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-NAVINSGEN > How to Resolve a Complaint (A-Z)
How to Resolve a Complaint (A-Z)

This list links you to guidance IG personnel provide when contacted on the hotline. The lists does not include all issues brought to the IG's attention but contains a representative sample. Our goal is to help those who are considering filing a hotline complaint and IG personnel responsible for responding to issues.

This list is intended to be an informal reference and should not be construed as legal advice. Although we provide referral information, the IG reserves the right to investigate any matter brought to our attention.

Recommendations on the links listed assume that you have already tried to address your issue informally by bringing your concern to the attention of your immediate supervisor or others in your chain of command.

Filter Complaints List:


Contact the Human Resource Office or the Human Resource Service Center (HRSC) that services your command for information on how to proceed.
Depending on the nature of the complaint, you may submit a Commanding Officer's Request Mast chit, NAVREGS Article 1150 (Redress of Wrong Committed by a Superior), or UCMJ Article 138 (Complaint of Wrongs Against the Commanding Officer).
Review the Navy's Civilian Employee Grievance System.
Contact the Naval Legal Service Office for advice.
Report offenses to personnel within the chain of command authorized to receive complaints.
Appeal Adverse Personnel Actions using the processes outlined under Adverse Personnel Action.

Report an Adverse Personnel Action taken in retaliation for other complaints you made to DoD IG or the Naval Inspector General. See Whistleblower.
Contact the Human Resource Office or the Human Resource Service Center (HRSC) that services your command for information on how to proceed.
If an employee is abusive in the workplace and the behavior is associated with drug/alcohol abuse, report the matter to the employee's immediate supervisor.

If you know someone that is experiencing problems in the workplace related to drug/alcohol abuse contact the command Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA).
Contact the Human Resource Office, Human Resource Service Center, or ADR Regional Coordinator, for information and guidance as to how to proceed.
Report ADA violations to your chain of command within 10 working days of the possible violation. The chain of command is responsible for reporting ADA violations to the Financial, Management, and Comptroller (FM&C).
Call your local NCIS office or the NCIS Fraud Hotline number at 1-800-264-6485 to report any suspicious activity.
Report possible wrongdoing to the chain of command before bringing to the attention of the local IG.
See Complaint of Wrong against the Commanding Officer below.
Bring the issue to the attention of the chain of command, i.e., immediate supervisor, department head, or Human Resource Office.

Applicable Regulation: DoD 1400.25-M.
Bring the issue to the attention of the chain of command, i.e., immediate supervisor, department head, Commanding Officer, Director, or Supervisor. Contact the Board for Correction of Naval Records (if discharged).
If you are military member who has questions regarding BAH issues, seek assistance from your Personnel Support Detachment Report fraudulent receipt of BAH to your chain of command or to the local IG.
If you need immediate assistance or if you know someone who needs assistance, contact the chain of command (Chaplain, SEA, Master Chief.) or any of the crisis hotlines.
BCNR reviews all re-enlistment codes, all general courts-martial discharges, all physical or medical disability discharges, administrative discharges over 15 years old and Summary and Special Courts-Martial discharges over 15 years old.
Call your local NCIS office or the NCIS Fraud Hotline number at 1-800-264-6485 to report any suspicious activity.
Discuss the issue with your supervisor or your Human Resource Office.
Report matters of concern to the immediate supervisor, department head, Commanding Officer.
Submit suggested changes/revisions to the command responsible for promulgation of the instruction/regulation.
Report the issue to the immediate supervisor and attempt resolution using the available alternate dispute resolution procedures. Contact your Human Resource Office or Human Resource Service Center for guidance concerning available grievance process.
Seek private legal counsel for assistance if you are considering filing a claim against the Navy for injury or death that resulted from the negligence of a Navy employee.

Navy civilian employees with complaints concerning work-related injuries may consider filing a worker's compensation claim.
Report the issue to your immediate supervisor first. Seek assistance on how to proceed from the Human Resource Office or Human Resource Service Center.
Report a violation or dissatisfaction with removal/suspension of a security clearance to the Commanding Officer and your security officer.
Contact the Naval Council of Personnel Boards (NCPB).
Contact the Naval Council of Personnel Boards (NCPB).

Appeal to the Principle Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness).
Contact the local IG.
Contact the local IG.
Report violations pertaining to misuse of compensatory time and documentation to the chain of command. If the wrongdoing continues to occur and management fails to take action, report both to the local IG.
The following questions provide information about hotline policy and procedures that you should review before you file a complaint.
File a complaint with a superior outside the Chain of Command.
File a complaint with your Commanding Officer.
Call your local NCIS office or the NCIS Fraud Hotline number at 1-800-264-6485 to report any suspicious activity.
If you have already contacted a member of Congress concerning an issue, please continue to pursue that avenue of redress with the congressional office. The office of the Inspector General cannot duplicate the process you have already initiated by contacting a member of Congress.
Report the matter to the contracting officer, or, if unknown, to the Regional Commander or Military Installation Commanding Office.
Contact the Board for Correction of Naval Records.

