
E-mail dresley@volpe3.dot.gov
Additional Information Operates Statistical Information Line for the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (1-800-851-1351).


Name Washington State DOT Library
Address P.O. Box 47425

310 Maple Park Ave. SE

Olympia, WA 98504-7425


Telephone 360 705 7750
Fax 360 705 6831
E-mail library@wsdot.wa.gov
Website www.wsdot.wa.gov/hq/library
Contact Claudia Devlin 360-705-7751
Coverage transportation administration, highway transportation, public transit including
Collection Size 3,000 titles, 7,700 technical reports, 75 serial titles, 1,000 microforms
Special Collections Public transit collection is world's largest on ferry system, rail and air transportation in the areas of planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operations and safety.
Additional Information  






Centro Argentina de Transferencia de Technologia Vial

Argentina Center of Road Technology Transfer

www.vial.org.ar Acts as the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (PIARC) Argentine National Committee. Responsible for arranging conferences and other technology transfer activities. Website has several links, covering general information, conference events, and other topics.





ARRB Transport Research Ltd

www.arrb.org.au ARRB Transport Research, Ltd. (formerly the Australian Road Research Board) conducts research and technology transfer in transport matters. They also manage information databases. The website provides links to general information, services, and equipment.
Australia's Commonwealth Department of Transport and Regional Services www.dot.gov.au The Government's website includes links for homepage and general information, as well as each of the ten business units, including the ATSB.
Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) www.atsb.gov.au ATSB is the business unit of Australia's Department of Transport and Regional Services. It covers aspects of land transport. The website provides links to homepage, news, statistics, research, imports and certifications, vehicle license standards, and dangerous goods.
Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) www.mrwa.wa.gov.au MRWA covers traffic information and road construction reports for Western Australia. The website includes 15 links covering traffic information and construction status, as well as road safety, tourism, and general agency information.
Special Interest Network for Transport in Australia (SINTA), University of Technology, Sydney www.sinta.uts.edu SINTA facilitates the placement of Australian Transport Information on the Internet. There are several links in the website which cover registration and SINTA activities, as well as other links to transport companies websites, and ITS projects at the university.
University of Adelaide, Road Accident Research Unit www.unit@raru.adelaide.edu.au This unit conducts road crash research relating to driver and pedestrian behavior and highway elements. The website provides information links to the school, as well as online research reports.
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia www.ee.uts.edu.au The Faculty of Engineering website has a broad range of links, including research activities for ITS-related topics.


Organization Website Description
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Arsenal Research

www.arsenal.ac.at There are eight links available covering a full range of categories. (Text in German only)
Das Bundesministerium fuer Verkehr, innovation und Technologie

Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology

www.bmv.gv.at This website has an English link, but not all links present English text. There are links that describe the Ministry, Universities and Studies, Research Development Technology, Transport, Telecom, and Search. A table listing publications is accessible from the Transport link; only abstracts are available in English.
Kuratorium für Verkerhrssicherheit (KfV)

Austrian Road Safety Board

www.kfv.or.at The website includes links to statistics, publications, alcohol and drugs, contacts and other links. (Text in German, with the exception of the documentation link with links to publications and periodicals).

Driver Improvement

www.drive.at The website links to eight categories of information. (Text in German only).

Organization Website Description
Centre de Recherches Routières (CRR)

Belgian Road Research Center (BRRC)

www.brrc.be BRRC helps private companies and public authorities find solutions for design, construction, and maintenance of an efficient high-quality road infrastructure under optimum economic conditions, as well as to the problems of safety, mobility, and environment on the roads. The website has several links covering address, general information, research and development, assistance services, other websites, and agency agenda.
Federation Royale Belge des Transporteurs (FEBETRA)

Belgian Transportation Federation

www.febetra.be FEBETRA is the government agency which is responsible for all transportation modes. The website covers general information, news items, identification of road and commuter infrastructure, number of registered vehicles, price of fuel in Europe, agency's agenda, and other categories.
Institut Belge pour la Sécurité Routière (ISBR)

Het Belgisch Instituut voor de Verkeersveil

Belgian Road Research Center - (Research and Advice Department of the Belgian Road Safety Institute)

www.ibsr.be/BIVV ISBR is responsible for programs relating to highway safety, including: traffic and infrastructure, enforcement, statistics, driver training, traffic behavior, and driver improvement. The website includes links to ongoing campaigns, mission statement, research projects, and programs, and inquiries.
Road Transport, European Commission, Energy & Transport Directorate General www.europa-eu.int/comm/transport/themes/land Deals with fair rules on market access, safety on the roads, protecting the environment, euro vignette and the agreement with Switzerland, and driving licenses at the EU level.

Organization Website Description
Departamento Estradas, Edificacoes e Transportes do Est. do Ceara (DERT) www.dert.ce.gov.br DERT is a Government department responsible for all transportation modes, including traffic and roads. The website includes six links covering general agency information, as well as descriptions of activities for each division.
Federal Departmento Nacional de Estradas de Rodagem (DNER), Divisao de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento www.dner.gov.br DNER is a Government department responsible for all transportation modes, including traffic and roads. The website includes information on transport schedules, construction activities, and statistics.
Ministério dos Transportes

Ministry of Transportation

www.transportes.gov.br This website is entirely in Portuguese. It contains links describing the ministry, projects and programs (e.g., crash reduction on roadways, statistics), press releases, and links to other organizations.

Organization Website Description
Advanced Vehicle and Highway Technology, School of Civil Engineering and Geological Engineering, University of Manitoba www.ce.umanitoba.ca The university has research projects in intelligent vehicle-highway and traffic information systems. The university's main website provides several links to general topics, each school's description, and a search index.
Center for Research on Transportation (CRT),

University of Montreal

www.crt.umontreal.ca/CRT CRT is a multidisciplinary university institution whose purpose is to generate knowledge and useful and effective technology in the field of transportation. The website offers links to news, general information, members, publications, library collection, annual reports, comments, other related sites, and the main school's information and directories.
Transportation Association of Canada www.tac~atc.ca The TAC website database contains summaries of over 2,000 research projects from more than 120 Canadian transportation research organizations, provincial and territorial transportation agencies, universities, associations, municipalities, private firms and other research agencies. The database includes a number of projects relating to intelligent transportation systems.
Transport Canada www.tc.gc.ca Transport Canada is a Government agency that provides programs and services, including research and development and statistics in all transportation modes. The website includes links covering general information about the department, transportation modes, programs and services, acts and publications, public safety, and media room.

Organization Website Description
Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones (MTT)

Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications

www.mtt.cl This website is entirely in Spanish. There are links to the Secretary of Telecommunications, the Secretary of Transportation, and the Department of Civil Aeronautics. The transportation link describes the mission of the Secretary of Transportation, and provides further links to cars, trucks, buses, and taxis.

Organization Website Description
Centrum Dopravniho Vyzkumu (CDV)

Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Transport Research Center



CDV is the national institute representing the Czech republic. It provides research development and consultant services on all transportation modes. The website provides links to general information about the agency and other European research centers.

Organization Website Description
Aalborg University, The Transport Research Group www.i4.auc.dk/trg The Transport Research Group conducts research reflecting the problems traffic and transportation impose on society. The website includes links to staff.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Institut for Planlægning, Vejteknik

Technical University of Denmark, Department of Planning, Highway Engineering Group

www.ifp.dtu.dk/~vt The Highway Engineering Group of the university conducts research and educational areas in geometric and pavement design, instrumentation for pavements, highway engineering, and other road building topics. The website includes links, covering news, profile, staff, courses, research, publications, partners, and the library.

The Road Safety and Transport Agency

www.fstyr.dk This agency, under the Ministry of Transport, administers traffic and road transport legislation. These include planning of driver education and tests; matters concerning driver licenses, technical design of vehicles, and vehicle inspection and registration; and administration of rules on transport of hazardous goods and driving of police cars and ambulances. The website is entirely in Danish.
Rådet for Større Faerdelssikkerhed

The Danish Road Safety Council

www.faerdselssikkerhed.dk This agency, under the Ministry of Transport, promotes road safety by disseminating information and through campaigns. This website is entirely in Danish.
Rådet for Trafiksikkerhedsforskning

Danish Council for Road Safety Research

www.rft.dk This agency, under the Ministry of Transport, carries out research and coordination of research in the field of road safety in Denmark. The website is entirely in Danish.
Statens Bilinspektion

The Danish Motor Vehicle Inspection Office

www.bilsyn.dk This agency, under the Ministry of Transport, carries out technical inspection of vehicles. This website is entirely in Danish

Ministry of Transport

www.trm.dk The Ministry of Transport has the general responsibility for the road sector, and lays down the rules on road traffic behavior and requirements that vehicles must fulfill. The Ministry carries out a significant share of its tasks in cooperation with a number of executive agencies and directorates under the Ministry. The website has links that describe the various agencies and directorates, as well as links to other modes of transportation and publications.

Danish Road Directorate (DRD)

www.vd.dk DRD is part of the Ministry of Transport, and is responsible for development and management of the national highways and for servicing and facilitating traffic on the network. The Directorate carries out research and development in the field of road safety with projects aimed at crash reduction (e.g., traffic calming, intersection redesign, bicycle paths, and automatic speed control). The website includes links covering topic areas of the agency, research activities, and consulting services.

DRD is one of six research organizations that participates in the publication of the Nordic Road and Transport Research. Articles from this magazine can be downloaded from www.vti.se/Nordic2/AboutUs.htm.

Organization Website Description

Finnish National Road Administration

www.tieh.fi This Government agency carries out technical and technoeconomic research and development work. The website includes six links, covering description of the agency, traffic information, international activities, technology transfer, road statistics, and other links.
Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskesku (VTT)

Technical Research Center of Finland

www.vtt.fi Research by the VTT covers all aspects of transport, road engineering, geotechnology and urban planning. The website includes ten links covering general description of the center, research, services, news, contacts, and other interactive sites.

Organization Website Description
Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (INRETS)

The French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research

www.inrets.fr INRETS is primarily involved with road and traffic safety and engineering, driving simulation, ergonomics, ground transportation, and the environment. The website includes links for general presentations, partnerships, research products, publications and library directories, conferences and seminars, staff directory, and Internet resources.
Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC)

Public Works Research Laboratory

www.lcpc.fr LCPC is part of the Ministry of Transport. It conducts research in civil engineering, transport, urban engineering and the environment. The website includes links for general information, organization, directory, current research, cooperative efforts, publications, inquiries, new events, and other information.
Service d'Etudes techniques des Routes et Autoroutes (SETRA)

Roads and Highways Engineering Department (in the Ministry of Planning, Housing, Country Development and Transportation)

www.setra.fr SETRA is the technical department of the Department of Public Works, Transport, Tourism, and Housing; and intervenes in the fields of planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of highways and motorways. The website includes several links to production, reports, programs, general information, research activities, publications, and others.

