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Last Updated: Monday, 10-Feb-2014 09:38:12 PST
















Much of the Marine Meteorology Division's applied research is focused on developing and transitioning products that are used by operational customers to support the DOD mission.

Numerical Weather Prediction Systems
Operational systems developed by NRL Monterey include the global, regional, and local data assimilation and numerical weather prediction systems that are run operationally at Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) in Monterey, California and at some regional Navy Meteorology and Oceanography Centers. Graphical displays of real-time operational products from some of these NRL systems can be viewed on the FNMOC public web site.

xxOperational Numerical Weather Prediction  Product Graphic

Digital data output from some of these modeling systems can be obtained through several sources. 

Operational Numerical Weather Prediction  Product Graphic

Tropical Cyclone Forecasting Aids
Other operational systems have been developed specifically to support the operators and duty officers responsible for forecasting tropical cyclones around the globe. Those systems include the Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecast (ATCF) system, an interactive forecasting tool widely used by operational Navy and NOAA tropical forecasters, and the Tropical Cyclone Web Page, a comprehensive collection of tropical satellite and ATCF products that has been developed by NRL and transitioned to FNMOC.

xxTropical Cyclone Forecasting Aids  Product Graphic

Satellite Products
Because of the Navy's global mission, NRL uses data streams from 5 geostationary and 13 polar orbiting satellites to provide a multi-sensor, multi-platform data fusion approach to developing satellite products for global support of DOD. The Navy Meteorology and Oceanography Centers and some of the Navy ships are able to capture, process, and share satellite data streams. Algorithms developed by NRL Monterey are transitioned to various locations to provide global and local capability for product display and development. Some of these NRL-developed products may be displayed on the following web sites (may require .mil address to access).

Satellite Product Graphic

Warfighter Products
NRL Monterey also develops products that are targeted at Navy operators outside of the meteorology and oceanography community. These products include a number of handbooks (port studies, hurricane havens guides, tactical applications guides) that are used directly by ships' captains and other mariners; environmental databases for use by the Modeling and Simulation (wargaming and mission rehearsal) community; and the Target Acquisition Weapons Software (TAWS), a software system supporting strike warfare that is jointly supported by the Navy, Air Force, and Army.

Warfighter Product Graphic

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Approved for public release by  Superintendent. NRL Address: Naval Research Laboratory Marine Meteorology Division 7 Grace Hopper Avenue, Stop 2 Monterey, CA 93943-5502 831-656-4721/4758