U.S. DOT OIGAccount verificato


Committed to supporting the Department of Transportation, Congress, and the public in achieving a safe, efficient, and effective transportation system.

Washington, D.C.
Iscritto a ottobre 2009


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  1. DOT OIG audit finds efficiency of air traffic control towers ranges widely relative to each other

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  2. OIG results in Pennsylvania drug testing firm being shut down by for a period of 5 years

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  3. Eleven defendants indicted in DOT OIG after explosion of vacuum cargo tank trailer

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  4. DOT OIG initiates an audit of approval and oversight processes for civil unmanned aircraft systems

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  5. leads to nearly $5 million settlement from HD Supply Waterworks re DBE contract fraud allegations

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  6. DOT OIG initiates an audit of oversight of suspected unapproved aircraft parts

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  7. DOT OIG initiates audit of new participants in airport disadvantaged business enterprise program for FY 2014

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  8. Former CEO sentenced in OIG to pay $1.2M and over 5 years in prison for bonding scheme

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  9. DOT OIG leads to former president of a Mass Transit Authority operator sentence to 70 months in prison

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  10. New Hampshire man charged in DOT OIG with illegally transporting

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  11. Drug tester agrees to pre-trial diversion in DOT OIG for falsifying related CDL lab samples

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  12. DOT OIG initiates of oversight of major capital projects in the western regions

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  13. Long Island CEO pleads guilty in DOT OIG to wire involving counterfeit aircraft parts

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  14. DOT OIG results in Tennessee contractor being sentenced for theft from a federally funded program

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  15. JFK air traffic controller pleads guilty in OIG to an employment pay scheme

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  16. Nebraska truck driver pleads guilty in OIG to making threats to safety inspector

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  17. South Carolina contractor agrees to repay $77,000 resulting from OIG of false claims for DBE work

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  18. OIG results in former Chicago PACE transit manager being indicted for

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  19. Five defendants found guilty of in OIG of CDL test-taking schemes at NY DMV facilities

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  20. IG audit finds does not fully ensure compliance with contract closeout requirements

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

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