Organization Website Description
Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BAST)

German Federal Highway Research Institute

www.bast.de BAST is a technical & scientific institute responsible to the federal Ministry of Transport, Building, and Housing. The website contains links to a Description of BASt (aims, tasks), Publications & Media (in German), Quality Assessment (in German), and Current Information (in English and German). Current Information links into crash and traffic data provided by the International Road Traffic and Accident (IRTAD) Database (in English & German). IRTAD provides tables with data from 27 OECD countries on injuries & fatalities by road location, by traffic participation, and by age. It also provides a table of road traffic data for the OECD countries (population, network length of public roads and all motorways, area of state, number of motor vehicles, number of passenger cars). Current Information also links to the International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD, formerly IRRD) Database. ITRD online contains 300,000 abstracts, searchable on the Internet using STN Easy.
Bundesministerîum für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen

Federal Ministry of Transport

www.bmv.de The Roads Directorate of this Ministry is responsible for the construction and maintenance of federal trunk roads, and for road safety and road traffic law. This includes financing, highway engineering research, road construction engineering, automotive engineering, road safety, legal alcohol limit, new driving licenses, and motorway posters. This website is generally in German. There are links to EU driving license, telematics, publications, and press releases.
University of Stuttgart www.uni-stuttgart.de The website describes the organization & structure of the university, study programs, and overview of research conducted at the university. One research focus is traffic & vehicle technology. Links to a research database and other research links are in German only.

Organization Website Description
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Civil Engineering http://hermes.civil.auth.gr The website describes the Transport Engineering Laboratory-a multidisciplinary research group that focuses on transport-related issues. The Laboratory activities include educational activities, research activities, seminars and conferences in transportation fields. Research activities include Telematic Standards and Coordination of ATT systems in relation to elderly and disabled travelers (TELSCAN). The TELSCAN homepage is provided by the University of Thessaloniki. The TELSCAN Handbook and Online Database are provided by the University of Stuttgart, linked to the TELSCAN homepage. The TELSCAN Handbook of Design Guidelines enables designers of advanced transport telematics to ensure their system can be used by elderly people or people with disabilities. Other research on telematics (e.g., automatic debiting and electronic payment for transport) is available on the Thessaloniki website.
Ethniko Metsovio Polytechneio, Ergastirio Opopoiias

National Technical University of Athens - Civil Engineering

www.civil.ntua.gr The website contains a description of the Department of Transportation Planning & Engineering, including scientific & technical areas, courses offered, and research activities. The site contains a digest of research activities conducted under contract (e.g., by the Greek Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning, and Public Works; General Secretariat of Research & Technology; and National Highway Fund ) from 1983 to 1997, as well as abstracts from Ph.D. theses on traffic engineering and road safety, pavement design, highways and infrastructure engineering, etc. The site also provides a real-time traffic map of Athens, Greece.
Ministry of Transport and Communications www.yme.gr/ Website covers project announcements.

Organization Website Description
Käziekedéstudománi Intezet Rt. (KTI)

Institute for Transport Sciences, Ltd.

www.kti.hu This website provides information about the Institute, including a description of each of its divisions (Division for Traffic Safety and Traffic Engineering; TRANSORG, Division for Transport Organization and Development; Bureau for Research Organization and Development; TEM Bureau; Documentation and Information Center, Library; and the Road and Bridge Division). The site provides a listing of email addresses for researchers at KTI. A link is provided to the Hungarian Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication and Water Management.
Közlekedési, Hfrközlési es Vizügyi Minisztérium

The Ministry of Transport, Communication, and Water

www.khvm.hu This website has a link to English, but the website is under development. Currently, the following links are: introduction, site map, organization of the Ministry, transportation, communication, water, and relationships. The organization link leads to a chart that shows a Road Transport Department and a Road Department; however, none of the chart links are active. The transport link from the site map contains a 2-page discussion on the state of transportation policy in Hungary.

Organization Website Description
Public Roads Administration (PRA) www.vagag.is Applied research concerning road construction, maintenance, and traffic safety is directed and performed by the PRA. The information on this site is limited to road conditions and weather.

The PRA is one of six organizations that participates in the publication of the Nordic Road and Transport Research. Articles from this magazine can be downloaded from www.vti.se/Nordic2/AboutUs.htm.

Ministry of Communications www.brunnur.stjr.is/interpro/samgongur/samgongur.nsf Ministry responsible for all modes of transport and tourism, in addition to communications. Website provides overviews and contact information


Organization Website Description
Comhairle Sábháilteacht Náisiúnta

National Safety Council

www.national-safety-council.ie The National Safety Council continuously promotes road safety with the aim of decreasing road fatalities and injuries, and increasing people's awareness of road dangers. This website has links to statistics, safety messages, literature, and activities. Statistics are provided for road fatalities and injuries from 1987 to 1998, and persons killed by road user type from 1987 to 1997. Road safety literature (leaflets and posters) are listed.
Department of the Environment www.environ.ie/roads The Department of the Environment has responsibility for vehicle emissions, roads infrastructure (through the National Roads Authority and Local authorities), vehicle licensing (through the Motor Tax Offices and Local Authorities), driver licensing and driver testing (through the Local Authorities) and road safety (through the National Safety Council, the National Roads Authority, and Local Authorities). This website contains links to road network, road safety, traffic management, vehicle, and driver control.
National Roads Authority (NRA) www.nra.ie The NRA's primary function is to secure the provision of a safe and efficient network of National roads. It has the overall responsibility for planning and supervision of construction and maintenance on these roads. The website has links to a description of the Authority, projects and activities, National road needs study, public-private partnerships, road safety (National speed survey, speed cameras, seat belt survey, traffic calming, road safety audits, etc.), NRA system facilities (National Road Database and Ice Cast Monitoring System), local authority area, news and publications, and links. Publications are listed by title and cost under the categories of road traffic, road safety, road construction, and seminar/symposium papers.

Organization Website Description
Autostrade S.p.A. www.autostrade.it This website provides information (in English and Italian) about the autostrade. The website provides links to real time traffic information on Autostrade toll roads and to the Telepass electronic toll collection system.
Azienda Nazionale Autonoma della Strade (ANAS)

Documentation/Library Center

www.enteanas.it This website is entirely in Italian. There is a link to the Ministry of Public Works (Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici).
Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici

Ministry of Public Works

www.llpp.it This website is entirely in Italian. One link describes statistics for traffic injuries and fatalities.
Ministero dei Trasporti e della Navigazione

Ministry of Transport and Navigation

www.trasportinavigazione.it This website is entirely in Italian. It describes the ministry and its organization. A link provides information about road transportation that provides statistics about automobile ownership (by vehicle manufacturer) and driver licensing procedures. There are other links describing Departments of the Ministry that deal with air and water transportation.
University of Trieste www.biblio.univ.trieste.it This website describes the University and its library, mostly in Italian. Through its "Periodici elettronici" (full text online) link, the user is directed to a page where 269 periodicals are listed, and through which, the full text of articles in the online journals may be accessed.

Organization Website Description
Association of Electronic Technology for Automobile Traffic and Driving www.jsk.or.jp This website presents information about the activities of the JSK Foundation (Association of Electronic Technology for Automobile Traffic and Driving) located in Tokyo. This organization is involved in the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) arena by investigating the ITS market, promoting ITS deployment, studying ITS system architecture, supporting standardization, and sponsoring vehicle control demonstrations.
Ministry of Construction (MOC), Government of Japan www.moc.go.jp The MOC is in charge of developing, operating, and maintaining public facilities, including roads and highways. The website links to the Road Bureau of the MOC, where the following links are provided: Organization of the Bureau, Financing Road Improvement and Toll Road Systems, Standard of Road Improvement, 5-Year Road Improvement & Management Program, Road Environment, ITS, State of Road Traffic, and Links. Data are provided regarding length of roadway network, trends of passenger transportation, trends in traffic volume, and numbers of registered vehicles by type of vehicle. The ITS link further links to SmartWay, Advanced Deployment, ITS in the world, ITS in Japan, and the ITS Handbook. All the Road Bureau links are in English. Other links from the Home Page are in Japanese only, and include construction policies and urban development.
Ministry of Transport (MOT) www.motnet.go.jp The MOT is responsible for a wide variety of fields, such as railways, motor vehicles, maritime, and aviation. The website provides an English translation of links which include descriptions of the functions and roles of the ministry. The "Strategic Plan of Future Motor Vehicle Traffic Policy Taking Due Regard of Safety and the Environment" is provided, as well as the Motor Vehicle Inspection and Registration Guide. The monthly Transport journal is provided online, but is not translated from Japanese.
Nihon Doro Kodan (NDK)

Japan Highway Public Corporation

www.japan-highway.go.jp The NDK is a non-profit governmental corporation for constructing and operating national motorways and regional motorways throughout Japan under the toll road system. NDK carries out research into various aspects of design and engineering relating to construction of motorways and maintenance, through its Engineering Department and Research Institute. The Research Institute also has a technical information center. The website (in English) describes the NDK and its activities in further detail, including international activities and financial statements of the Corporation.
Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) Ministry of Construction www.pwri.go.jp The PWRI is the largest National institute in the field of civil engineering in Japan. The website has English pages, and links to the Road Department, which has links to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Intelligent Transport Systems Division, the Traffic Safety Division, the Pavement Division, and Tunnel Division. There is also a Structure and Bridge Department. The Road Department conducts research on the design of geometric highway structures, pavement and tunnel design, and on measures for improving traffic safety. Descriptions of the research activities are provided by the links to each division. The Home Page also provides a link to recent PWRI Publications (Technical Note of PWRI, Technical Memorandum of PWRI, and Cooperative Research Report of PWRI), where the title and abstract are provided. The PWRI Newsletter link provides full text and figures from articles published in the quarterly magazine.
VERTIS (Vehicle, Road and Traffic Intelligence Society) www.iijnet.or.jp The VERTIS website presents summary information about the objectives and role of VERTIS within the Japanese ITS arena as well as more general information about ITS in Japan.

Organization Website Description
Ministère de l'environment

Ministry of the Environment

www.mev.etat.lu The website of the agency for environment and transportation concerns provides links for general information, addresses, documents, news, and partnerships.
La Prévention Routière Internationale-PRI

International Road Safety Organization

www.pri.lu PRI is a nongovernmental organization to promote cooperation among national institutions dealing with road safety. Some fifty countries are represented within PRI from Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Website presents overviews, contact information, membership information, member's directory, etc.

Organization Website Description
Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (IMT)

Mexican Institute of Transport

www.imt.mx The IMT is a center for research and technological development under the Mexican Secretariat of Communications and Transport. The functions of IMT include: basic and applied research; the generation and adaptation of new technologies; and the training of human resources for transportation in Mexico. The website provides the following links that describe IMT: Goals, Projects, Training, Publications, CID, Bulletin, Roads Traffic Count, and Links. At present, the website is under construction, and therefore all links lead to documents written in Spanish. The Publications link leads to a link of 136 technical publications (title, author and cost). The Publications link also leads to Manuals, Books, and other publications of the IMT. The Links page lists other foreign and domestic organizations (e.g., INRETS, TRB, Volpe Center, and the Mexican Secretary of Communications and Transport).
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Instituto de Ingenierial (U.N.A.M)

National Autonomous University of Mexico

Institute of Engineering

www.iingen.unam.mx This website is entirely in Spanish, and provides links to information about the University, Director, Areas of Investigation, and Publications. An online order form is provided for obtaining the Catalog of Publications of the Instituto de Ingeniería.

Organization Website Description
Institute for Traffic Care www.itctraffic.com/ The organization set the goal of collecting existing and future traffic safety expertise by making use of police experts available to it, to achieve a structural development and implementation of traffic safety activities, with the end result of bringing about a positive behavioral influence of road traffic users.
Kenniscentrum Voor Verheer, Veruoeren Infrastructeour (CROW)

Information and Technology Center for Transport and Infrastructure

www.crow.nl Within the CROW foundation, government and industry work together in protecting their joint interests when designing constructing and managing road and traffic/transport facilities. The three main objectives of CROW are: research in civil and traffic engineering; standardization in civil, hydraulic, and road engineering; and technology transfer through publications, a documentation center, courses, congresses/seminars, and the magazine Wegen. Research activities include road construction and traffic engineering. This website (provided in an English version) describes these activities in more detail, and provides links describing or listing Projects, Publications, and other Related sites. Titles of publications are provided as well as cost and language of the full text. The full text is (usually) in Dutch, and must be ordered. The abstracts are available online in English. Another link describes Wegen magazine--a Dutch journal for traffic, civil, hydraulic, and road engineering--published by CROW. Information about subscriptions is provided.
Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer (AVV)

Ministry of Transport, Public Works, and Water Management

www.minvenw.nl One responsibility of the Ministry is to ensure safe mobility and good communication facilities needed for Dutch society to function healthy, both nationally and internationally. The aim of the Directorate General for Passenger Transport is to achieve a durable and safe traffic and transport system with attention to the safety of the infrastructure, vehicles, and users. This website (provided in an English version) provides links to Traffic and Transport activities, such as the Dynamic Public Lighting (DYNO) roadway lighting project, the Automated Vehicle Guidance project, and the Vehicle-Roadside Communication project. Links are provided that describe the research in great detail. Also, the text of monthly press releases is available online.
The School of Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management (SEPA) of Delft University of Technology www.sepa.tudelf.nl This website (provided in an English version) describes SEPA at Delft TU, and provides links to detailed information regarding research activities, including programs of the Research School for Transport, Infrastructure, and Logistics (TRAIL) and the Delft research Initiative for Telematics-based Systems Engineering (DITSE). A listing of projects links to a one-page description.
Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid (SWOV)

Institute for Road Safety Research

www.swov.nl SWOV is the centerpoint for road safety research in the Netherlands, and is partly subsidized by the Ministry of Transport. SWOV's objective is to contribute to road safety by means of scientific research dissemination of the results. The website (provided in an English version) links to Current Topics, Profile, Knowledge Base, Publications, Links, and Search. Links to nine major research themes are provided: Road users-the relationship between behavior, surroundings, and crashes; Preconditions for safe behavior; The strategy for safe road infrastructure; Road design and road safety; Vehicle safety; Telematics and road safety; Road safety analysis; Decision making and administration; and Knowledge distribution, information, and communication. Another link is provided that describes the SWOV library and how to obtain information. It is also possible to search the entire SWOV site using search terms and obtaining either a summary or the full report online. The site also provides a 9-page listing of 83 foreign and domestic organizations with a brief description and link to each.
Verkeerskunde internetwijzer www.verkeerskunde.nl This website presents news and articles about traffic control and intelligent transportation issues with emphasis on the Netherlands. Several links are provided to other sites.

Organization Website Description
Land Transport Safety Authority (LTSA) www.ltsa.govt.nz New Zealand's LTSA is a stand-alone crown entity, whose role is to promote land transport safety at reasonable cost. LTSA carries out and coordinates research in the following areas: child safety; young and older road users; motorcyclists; bicyclists; pedestrians; road design standards; road construction and maintenance; traffic management and control; roadway safety improvement; vehicle standards; vehicle and driver controls; vehicle inspections; and new vehicle technology. The website describes the vision, mission, goals, and structure of the LTSA. There are links that describe road safety projects such as the Black Spot Program, which identifies road sites with high crash rates and makes improvements where necessary; and the Speed Camera. There are links to Stats, a monthly report on road crash data that includes factors contributing to crashes, types of road users killed, ages of users injured or killed, and other behavioral measures such as alcohol and seat belt use. There are links to fact sheets (vehicle registration/licensing; road rules & enforcement, etc); links to publications and resources (titles and prices, with some downloadable); links to traffic standards and guidelines; links to legislation (rules in progress, published rules, penalties & offenses, etc.) and links to public education and information brochures on topics such as highway-rail grade safety; bicycle safety; and speed.
Manukau Consultants Limited (MCL) www.mclltd.co.nz MCL is a company that provides its clients with transportation services such as: project feasibility and assessment; project evaluation; road design; intersection design; computer-aided design; road network management; RAMM; street lighting; traffic engineering; and safety auditing. The website provides links services provided by MCL (transportation being one of the seven), but there are currently no links beyond the page that describes each of the services.
Transit New Zealand www.transit.govt.nz Transit New Zealand is a Crown entity created by the Transit New Zealand Act in 1989. Appointed by the Government, the Transit New Zealand Authority directs both overall policy and funding allocation. Its mission is to provide a safe and efficient state highway system which meets the needs of road users and communities it serves. They are responsible for maintaining the network of state highways. Links are provided that describe state highway projects (bridge work, major rural highway improvements, major urban highways, etc,); motorist information about latest highway conditions; technical information (training & seminars, guidelines for best practices in construction & maintenance; conference papers; manuals & amendments); and news events and publications (In Transit newsletter, media releases, brochures).

Organization Website Description
The Foundation of Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (SINTEF) www.sintef.no The SINTEF Group performs contract research and development for industry and the public sector in the fields of technology and the natural and social sciences. A link is provided to their Civil and Environmental Engineering Institute, which further links to the Transport Engineering Department and the Highway Engineering Department. Links are provided which further describe the activities of these Departments (transportation planning, traffic management, traffic safety, design, construction & maintenance of roads, asphalt testing facility, etc.). A link is also provided to a listing of 781 public reports published during the previous 3 years, which may be ordered electronically. An alphabetical list of topics is provided to narrow the search (e.g., under highway engineering, there are 23 reports).
Statens Vegvesen (SVV)

Norwegian Directorate of Public Roads (NRPA)

www.vegvesen.no The NRPA is one of the administrative agencies under the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Norway. The Directorate is responsible for the development and management of public roads and road traffic, as well as the Vehicle Department. This website is entirely in Norwegian, and provides links to traffic statistics, the library, and about a dozen others (all in Norwegian).

NRPA is one of six research organizations that participates in the publication of the Nordic Road and Transport Research. Articles from this magazine can be downloaded from www.vti.se/Nordic2/AboutUs.htm.

Transportøkonomisk Institutt (TØI)

Institute of Transport Economics

www.toi.no TØI is the National institution for transport research and development in Norway. Activities include traffic safety, road user behavior, and traffic engineering. The institute has at least 200 research projects in progress at any one time. The website describes the four departments (Transport Economics, Passenger Transport, Transport Analysis and Regional Studies, and Safety and Environment), and links are provided to the heads of each Department. Traffic Safety is a key area at the institute; the results of 1,700 studies of road safety measures have been summarized and reported in the Traffic Safety Handbook, published in Norwegian, Finnish, and Russian. The website provides descriptions of specific research programs such as "Road User Behavior and Traffic Safety" and "Risk Analyses and Economic Analyses of Road Safety and Traffic Environment."

TØI is one of six research organizations that participates in the publication of the Nordic Road and Transport Research. Articles from this magazine can be downloaded from www.vti.se/Nordic2/AboutUs.htm.


Ministry of Transport and Communications



Covers all modes of transport. Website contains contact information, links, full-text publications, news, etc.

Organization Website Description
Instytucie Transportu Samochodowego (ITS)

Motor Transport Institute

www.its.home.pl ITS carries out research concerning motor transport. The Institute library contains 25,000 domestic and foreign volumes covering motor transport. The website (provided in an English version) has links that describe basic information about the Institute and its departments (Motor Transport Research Department, Road Safety Center, Road Transport Psychology Department, Vehicle Testing and Type Approval, Certification and Standards, Quality Inspection, and Scientific Documentation and Archives). Other links include publications; and scientific and research products. Titles of articles printed in Road Safety (BRD), a quarterly publication devoted to road traffic safety problems are presented from 1996-1997, and abstracts of articles are presented for issues published in 1998 to the present.
Politechnika Poznaska, Instytut Inynierii Ldowej

Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Civil Engineering

www.put.poznan.pl This website describes the following areas of Pozna University of Technology: faculties of architecture, civil and environmental engineering and architecture, mechanical engineering and management, electrical engineering, technical physics, working machines and vehicles, and chemical technology. It also describes the interfaculty units: institute of mathematics, department of foreign languages, department of physical training and sport, Polish-German academic center, center of continuous education, the main library, and the transport section. Most of the links are in Polish. The link to the main library of the university (in English) provides information about the collection circulation, databases, libraries in the net, and electronic journals. The link to the transport section is in Polish, as is the link to the institute libraries.


Organization Website Description
Direcção Geral de Vição

Portuguese General Directorate of Traffic



This website is entirely in Portuguese. There is a link to vehicles, which further links to inspection information (necessary documents, charges, inspection centers, calendars, etc.) and publications. The publications link brings up Estrada Viva, a journal or magazine about traffic safety. The covers of each month's magazine are displayed, and the articles may be read online.
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC)

Portuguese National Civil Engineering Laboratory

www.lnec.pt This website is entirely in Portuguese. It provides links that describe the Laboratory history, campus, areas of investigation, studies, programs, services, conferences/seminars, the library, and news. One department of study appears to include road construction, materials, and pavements; and traffic simulation models.

Organization Website Description
University of South Africa, Department of Transport Economics and Logistics www.unisa.ac.za This website contains information about the university including general information, faculties and departments, and conferences and publications. A link is provided that describes the course of study in the Department of Transport (generally managing a transport business). A link is also provided to the UNISA Library.
University of Stellenbosch

Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Transportation Technology (ITT)

www.civeng.sun.ac.za The website describes the Department of Civil Engineering and its Institute of Transportation Technology. Transportation research is supported by an information system covering half a million references. An objective of the institute is to serve as a regional center for research and development projects in transportation, covering all aspects of transportation with an emphasis on: pavements, economics, safety, energy, risk, construction, and information. The website contains links to journal articles, national and international proceedings, national and international papers, and research reports. Links are also provided for obtaining further information from faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, and Pavement Engineering.


Organization Website Description
Ministry of Construction and Transportation (MOCT) www.moct.go.kr MOCT oversees all matters concerning public roads, railways, air, and maritime transport, as well as affairs concerning the location of industrial complexes, city planning, housing, and water resources development. This website (provided in an English translation) provides links to the history and organization of the ministry, offices and bureaus, MOCT library, construction statistics (real estate) and transportation statistics. The transportation statistics are provided in four links: transportation situation in seven major cities, commercial motor vehicle registration, parking lot situation, and motor vehicle registration situation. There are further links to Bureaus within the MOCT (e.g., Surface Transportation Bureau, Road Bureau); however, they were being updated and contained no information at the time this Volume was prepared. The site also provides links to other Korean government ministries and organizations.

Organization Website Description
Centro de Estudios de Carreteras (CEDEX)

Road Research Center

www.cedex.es This website is entirely in Spanish, and contains links to general information, documentation, and centers and laboratories.
Ministerio de Fomento

Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure

www.mfom.es This website is entirely in Spanish with the exception of the link that describes the Transport and Communications Documentation Center. Other information contained in Spanish includes links to Centro De Estudios de Carreteras (road research center), and statistics describing the road network, vehicle miles traveled, etc.
Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) www.dgt.es Regulates traffic within Spain. Website offers overviews, regulations, legislation, plans, programs, organizational structure, news, and statistics.

Organization Website Description
Institut for Transportforskning (TFK)

Transport Research Institute

www.tfk.se TFK is an independent transport research institute founded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in 1949. This website contains links describing facts about TFK, Important Areas, Publications, and TFK at Present. Important Areas links to Freight Transport and Logistics, Materials Handling and Transportation Engineering, Public Transportation, and Traffic. TFK at Present provides information about how to obtain TFK-Nytt, TFK's newsletter (in Swedish) reporting news within the transport field, and new research reports available, with abstracts in English. The Publications link provides titles, price, and language of articles and reports published by TFK (usually Swedish), from 1991-2000.
Statens Geotekniska Institut (SGI)

Swedish Geotechnical Institute

www.swedgeo.se SGI is a government agency dealing with geotechnical research, information, and consultancy. Technical development consists of commissioned research funded by authorities such as the National Road Administration. The website provides links describing organization of the institute, departments, regional offices, and activities. Other links include SGI-LINE, geotechnical design, slope stability, land use planning, environmental technology, ground energy, field and measuring techniques, and laboratory services. The SGI-LINE online literature database provides access to more than 50,000 documents of the world-wide literature in the geotechnical field and issues. A link to the road and railway engineering page from the geotechnical design link describes project areas in producing more efficient routines and methods for design, construction, and maintenance.
Statens vag-och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI)

Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute

www.vti.se VTI is responsible for acquiring knowledge and providing decision bases for the needs of the community. The website contains links to Research News and General News, as well as Brief Summaries of VTI's research reports. There is a link to VTI's library (one of Europe's foremost libraries in Transport Research) where literature can be searched with the Transguide search tool. There are also links to information inside and outside Sweden in the field of roads and transport.

A link to Nordic Road and Transport Research (a joint publication in English) provides the latest research findings of six public research organizations: Denmark (DRD), Finland (VTT), Iceland (PRA), Norway (TØI, NRPA), and Sweden (VTI).

See www.vti.se/Nordic2/AboutUs.htm.


Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA)

www.vv.se The SNRA has overall responsibility for road traffic safety at a national level. The website provides links describing facts about the SNRA; New Traffic Regulations; the SNRA Annual Report, the SNRA Environmental Report, the SNRA, Road Traffic Safety Report, and the Sectoral Report; and a link to the SNRA Library. The 1998 Road Traffic Safety Report (28 pages) is the annual report to the government about the results of all road traffic safety work in Sweden.

Organization Website Description
Bundesamt fr Strassen

Federal Roads Office

www.astra.admin.ch This website is entirely in German, with links to news about the organization, contacts, and publications.
Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (EPFL)

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne

www.epfl.ch This website provides a description of the Institute, and the various departments including the Department of Civil Engineering. Some of the links are in English, and some are in French. There is a link that allows searches for research topics or reports, and a link that describes research and development activities at the institute.
Swiss Road Transport Association-ASTAG www.astag.ch Association promotes road transport and is especially interested in safety issues. Website contains overviews, news, contact information, regulation summaries, links, training information, publications list, etc.

Organization Website Description
Karayollari Genel Müdürlüdü (KGM)

General Directorate of Highways

www.kgm.gov.tr The General Directorate of Highways constructs and maintains motorways, state roads, and provincial roads; prepares driver skill and knowledge training programs; prepares regulations about road use and road safety; installs traffic signs on highways; and prepares maps and surveys for internal use. The website provides links in both English and Turkish, but some of the actual links are written in Turkish only. Links include descriptions of the KGM; data about the Turkish highway network (length, pavement type); maps; road conditions; traffic (depictions of traffic signs); seminars and educational activities; the Turkish Road Association (TRA); publications; listings of national and international meetings; and links to two other websites (FHWA and World Interchange Network).

Yollar Türk mi lli komi tesi

Turkish Road Association (TRA)

www.kgm.tr/ytmk/tra The TRA is responsible for improving the road network and road transportation systems and developing coordination between related national and international organizations. A list of publications of the TRA is provided in English. The list of publications of the KGM is in Turkish.

Organization Website Description
Department of the Environment, Transport, and Safety www.detr.gov.uk This Government agency is responsible for all transportation modes. The website provides over two dozen links covering: general information, each mode, press releases, publications, research, road safety issues, statistics, and many other topic areas.
Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers (IHIE) www.ihie.org.uk A specialist body for professional incorporated engineers and technicians. Members work in highway and traffic engineering, transportation and construction in both public and private sectors. Website has overviews, contact information, links, membership information, news, etc.
The Institution of Highways and Transportation (IHT) www.iht.org IHT is a non-profit society in the UK concerned specifically with the design, construction, maintenance and operation of sustainable transport systems and infrastructure. The website has several links covering: general information, news and events, membership, career placement, publications, and contacts.
London Research Center (LRC) - Environment and Transport Department www.london-research.gov.uk/et LRC is part of the new Authority of London. This agency provides research and information for those working to improve life in London. The main menu provides links to the following areas: LRC homepage, Demographic and Statistical Studies, Environment and Transport, Housing and Social Research, and the Research Library. The Environment and Transport Studies department link identifies the various activities for carrying out data analysis and research concerning many urban transport, development and environmental issues. Several links are available to reach each department.
Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) www.trl.co.uk TRL provides research-based technical help in highway engineering and safety issues. The website covers over a dozen links covering: environment, safety, transportation, telematics, infrastructure, ground engineering, bridges, pavements, international activities, training/events, facilities, European projects, other contacts, and other local authorities.
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Transport Operations Research Group (TORG) www.ncl.ac.uk/torg This website covers academic and research information links for TORG, which is in the University's Civil Engineering School.


Organization Website Description
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) www.aashto.org AASHTO provides advocacy for multimodal and intermodal transportation. Their interests are in safe transportation systems that ensure mobility, enhance economic prosperity and sustains the environment. The website provides links to the AASHTO Publications catalog and member listing; AASHTO mission statement; AASHTO Journal; descriptions of AASHTO programs and services; meetings and events; and AASHTO Quarterly.
American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) www.artba.org ARTBA represents the construction industry in all modes of transportation systems. The website provides a dozen links to topics including general information, products and services, catalogs, membership, career opportunities, committees, government affairs, and others.
American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) www.atssa.com ATSSA is an international trade association representing providers, manufacturers, consultants and public agency personnel involved in the temporary traffic control industry. The website provides links to general information, conventions and meetings, member service, community and government relations, traffic safety products, training, and other topics.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), USDOT www.bts.gov BTS compiles, analyzes, and makes accessible information on the nation's transportation systems. The website provides links to general information, travel surveys, geographic information services, information needs, international transportation, national transportation library, product information and services, transportation studies, statistical policy and research, and current news.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), USDOT www.fhwa.dot.gov The FHWA is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation. It provides expertise, resources, and information to continually improve the quality of the nation's highway system and its intermodal connections. The Federal-Aid Highway Program provides federal financial assistance to States to construct and improve the National Highway system, urban and rural roads, and bridges. Technical expertise is provided in the following areas: roadway and bridge design, construction, and maintenance; policy and planning; highway safety; intelligent transportation systems; environmental protection and enhancement; and research, development, and technology transfer. The website provides links to current news, programs, legislation and regulations, electronic reading room, other websites, general information, employee phone directory, conducting business, and others.
FHWA Office of International Programs (OIP), USDOT www.international.fhwa.dot.gov FHWA's OIP works to improve the technological and institutional base of highway transportation system performance and program delivery in the United States and abroad. The website provides links to general information, programs, publications, conferences, international scanning reports. Full text of publications is offered on this site.
Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) www.hwysafety.org IIHS is an independent, nonprofit, research and communication organization funded by auto insurers and dedicated to reducing highway crash deaths, injuries, and property losses. Their website provides links to vehicle ratings, safety facts, news releases, publications, video, general information, a site index, and related sites.
ITS America www.itsa.org ITS America membership includes federal, state, local, and foreign government agencies; national and international companies involved in the development of intelligent transportation systems; universities, independent research organizations, and public interest groups. The mission of ITS America is to foster public/private partnerships to increase the safety and efficiency of surface transportation through the application of advanced technologies. The website provides links to general information, site resources, special activities, current news, annual meetings, press information, and other topics. The Access ITS homepage is also at this site. This site provides a one-stop shopping source for the latest news in the field.
Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS), University of California www.its.berkeley.edu The website provides links to ITS' programs, research, publications, career opportunities, and current news. A link describes PATH (Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways), a collaboration between the California Department of Transportation, the University of California, and other public and private institutions and private industry whose mission is to apply advanced technology to increase highway capacity and safety, and to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and energy consumption. Another link describes the Pavement Research Center, which uses innovative research and sound engineering principles to improve pavement structures, materials, and technologies. This further links to current PRC news and an Institute of Technology Studies Technology Transfer web page.
National Highway Institute (NHI), USDOT www.nhi.fhwa.dot.gov The NHI is the technical training organization of FHWA. It develops and administers transportation-related training and education programs that assist Federal, State, and local transportation agencies, as well as private transport firms and providers in applying new technologies to the planning, construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of our Nation's highways. The website contains links to course catalogs and schedules; fellowships and grants; personnel directory; Federal and State contracts; training bulletin; instructor certification program; news update; related websites; and a link to FHWA home.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), USDOT www.nhtsa.dot.gov NHTSA is responsible for reducing deaths, injuries, and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle crashes. This is accomplished by setting and enforcing safety performance standards for motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment, and through grants to state and local governments to enable them to conduct effective local highway safety programs. NHTSA also conducts research on driver behavior and traffic safety. NHTSA's website provides several dozen links to topics relating to their agency, popular information, vehicle and equipment information, car safety, people safety, campaigns, current news, contracts, the hotline, kids' activities, and others.
National Safety Council (NSC) www.nsc.org Th NSC is a nonprofit, nongovernment international public service organization dedicated to improving the safety, health, and environmental well being of all people. The NSC website provides over two dozen links to topics related to public safety, workplace, environment, and community home and youth. A link to the Motor Transportation Division of the NSC provides school bus safety fact sheets. A link to the NSC air bag and seat belt safety campaign provides information about fatalities, tips, on/off switches, legislation, and enforcement. A link to public safety describes the NSC Defensive Driving Course Programs.
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), USDOT www.ntsb.gov NTSB is an independent Federal agency that investigates every civil aviation crash in the United States and significant crashes in the other modes of transportation, conducts special investigations and safety studies, and issues safety recommendations to prevent future crashes. The website includes several links for general information, members, organization chart, studies, products, information sources and contacts, office locations, and other information. Links from the homepage include Aviation, Highway, Marine, Pipeline, and Railroad. Some of the NTSB's Highway products are available online, including: descriptions of recent crashes investigated by NTSB (available soon); recent publications (abstract and full document); public hearing schedules and exhibit items from safety studies (recently including commercial drivers, and truck and bus safety); and board meeting schedules for major reports and safety studies (recently including bus crashworthiness and pupil transportation on nonconforming buses).
National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse www.wzsafety.tamu.edu The purpose of the clearinghouse is to provide information and referrals to government agencies, public and private organizations, and the general public concerning the safe and effective operation of traffic work zones. The website provides links covering sponsors, general information, current news, questions, comments, site map, and other topics.
Northwestern University Transportation Center www.nutcweb.tpc.northwestern.edu The Center's objective is to make substantive and enduring contributions to the movement of materials, people, energy, and information. The website provides links to general information, current news, faculty, staff, student information, calendar, career services, library, research programs, and other areas.
Pan American Institute of Highways (PIH), USDOT www.pih-ipc.org PIH is an independent organization with an objective to transfer innovative and traditional technology for improving highway transportation systems throughout the Americas. The website offers links to general information, current news, activities, information resources, centers, membership and sponsorships, and other topics.
Partners for Advance Transit and Highways (PATH) www.path.eecs.berkeley.edu PATH is administered by ITS, University of California. It is a multidisciplinary program focusing on advanced transit technologies and ITS application. The website covers links to activities, funded programs, job opportunities, newsletter information, and other topics.
The Pennsylvania Transportation Institute (PTI) www.pti.psu.edu PTI is a multidisciplinary research institute that conducts research directed toward current and future transportation needs. The website provides links to topics related to PTI's programs and research activities.
Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), USDOT www.rspa.dot.gov RSPA is one of nine major agencies of the U.S.DOT, and is involved in the following transportation areas: transportation research, transportation of hazardous materials, safety and environmental risks of pipeline transportation, training and technical assistance in transportation safety. The website provides links to general information, strategic plan, offices, procurement opportunities, vacancy announcements, press releases, waivers, as well as other links and topics.
Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) www.tti.tamu.edu TTI is the official research agency for the Texas Department of Transportation and the Texas Railroad Commission. Mission is to improve the safety and efficiency of transportation systems. The website includes over one dozen links including general information, contacts, research, publications, organization charts, personnel directory, facilities, and other links.
Transportation Research Board (TRB) www.nas.edu/trb

TRB is a unit of the National Research Council, a private, nonprofit organization. Its mission is to promote innovation and progress in transportation by stimulating and conducting research, facilitating the dissemination of information, and encouraging the implementation of research results. The website provides links to general information, programs, calendar, directory, and other links.

The "Transportation Information Sources Online" website is a compilation of transportation information sources which is divided into five parts covering each mode of transportation. It is international in scope. Sources from Australia, Canada, European Union and European Free Trade Association member countries, and the United States are included.

Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC), USDOT www.thfrc.gov TFHRC is the research development and technology branch of the FHWA. The website provides links to general information, library, current news, site map, areas of RD & T expertise, and publications.
University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) www.umtri.umich.edu UMTRI provides multidisciplinary transportation research and training. The website includes links to general information, staff directory, products and services, publications, seminars, work in progress, and other topics.
U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) www.dot.gov USDOT is the Federal Government agency responsible for all modes of transportation. The website covers links to all of the agencies within the USDOT.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Highway Safety Research Center (UNC/HSRC) www.hsrc.unc.edu The UNC Highway Safety Research Center, located on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus, conducts research dealing with highway safety, including driver, pedestrian, and bicycle safety, and vehicle safety. The website includes links to public information (alcohol studies, bicycle safety and access, child passenger information, NC occupant restraint laws, graduated driver licensing, Highway Safety Information System-HSIS, pedestrian and bicycle information center); research (human factors); about us (staff, history, employment); and publications.
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center www.volpe.dot.gov Volpe is an organization within the USDOT's RSPA dedicated to creating awareness and fostering technical, operational, and managerial innovations in the transportation system. The website includes links to current news, general information, staff, visitor information, and phone directory.

Organization Website Description
Association Internationale Permanents des Congres de la Route (AIPCR)

Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (PIARC)

(World Road Association)

www.piarc.inrets.fr PIARC is an international association concerned with road engineering, road policy, and the management of road networks. There are 95 member governments and other members in 129 countries worldwide. The website provides links to aims and activities, member, technical committees and working groups, world exchange networks, routes/roads, and current news.
Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS), Transport RTD Programme www.cordis.lu/transport CORDIS' Transport RTD Programme supports the development and implementation of transport policy. The European Union funds research activities. Research contributes to the development, integration and management of a more efficient, safer and environmentally friendly transport system which will ensure the sustainable mobility of goods and persons. The website provides over a dozen links covering current news, publications, projects, each mode, correspondence, newsletter, general, and others.
Institution of Highways and Transportation (IHT) www.iht.org IHT is concerned specifically with the design, construction, maintenance and operation of sustainable transport systems and infrastructure. The website provides links to general information, news and events, membership, job opportunities, publications, and other links.
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) www.ite.org ITE is an international individual member educational and scientific association. ITE members are traffic engineers, transportation planners and other professionals who are responsible for meeting society's need for safe and efficient surface transportation through planning, designing, implementing, operating, and maintaining surface transportation systems worldwide. The website provides links covering general information, publications, membership, directories, RFPs, meetings and conferences, discussion groups, technical information, federal register notices, certification programs, councils, and other topics. Full text of articles from the ITE Journal is available on the website, for ITE members.
Intelligent Transport Systems Europe (ERTICO) www.ertico.com ERTICO is an international public/private partnership for intelligent transport systems (ITS) in Europe. ERTICO partners include: public authorities, industry, infrastructure operators and service providers, users, and others. The website provides links to homepage, definitions, general information, activities, partners, newsroom, forums, and others.
International Road Federation (IRF) www.irfnet.org IRF is a service organization whose purpose is to encourage better road and transportation systems worldwide and to help apply technology and management practices which will give maximum economic and social returns form national road investment. The website includes links describing: mission statement; membership; press releases and special reports; programs (education, training, road, advocacy); conferences and meetings; products and publications; and IRF partners. One publication called World Road Statistics is the only global compilation of road and vehicle statistics. It is based on data compiled from official sources within national statistics offices and national road administrations in more than 200 countries. Data cover road network length, production & export of motor vehicles, vehicles in use, road traffic, motor fuels, road crashes, and rates and basis of assessment of road user taxes. World Road Statistics 2000 contains data from 1994 to 1998.
International Road Transport Union (IRU) www.iru.org IRU represents the entire road transport industry world-wide. Its task is to ensure the mobility of people and goods, and speaks for the operators of coaches, taxis and trucks. The website covers the following links: mission, organization, membership, publications, transport indices for 17 individual western European countries and the OECD countries as a whole, information on restrictions and traffic bans on European roads, border delays, fuel prices, and safety and the environment.
Organisation for Economic

Cooperation and Development (OECD)

www.oecd.org OECD is an organization that provides governments a setting in which to discuss, develop and perfect economic and social policy. The website has several links covering general information, news, statistics, recruitment, bookshop, publications, location of centers worldwide, and other topics. (French and English versions)


American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

Address AASHTO

Publications Order Department

444 N. Capital St., N.W., Suite 249

Washington, D.C. 20001


Telephone 202 624 5800
Fax 202 624 5469
E-mail kyungl@aashto.org
Web Site http://www.aashto.org/
Description of Service AASHTO publishes manuals, guides, and specifications in the areas of administration and economics, bridges and structures, construction and right-of-way, design and traffic, highway transport and safety, maintenance, materials, and planning and environment. AASHTO makes all its publications convenient and accessible to the transportation community.
Average Cost per Document U.S. $0.25 per page.
Additional Information Orders may be submitted by mail, telephone, or fax.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Address ASCE - World Headquarters

1801 Alexander Bell Drive

Reston, VA 20191-4400


ASCE - Washington Office

1015 15th St. N.W. Suite 600

Washington, D.C. 20005


Telephone 800 548 2723

703 295 6300 (international calls)

703 295 6300 (headquarters)

202 789 2200 (Washington D.C.)

Fax 703 295 6222 (headquarters)

202 289 6797 (Washington D.C.)

E-mail marketing@asce.org
Web Site www.asce.org
Description of Service Provides issues of Civil Engineering, ASCE News, newsletters and other publications, books, and CD-ROMs of the ASCE.
Average Cost per Document varies.
Additional Information Publications can be searched online in the ASCE database. http://www.pubs.asce.org/cedbits.html

ARRB Transport Research, Ltd.

Address ARRB Transport Research, Ltd.

500 Burwood Highway


South Victoria 3133


Telephone 03 881 1560

61 3 9881 1600

Fax 03 802 5502

61 3 9802-5502

E-mail lynneb@arrb.org.au
Web Site http://www.arrb.org.au/inf_serv/inf_serv.htm
Description of Service Publication of the ARRB available to order. Strong Australian and New Zealand holdings, as well as large holdings from OECD countries.
Average Cost per Document AUD $21 per loan or photocopy item.
Additional Information Invoice, credit card, check accepted upon mail order.

Bell and Howell Information and Learning

Address Bell and Howell Information and Learning

300 North Zeeb Rd.

P.O. Box 1346

Ann Arbor MI 48106-1346


Telephone 800 521 0600

734 761 4700

734 761 4700 ext. 2825

734 997 4210 (international sales)

E-mail info@umi.com
Web Site www.umi.com
Description of Service Includes scientific and technical documents. Holds 1.2 million doctoral dissertations; most U.S. and many Canadian, British, and European from 1988 to current.
Average Cost per Document varies.
Additional Information Formerly University Microfilms International (UMI). Provides document delivery service for over 10 Dialog databases. Provides full text online for over 600 serial titles.

British Library Document Supply Centre

Address British Library Document Supply Centre

LEXICON Document Delivery Service

Boston Spa


West Yorkshire

LS23 7BQ

United Kingdom

Telephone 44 1937 546060

44 1937 546363 (rush service)

Fax 44 1937 546333

44 1937 546321 (rush service)

E-mail asc-customer-services@bl.uk
Web Site http://icarus.bl.uk/dsc/lexicon
Description of Service Complete document delivery service available. One of the largest collections of scientific and technical documents and serials in the world.
Average Cost per Document US $9.00 unit (10 pages per unit).

Other fees and costs vary depending on service.

Additional Information Online document delivery service available through DIALOG, EINS, and others. A deposit account is necessary for ordering.

Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI)

Address CISTI

National Research Council of Canada

Building M-55, Montreal Road

Ottawa, ON K1A 052


Telephone 800 668 1222 (Canada and U.S.)

613 993 9251

Fax 613 993 7619
E-mail cisti.info@nrc.ca
Web Site http://www.cisti.nrc.ca/cisti/docdel/docdel.html
Description of Service Collection includes 54,000 serial titles; 700,000 books; and 2 million technical reports on microfiche.
Average Cost per Document varies.
Additional Information Offers automated document delivery system service as well.

Maintains a large collection of scientific technical translations (in English and French) from a variety of foreign languages.

Delft University of Technology Library

Address Delft University

P.O. Box 98


The Netherlands

Prometheusplein 1


The Netherlands

Telephone 31 (0) 15 278 4636
Fax 31 (0) 15 257 5673
E-mail customer-service@library.tudelft.nl
Web Site http://www.library.tudelft.nl/BUTD/eng/rgform.htm
Description of Service Holdings for technology, engineering, and related sciences. Extensive collection of 13,000 current serial titles and 750,000 monographs and conference proceedings.
Average Cost per Document fl. 1,25 per page photocopy; fl. 2,50 per page urgent fax; fl. 15,00 per duplicate from microfiche (international rates).
Additional Information Handles a daily average of 1,000 interlibrary loan requests.

Offers invoice or deposit account services.

Dialog Corporation

Address The Dialog Corporation

2440 W. El Camino Real

Mountain View, CA 94040-1400


Telephone 800 334 2564

650 254 8800

Fax 650 254 8123
E-mail customer@krinfo.com
Web Site http://library.dialog.com/yellowsheets
Description of Service DIALORDER is the online document ordering service that connects users of Dialog to a number of document suppliers. All subject areas are covered.
Average Cost per Document varies.
Additional Information There are 33 DIALORDER suppliers available. Highway transportation documents can be accessed through several of these suppliers.

Elsevier Science, Inc. (Pergamon Press)

Address Elsevier Science

655 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10010-5107


Telephone 212 633 3730
Fax 212 633 3680
E-mail usinfo-f@elsevier.com
Web Site http://www.elsevier.com
Description of Service Book and journal articles on all scientific topics.
Average Cost per Document varies.
Additional Information Provides full-text service to more than 1,100 scientific, medical, and technical journals from around the world. There are regional offices in:

Europe, Middle East, and Africa (nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl);

Japan (info@elsevier.co.jp);

Asia and Australasia (asiainfo@elsevier.com.sg);

Latin America (elsevier@campus.com.br).

Engineering Information, Inc.

Address Engineering Information Inc.

Document Delivery Service

1 Castle Point Terrace

Hoboken, NJ 07030-5996


Telephone 800 221 1044

201 216 8500 (outside U.S. and Canada)

Fax 201 216 8532
E-mail mayor@ei.org
Web Site http://www.ei.org/
Description of Service Provides photocopies of articles and conference papers cited in the COMPENDEX file (available in Dialog and EINS).
Average Cost per Document U.S. $15 per copy (up to 20 pages); U.S. $0.40 per page after

rush services available at additional fees.

Additional Information Deposit accounts (U.S. $150 minimum), annual contracts, prepayments used.

European Information Network Services (EINS) (QUESTORDER)


The British Library

St. Pancras

96 Euston Road

London NWI 2DB

United Kingdom

Telephone 0171 412 7946

0171 412 7951

Fax 0171 412 7947
E-mail dialtech@bl.uk
Web Site http://www.eins.org/contact_points.htm
Description of Service QUESTORDER is the online document delivery ordering service that is used to access several document delivery suppliers.
Average Cost per Document varies.
Additional Information EINS provides an online service in scientific and technical information for the European information market. EINS has 11 national centers depending on the country. (See web site.)

Fachinformationszentrum (FIZ) Karlsruhe

Address FIZ Karlsruhe

Division Marketing, Service and Sales

76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen


Telephone 49 7247 808 333
Fax 49 7247 808 135
E-mail docdel@fiz-karlsruhe.de
Web Site http://www.fiz-karlsruhe.de
Description of Service Large collection of German and European scientific and technical documents and serials. Offers a wide range of document delivery services.
Average Cost per Document DM 70,00 per document.

Many types of document delivery services available.

Additional Information Service available through STN International and EINS document supplier network.

Institut de l'Information Scientifique Technique (INIST) Diffusion

Address INIST

2 allee du Parc de Brabois

F-54514 Vanoeuvre Cedex


Telephone 33 83 50 46 64
Fax 33 83 50 46 66
E-mail fdp-contact@inist.fr
Web Site http://www.inist.fr/
Description of Service Catalog contains over 5 million bibliographic references of scientific and technical information.
Average Cost per Document varies.
Additional Information Electronic ordering over the Internet is available.

Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)

Address Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)

3501 Market St.

Philadelphia, PA 19104-7649


Telephone 800 336 4474

215 386 0100

Fax 215 386 6362
E-mail sales@isinet.com
Web Site http://www.isinet.com/prodserv/ids/idsprod.html
Description of Service Supplies articles from over 16,000 journals, books, proceedings in sciences, social sciences, humanities and arts.
Average Cost per Document U.S. $10.75 (10 pages or less); $2.75 per additional 10 pages or less.

Other service costs for pre-1991 articles. Provides fax delivery as well.

Additional Information Deposit account or invoiced billing arrangements are used.

Institute of Transportation Studies Library, University of California, Berkeley

Address Harmer E. Davis Transportation Library

Institute of Transportation Studies

University of California at Berkeley

412 McLaughlin Hall

Berkeley, CA 94720


Telephone 510 642 3604
Fax 510 642 9180
E-mail itslib@uclink4.bereley.edu
Web Site http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/ITSL/
Description of Service Large international collection on all modes of transportation. Documents may also be borrowed via OCLC service available at subscribing member libraries.
Average Cost per Document U.S. $15 each title up to 50 pages; $ 0.25 per each additional page.
Additional Information Interlibrary loan and document delivery services are available. Maintains the PATH database on ITS topics. http://www.nas.edu/trb/about/path1.html

Japan Information Center for Science and Technology Corporation (JICST)

Address JICST Headquarters

5-3, Yonbancho


Tokyo 102-0081


JICST Library

P.O. Box 10, Hikarigaoka

Tokyo 179-9810


JICST Washington Office

2000 L Street, N.W. Suite 508

Washington, D.C., 20036


Telephone 81 3 5214 8413 (Japan)

81 3 3977 2551 (overseas service division service department)

202 872 4707 (U.S. branch office)

Fax 81 3 3979 2210 (Japan)

81 3 3979 2210 (JICST Library)

202 872 4053 (U.S. branch office)

E-mail overseas@mr.jst.go.jp
Web Site http://www.jst.go.jp
Description of Service Maintains an extensive collection of the world's scientific and technological literature starting from 1957. Includes 7,050 Japanese published periodicals and over 5,325 periodicals from more than 50 overseas countries.
Average Cost per Document U.S. $ 15.00 per copy (first 10 pages); $3.00 each additional 5 pages; surcharge for non-JICST held documents.
Additional Information Accepts fax orders. Orders can also be done through STN International's online services. Deposit accounts available.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Address Customer Services

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

U.S. Department of Commerce

5285 Port Royal Road

Springfield, VA 22161


Telephone 703 605 6000
Fax 703 605 6900
E-mail info@ntis.fedworld.gov
Web Site http://www.ntis.gov/
Description of Service U.S. and non-U.S. government sponsored research and development results, business information and engineering solutions. Collection is about 3 million titles.
Average Cost per Document Varies. Usually based on number of pages of document.
Additional Information Deposit account, credit card, or check in advance.

Bibliographic citation information on NTIS documents is accessible through DIALOG's File 6. Online document delivery service available to database via DIALOG. NTIS offers FedWorld an online information service free to the public to connect to the NTIS database.

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International

Address Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International

World Headquarters

400 Commonwealth Drive

Warrendale, PA 15096-0001


Telephone 724 776 4841
Fax 724 776 0790
E-mail custsvc@sae.org
Web Site http://www.sae.org
Description of Service Over 2,000 technical papers available on all vehicle technology topics
Average Cost per Document $10 download of full-text paper; $12 non-members mailing; $30 fax copy of paper.
Additional Information SAExpress global document service is available.

STN International

Address STN International

c/o Chemical Abstracts Service

P.O. Box 3012

2540 Olentangy River Road

Columbus, OH 43210-0012.


Telephone 614 447 3713

614 447 3698 (worldwide),

800 848 6533 (toll-free in North America)

Fax 614 447 3751
E-mail helpw@cas.org intsalesw@cas.org
Web Site stnweb.cas.org/
Description of Service The IRRD database is available in STN International online bibliographic database. Document orders are placed with the British Library Document Supply Centre.
Average Cost per Document (See British Library Document Supply Centre entry.)
Additional Information  

Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)

Address TAC

Technical Information Service

2323 St. Laurent Boulevard

Ottawa, Ontario K1G 4K6


Telephone 613 736 1350
Fax 613 736 1395
E-mail tis@tac-atc.ca
Web Site http://tac-atc.ca/resource/lloans.htm
Description of Service Publications sponsored by TAC are available to order. Manuals, guidelines, serials research reports, bulletins, and conference proceedings can be ordered.
Average Cost per Document US $0.25 per page.

US $10 per article + $5 per 20 page increment.

US $5 per item and shipping.

Additional Information Directory of Canadian transportation data sources, including 250 statistical data sources.

Transportation Library, Document Delivery Service, Northwestern University Library

Address Transportation Library

Document Delivery Service

Northwestern University

1935 Sheridan Road

Evanston IL 60208-2300


Telephone 847 491 5273
Fax 847 491 8601
E-mail trans@nwu.edu
Web Site http://www.library.nwu.edu/transportation
Description of Service Interlibrary loan and photocopy services available.
Average Cost per Document US $15 loan per document.

US $12 photocopy document (first 10 pages).

Additional Information One of the largest transportation libraries in the world.

Documents can be borrowed via OCLC as well.

Transportation Research Board (TRB)

Address Transportation Research Board

2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20418


Telephone 202 334 3214
Fax 202 334 2519
E-mail TRBSales@nas.edu
Web Site http://www.nas.edu/trb/about/pubindex.html
Description of Service Contains publications about transportation policy and practice in several subject categories, including: highway design, maintenance and construction, operations and safety, planning, and administration.
Average Cost per Document U.S. $0.10 per page; $0.30 per page out-of-print TRB publications.
Additional Information More than 1,350 reports from the National Academies are available online free for the reading. Site visitors can search the full text of online reports, and purchase printed copies at a 20% discount.

The Uncover Company

Address The UnCover Company

3801 East Florida Avenue #200

Denver, CO 80210


Telephone 800 787 7979


Fax 303 758 5946
E-mail sos@uncover.org
Web Site http://uncweb.carl.org
Description of Service Database contains article information taken from well over 18,000 multidisciplinary journals. Contains brief descriptive information for over 8.8 million articles from 1988 to present. Ordering can be done online.
Average Cost per Document US $10.00 per article plus copyright fees ordered online; other prices for other delivery methods. Discounts available subscribing to other services.
Additional Information  

United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT)

National Transportation Library

Address U.S. DOT/ Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

National Transportation Library

400 7th Street, S.W., Room 3430

Washington, DC 20590


Telephone 800 853 1351

202 366 3282

Fax 202 366 3640
E-mail ntl@bts.gov
Web Site http://www.bts.gov/ntl/
Description of Service A collection of electronic full-text US DOT documents available via the Internet and CD-Rom.
Average Cost per Document free.
Additional Information All material in the National Transportation library is in the public domain or provided by the authors free of any restriction on reproduction.

Universitatsbibliothek und Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)

Address Universitatsbibliothek und TIB

Postfach 60 80

D-30060 Hannover


Telephone 49 511 762 2268
Fax 49 511 715936
E-mail ubtib@tib.uni-hannover.de
Web Site http://www.tib.uni-hannover.de
Description of Service Central German library for technology/engineering and related basic sciences. Has over 20,000 current serial titles and special collections of conference proceedings, unpublished German research reports, and Eastern Europe publications.
Average Cost per Document DM 32 per article (up to 20 pages photocopied, or 1 monograph loan) (Europe).

DM 50 per article (rest of world).

Additional Information Deposit accounts available. Can invoice as well. Rush orders available.


The Dialog Corporation

(A Thomson Company)

11000 Regency Parkway

Suite 10

Cary, North Carolina 27511

United States of America

919 462 8600

919 468 9890


STN International

c/o Chemical Abstracts Service

P.O. Box 3012

2540 Olentagy River Road

Columbus, OH 43210-0012

United States of America

614 447 3713

614 447 3698 (worldwide)

800 848 6533 (toll-free in North America)

(www.eins.org) (for non-North America contacts)

SilverPlatter Information, Inc.

100 River Ridge Drive

Norwood, MA 02062

United States of America

781 769 2599

781 769 8763 (fax)

(800) 343 0064 (U.S. and Canada)

44 (0) 208 585 6400 44 (0) 208 585 6640 (fax) (rest of world)

DIALTECH, The British Library

St. Pancras

96 Euston Road

London, U.K. NW1 2DB

0171 412 7946/ 412 7951

0171 412 7947 (fax)

(EINS National Centre, STN, and Dialog)

ANTE (Abstracts in New Technologies and Engineering)
Contact/Address Bowker- Saur

Division of Reed-Elsevier (UK), Ltd.

Peter Ellway, Editor

Abstracts in New Technologies and Engineering

Maypole House, Maypole Road

East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 1HU

United Kingdom

Telephone 0134 233 0165
Fax 0134 233 0197
Web Site www.bowker-saur.co.uk/
Topics technology, engineering, and allied subject areas
Dates Covered 1981 to the present, abstracts from January 1993 to the present
File Size over 252,000 records as of March 1998
Publications Covered approximately 350 journals from the U.K. and the U.S.
Update Frequency monthly
Availability/Access Host DIALOG (File 238)

Ei Compendex
Contact/Address Engineering Information, Inc.

Castle Point on the Hudson

Hoboken, NJ 07030

United States of America

Telephone 201 216 8500
Fax 201 216 8532
E-mail ehorigan@einet.ei.org
Web Site www.ei.org/
Topics broad range of engineering subjects, including civil
Dates Covered 1970 to the present
File Size over 4,630,000 records as of June 2000
Publications Covered approximately 2,600 journals, publications of engineering societies and organizations, approximately 600 conferences per year, technical reports, and monographs
Update Frequency weekly
Availability/Access Host(s) DIALOG (File 8), STN, SilverPlatter

Encyclopedia of Associations
Contact/Address The Gale Group - A Thompson Company

27500 Drake Rd.

Farmington Hills, MI 48331

United States of America

Telephone 1 800 877 GALE

1 800 414 5043

1 248 699 4253 (outside U.S.A. and Canada)

Fax 1 248 699 8064 (outside U.S.A. and Canada)
Web Site www.galegroup.com/
Topics nonprofit membership organizations worldwide, covering broad range of subjects including: engineering, technological, natural and social sciences, trade, business, and commerce

covers international, national, regional, state, and local

Dates Covered corresponds with most current print edition
File Size 112,500 records as of January 1998
Publications Covered Encyclopedia of Associations family of publications
Update Frequency annual
Availability/Access Host DIALOG (File 114), online subscription to Gale, "Associations Unlimited"

Contact/Address INSPEC, Inc.

379 Thornall Street

Edison, NJ 08837

United States of America

Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEEE)

INSPEC Marketing Dept.

Michael Faraday House,

Six Hills Way

Stevenage, Herts SG1 2AY

United Kingdom

Telephone 1-732-321-5575 (U.S. and Americas)

44 (0) 1438 767297 (U.K. and rest of world)

Fax 1-732-321-5575 (U.S. and Americas)

44 (0) 1438 742840 (U.K. and rest of world)

E-mail inspec@inspecinc.com (U.S. and Americas)

inspec@iee.org.uk (U.K. and rest of world)

Web Site www.iee.org.uk/
Topics includes physics, electrical and electronic, and computer and control topics, as well as traffic engineering and industry applications
Dates Covered 1969 to current
File Size approximately 7 million records (May 2000)
Publications Covered Physics Abstracts, Electrical and Electronics Abstracts, and Computer and Control Abstracts
Update Frequency weekly
Availability/Access Host DIALOG (Files 2, 3, 4)

IRTAD (International Road Traffic and Accident Database)
Contact/Address Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen (BASt)

Mr. Axel Elsner, Mrs. Susanne Reichwein

Brüderstrasse 53

D-51427 Bergisch Gladbach


OECD Secretariat

Road Transport and Intermoda Linkages

Research Programme

2, rue André-Pascal

75775 Paris Cedex 16


Telephone 49 22 04 43 420 (BASt)
Fax 49 22 04 43 673 (BASt)

33 1 45 24 79 60 (OECD)

E-mail irtad@bast.de/irtad


Web Site www.bast.de/irtad/
Topics road traffic and accident data
Dates Covered 1965, 1970 to current
File Size 240 variables, includes aggregated data on injury accidents, road fatalities, vehicle population, network length, vehicle kilometrage, seat belt use from 30 countries
Published Data Sets  
Update Frequency regular
Availability/Access Host(s) IRTAD membership, free online access

ITRD (International Transport Research Documentation)
Contact/Address Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Road Transport and Intermodal Linkages Research Program

2, rue André Pascal

F-75775 Paris Cedex 16


Telephone 33 145 24 92 44
Fax 33 149 10 42 90
Web Site www.cas.org/ONLINE/DBSS/itrddsr
Topics road and transport research
Dates Covered 1972 to present
File Size 295,415 citations (as of May 2000)
Publications Covered journals, books, conference proceedings, dissertations, patents, reports, standards and specifications
Update Frequency monthly
Availability/Access Host(s) STN

JICST - EPlus (Japanese Science & Technology)
Contact/Address Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST)

JST, Information Center for Science and Technology (JICST)

5-3, Yonbancho, Chiyoda-ku

Tokyo, 102


Telephone 81 3 5214 8413
Fax 81 3 5214 8410
Web Site www.jst.go.jp/EN/JICST/
Topics literature published in Japan from all fields of science, technology, and medicine; includes civil engineering, and transportation
Dates Covered 1985 to present
File Size 3,413,000 records (as of March 1998)
Publications Covered journal articles, reports, books and monographs, conferences, theses and dissertations
Update Frequency biweekly
Availability/Access Host(s) DIALOG (File 94), STN

NTIS (National Technical Information Service)
Contact/Address National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce

5285 Port Royal Road

Springfield, VA 22161

United States of America

Telephone 703 605 6515
Fax 703 605 6742
Web Site www.ntis.gov/
Topics Primarily U.S. government-sponsored (including US DOT) research, development, and engineering; some international coverage (Japan, UK, and Germany)
Dates Covered 1964 to the present
File Size 2,112,000 records (May 2000)
Publications Covered

journal articles, reports, conferences, government documents, bibliographies, theses and dissertations, patents, standards, translations, microforms
Update Frequency weekly
Availability/Access Host DIALOG ( File 6), STN, SilverPlatter

Contact/Address Sentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)/Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique (INIST)

2, allee du Parc de Brabois


CEDEX 54514


Telephone 33 3 83 50 46 00
Fax 333 83 50 47 48
E-mail guichard@inist.fr
Web Site www.icsti.org/
Topics multidisciplinary, covering the core of the world's scientific and technical literature in the fundamental disciplines of physics and chemistry; life sciences; applied sciences and technology (including civil engineering and transportation); earth sciences; and information sciences
Dates Covered 1973 to present
File Size 13,011,000 records (May 2000)
Publications Covered journal articles, theses (mainly French), conference proceedings, technical reports, books, patents
Update Frequency weekly
Availability/Access Host DIALOG (File 144), cd-rom

PATH (Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways)
Contact/Address University of California

Institute of Transportation Studies

California PATH Program

Harmer E. Davis Transportation Library

412 McLaughlin Hall

Berkeley, CA 94720

United States of America

Telephone 510 642 9168
Fax 510 642 9180
E-mail spetrite@library.berkeley.edu
Web Site www4.nationalacademies.org/trb/tris.nsf/web/path
Topics international intelligent transportation systems
Dates Covered 1940's to current
File Size over 21,000 records
Publications Covered journal article, monographs, conference proceedings, technical reports, theses, web sites, and selected media coverage
Update Frequency monthly
Availability/Access Host website access to file, access to TRIS file through website as well

Contact/Address American Psychological Association

PsycINFO User Services

750 First Street, N.E.

Washington, D.C. 20002-4242

United States of America

Telephone 800 374 2722

202 336 5650

Fax 202 336 5633
Web Site www.apa.org/psycinfo
Topics international literature in psychology and related behavioral and social sciences, including sociology, education, and others.
Dates Covered 1887 to present
File Size 1,653,000 (June 2000)
Publications Covered journal articles, books, monographs, theses and dissertations
Update Frequency monthly
Availability/Access Host DIALOG (File 11)

Contact/Address Sweden Statens Vag - och Transportforskningsinstitut

Bibliotek och Dokumentation

S-581 95 Linkoping, Sweden

Telephone 013 204000
Fax 013 204040
E-mail transguide@vti.se
Web Site www.transguide.vti.se

Roads, traffic, vehicles, road users, safety, traffic engineering, highway engineering.
Dates Covered 1976 to present
File Size 100,000
Publications Covered Contains citations to publications included in the libraries of the Swedish Road and Traffic Research Institute (VTI), the Swedish Road Administration, and the Road Safety Office. Covers reports, journal articles, monographs, proceedings, theses, and conference papers. All keywords are in English. There are no abstracts.
Update Frequency Updated daily; 6,000 records per year
Availability/Access Host The VTI Library and Information Centre (BIC) produces ROADLINE. ROADLINE is the VTI library catalog as well as the largest database in its subject areas in the Nordic countries. Searches in ROADLINE can be accomplished free of charge in the BIC catalogue by assessing the database network Transguide (www.transguide.vti.se). Much of the information in Transguide is in Swedish.

SIGLE (System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe)
Contact/Address EAGLE (European Association for Grey Literature Exploitation)

Postbus 90407

NL-2509 LK Den Haag

The Netherlands

Telephone 31 70/ 3140506
Fax 31 70/ 3140651
E-mail hlpdeskk@fiz-karlsruhe.de
Web Site www.bl.uk/services/bsds/dsc/greylit

European non-conventional literature in the fields of pure and applied natural sciences and technology (including civil engineering), economics, social sciences, and humanities.
Dates Covered 1976 to present
File Size 675,250 records
Publications Covered reports, dissertations, books, conference proceedings, and other non-conventional literature
Update Frequency monthly
Availability/Access Host STN

Sociological Abstracts
Contact/Address Sociological Abstracts, Inc.

Miriam Chall

P.O. Box 22206

San Diego, CA 92122

United States of America

Telephone 619 695 8803

800 752 3945

Fax 619 695 0416
Web Site www.soc.annualreviews.org/
Topics world literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences
Dates Covered 1963 to present
File Size 500,000 records (November 1997)
Publications Covered journal articles, books and monographs, theses and dissertations, book reviews
Update Frequency 5 times per year
Availability/Access Host DIALOG (File 37)

TAC (Transportation Association of Canada)

Transportation Statistics Centre

Contact/Address Transportation Association of Canada

2323 St. Laurent Blvd.

Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0G9


Telephone 613-736-1350
Fax 613-736-1395
Web Site www.tac-atc.ca/resource/statis
Topics Provides statistics on all modes of transportation in Canada.
Dates Covered  
File Size  
Published Data Sets  
Update Frequency annual
Availability/Access Host  

Contact/Address SilverPlatter Information Inc.

100 River Ridge Drive

Norwood, MA 02062

United States of America

Telephone 800 343 0064

781 769 2599

Fax 781 769 8763
Web Site www.silverplatter.com
Topics international surface (road and marine) transportation information - three component databases:

• OECD's International Transport Research Documentation

•TRB's Transportation Research Information Services

covers transportation systems: highway, traffic, transport, road safety, and the economics and social sciences of transportation

Dates Covered 1968 to present
File Size over 1,000,000 records
Publications Covered journal articles, research reports, books, conference proceedings, standards and specifications, summaries of research in progress
Update Frequency quarterly
Availability/Access Host SilverPlatter

TRIS (Transportation Research Information Services)
Contact/Address Transportation Research Board

2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20418

United States of America

Telephone 202-334-3250
Fax 202-334-3495
E-mail bpost@nas.edu
Web Site www.ntl.bts.gov/tris
Topics includes all aspects of transportation, including air, highway, rail, maritime, and waterborne transport, mass transit, and other transportation modes
Dates Covered 1968 to present
File Size 441,000 records (March 1998)
Publications Covered journal articles, reports, conferences, government documents., research projects
Update Frequency monthly
Availability/Access Host DIALOG (File 63), website, access to PATH file available as well

USDOT/BTS (U.S. Department of Transportation/Bureau of Transportation Statistics)
Contact/Address United States Department of Transportation

Bureau of Transportation Statistics

400 7th St., NW

Washington, DC 20059

United States of America

Telephone 800 853 1351

1 202 366 DATA

Fax 1 202 366 3640
Web Site www.statistics@bts.gov/
Topics Provides national transportation statistics on all modes of travel. Data on the extent, condition, use and performance of the physical transportation network; relationship between transportation and the economy; transportation safety; and transportation energy use and related environmental impacts.
Dates Covered 1957 to current year
File Size  
Published Data Sets companion hardcopy available
Update Frequency annual
Availability/Access Host website


(U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration)

Contact/Address United States Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

400 7th St., NW

Washington, D.C. 20059

United States of America

Telephone 202 366 0537
Web Site www.fhwa.dot.gov
Topics Provides highway statistics on motor fuel; motor vehicles; driver licensing; highway user taxation; State and local government highway finance; highway mileage; and Federal aid for highways. Also produce a nationwide personal transportation survey which includes data on passenger travel in the United States.
Dates Covered 1950s to current
File Size  
Publications Covered companion hardcopy
Update Frequency annually
Availability website



Association, Organization, Professional Society Contact Information Description
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

1440 New York Ave. NW

Suite 201

Washington, DC 20005 USA

Phone: (202) 638-5944

Fax: (202) 638-5943

Email: steph@aaafts.org

URL: http://www.aaafts.org

Serves as research and development medium to saving lives and reducing injuries by preventing traffic crashes. Produces and distributes safety videos and related materials for government agencies, automobile clubs, driving schools, corporations, school districts, and other organizations.
Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (AHAS) Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

750 First St. NE, Suite 901

Washington, DC 20002 USA

Phone: (202) 408-1711

Fax: (202) 408-1699

Toll-Free: 800-659-2247

Email: stone@saferoads.org

URL: http://www.saferoads.org

Promotes effective highway safety legislation, standards, policies, and programs at the National and State levels to reduce deaths, injuries, and economic losses associated with motor vehicle crashes, fraud, and theft. Monitors State and National automotive safety legislation.
Alliance for Traffic Safety (ATS) Alliance for Traffic Safety

c/o Glenn A. Carriker Safety Center

Humphreys Bldg., Suite 201

Central Missouri State University

Warrensburg, MO 64093 USA

Phone: (660) 543-4830

Fax: (660) 543-4482

Educational, trade, and professional organizations with an interest in highway traffic safety. Acts as a forum for exchange of information among members and as a source of contact for State and Federal safety officials for reaching participating organization safety personnel at both the State and National levels.
American Academy of Safety Education (AASE) American Academy of Safety Education

c/o Robert L. Baldwin

Central Missouri State University Safety Center

Humphreys Bldg.

Warrensburg, MO 64093 USA

Phone: (660) 543-4281

Elected fellows interested in or employed by safety education programs. Promotes safety education and crash prevention throughout the nation.
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators

4301 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400

Arlington, VA 22203-1800 USA

Phone: (703) 522-4200

Fax: (703) 522-1553

URL: http://www.aamva.org

Promotes reasonable and uniform laws and regulations governing registration, certification of ownership, equipment and operation of motor vehicles, and issuance of motor vehicle driver's licenses. Officials represent 67 States, provinces, and territories who administer motor vehicle laws and regulations.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials


American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

444 N. Capitol St. NW, Suite 249

Washington, DC 20001 USA


Phone: (202) 624-5800

Fax: (202) 624-5806

Toll-Free: 800-231-3475

Email: aashto@aashto.org

URL: http://www.aashto.org/main

Provides advocacy for multimodal and intermodal transportation. Represents the fifty-member State highway and transportation departments and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, fostering development, operation, and maintenance of an integrated national transportation system.
American Automobile Association (AAA) American Automobile Association

1000 AAA Drive

Heathrow, FL 32746-5063 USA

Phone: (407) 444-7965

Fax: (407) 444-7759

URL: http://www.aaa.com

Provides services and produces publications on traffic safety, including driver education, automobile history, statistics, insurance, and business management. Provides traffic safety curriculum materials to elementary schools. Works with National, State, and local Governments on safety issues.
American Concrete Institute International (ACI) American Concrete Institute International

P.O. Box 9094

Farmington, MI 48333

Phone: (248) 848-3700

Fax: (248) 848-3701

email: BKStore@aci-int.org

URL: http://www.aci-int.org

ACI develops and disseminates information regarding the use of concrete structures and facilities. Members represent engineering and architectural professions, contractors, and materials producers, government, and academia. The website provides information about ACI and its activities, the ACI bookstore and library. Codes and standards, technical reports, handbooks and manuals, CD-ROMS and software, periodicals and videos may be ordered online.
American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA) American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association

Highway Safety Center

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Indiana, PA 15705 USA

Phone: (724) 357-4051

Toll-Free: 800-896-7703

Fax: (724) 357-7595

URL: http://adtsea.iup.edu/adtsea

Professional organization of teachers, supervisors, commercial driving school owners, vocational rehabilitation specialists, and police traffic safety personnel interested in improving driver and traffic safety education in colleges and secondary and elementary schools. Provides assistance to State departments of education, colleges and universities, State associations, and local school districts.
American Highway Users Alliance American Highway Users Alliance

1776 Massachusetts Ave. NW

Washington, DC 20036 USA

Phone: (202) 857-1200

Fax: (202) 857-1220

Email: gohighway@aol.com

URL: http://www.highway.org

Promotes highway safety and encourages sound highway transportation development on a National basis by cooperating with private and public organizations active in these areas. Includes organizations and associations representing major industry and highway-user groups.
American Public Works Association (APWA) American Public Works Association

2345 Grand Blvd., Suite 500

Kansas City, MO 64108 USA

Phone: (816) 472-6100

Fax: (816) 472-1610

Toll-Free: 800-595-APWA

Email: atatum@apwa.net

American Public Works Association
1401 K Street, NW, 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 408-9541

Fax: (202) 408-9542

Email: apwa.dc@apwa.net

URL: http://www.pubworks.org

International educational and professional association of public agencies, private sector companies, and individuals dedicated to providing high quality public works goods and services. Includes chief administrators, commissioners, and directors of public works, city engineers, superintendents, and department heads of transportation, water, waste, and other public works departments. Conducts historical research on public works subjects and demonstrates applicability of history to current public works problems and issues. Sponsors research and education foundations.
American Road and Transportation Association (ARTA) American Road and Transportation Association

1010 Massachusetts Ave., NW

6th Floor

Washington, DC 20001 USA

Phone: (202) 289-4434

Fax: (202) 289-44435

Works to upgrade U.S. transportation systems by promoting public awareness of needs. Seeks to increase public support for improvement programs and to focus national attention on State highway and transportation problems. Includes executives of State transportation betterment organizations and allied associations and firms.
American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) American Road and Transportation Builders Association

The ARTBA Building

1010 Massachusetts Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20001 USA

Phone: (202) 289-4434

Fax: (202) 289-4435

Email: artbadc@aol.com

URL: http://www.artba-hq.org.

Represents the construction industry in all modes of transportation systems. Publishes technical information for engineers, designers, contractors, educators, manufacturers, and suppliers of the transportation construction industry.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) American Society of Civil Engineers

1801 Alexander Bell Dr.

Reston, VA 20190 USA

Phone: (703) 295-6252

Fax: (703) 295-6278

Toll Free: 800-548-2723

Email: Marketing@asce.org

ASCE - Washington Office
1015 15th St. N.W., Suite 600 Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: (202) 789-2200

Fax: (202) 289-6797 fax

URL: http://www.asce.org

Represents more than 123,000 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide. Provides membership perspectives on advancing technology, promoting the profession, leadership, career development, and marketing. Publishes books and journals on civil engineering.
American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE)

American Society of Highway Engineers

908 North Second street

Harrisburg, PA 17102



Page last modified on November 7, 2014.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000