Call your local NCIS office or the NCIS Fraud Hotline number at 1-800-264-6485 to report any suspicious activity.
Report criminal matters to Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), base or local police.
Call your local NCIS office or the NCIS Fraud Hotline number at 1-800-264-6485 to report any suspicious activity.
Noble Eagle Sailor Advocacy (NESA)
Commercial: (901) 874-4584/85/86/87/88
E-mail: nesa@navy.mil
Noble Eagle Sailor Advocacy (NESA)
Commercial: (901) 874-4584/85/86/87/88
E-mail: nesa@navy.mil
Submit complaints concerning Department of Defense Dependent Schools to the Department of Defense Inspector General (DODIG).
NAVPERS 1070/602 (referred to as the Page 2) is used for both officer and enlisted. Naval military members should contact the Bureau of Personnel or the Defense Finance and Accounting Service to verify or change information in the Page 2.
Navy Legal Service Offices can provide guidance and answers regarding non-support of military dependents.

BAH fraud: If you have evidence that a Navy military member has been receiving BAH for longer than 2 months and has failed to provide support, contact the local IG.
Military members should address complaints concerning deployment with the chain of command. See more information on the Navy Lifelines 2000 website.

Dependents can contact BUPERS, request the assistance of an Ombudsman or contact someone affiliated with the Navy Wives program if the military member is deployed.

Navy Wives website.
Contact your command/ship or any military authority.
Follow the instructions in your letter. Contact your legal assistance office or Staff Judge Advocate for questions or more information.
Contact the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) if you have questions about a medical discharge based on Fitness for Duty or your disability status.
Address the issue with your chain of command and your Human Resources Representative.

Report suspected fraud of an employee on disability to the Department of Labor.
If you are being processed for separation, address the issue to the chain of command.

If you are separated, contact BCNR. Navy and Marine Corps members who request review or upgrade of a discharge should seek redress from BCNR for all reenlistment codes, general court martial discharges and ALL discharges older than 15 years. Submit all other requests to NDRB.
Contact your Command Managed Equal Opportunity Officer. See Equal Opportunity.
Contact your Human Resource Office, Human Resource Service Center, Equal Employment Opportunity (Navy civilians) Advisor, or Alternate Dispute Resolution Regional Coordinator to discuss how to proceed. See Equal Opportunity.
Contact the nearest Naval Legal Service Office (NLSO).
Read the following memo: How to resolve government travel card disputes
Report domestic abuse to the base or local police and to the military member's command.
Depending on the nature of the issue, i.e, classification appeals, several appeal processes are available to appeal an outcome of an investigation.
Call your local NCIS office or the NCIS Fraud Hotline number at 1-800-264-6485 to report any suspicious activity.
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy Installations and Environment
1000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-1000
Contact your Human Resource Office, Human Resource Service Center, or Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) Regional Coordinator (see ADR) to discuss how to proceed.
Contact the Command Managed Equal Opportunity Officer.
Report discriminatory practices by landlords to the Housing Referral Office on base and contact the legal assistance office for advice.
Report ethics violations to supervisors in the chain of command, the Commanding Office or your local IG.
If you are still on active duty and receive an adverse evaluation, you may submit comments at the time you receive your evaluation. If you are still not satisfied, you may petition the Board for the Correction of Naval Records.

If you are out of the Navy, you may submit an appeal to the Commanding Officer requesting he/she change the adverse evaluation or submit an appeal directly to the Board for Correction of Naval Records.
Contact the EFM coordinator at the Fleet and Family Support Center. Contact the Health Benefits Advisor regarding TRICARE, PRIMUS, and CHAMPUS issues related to the EFM program.
Report someone suspected of falsifying documents or making false statements to your chain of command, local IG, or NCIS.
Navy civilian employees report violations to your chain of command by first notifying the chain of command or Human Resource Office.

Military members may be suspected of fraternization which is showing favoritism to a subordinate in the chain of command. See Fraternization.
Report violations to the chain of command. Generally, outside of command instructions there is no specific rule or regulation regarding supervisor's authority to allow 59 minutes early departure from work without charging it as leave or loss of pay.
Obtain a court order stating you or your children are entitled to receive support and provide the court order to your spouse and his/her Commanding Officer if he/she does not comply with the court order. Contact a Navy Legal Assistance Office if you have questions. See Support: Spousal/Dependent If military member is not entitled to receive compensation based on his/her marriage status, see Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) fraud.
Indebtedness is a basis for a civil law suit. This is an issue between the debtor and the creditor.

See also: Indebtedness (Military Members).
Address issues regarding Fit for Duty with the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB).
Report complaints about fitness reports/evaluations to the Commanding Officer or appeal to the Board for Correction of Naval Records.
To change an assignment, you may appeal to your Commanding Officer requesting he/she submit a Flag Level Review to the Naval Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4)) after you have exhausted your normal avenues of redress, i.e., made prior attempts to resolve the issue with the appropriate assignment branch or department head.
Programs established to support Navy leadership in achieving maximum mission readiness. The programs include Navy Family Ombudsman Program, Deployment Readiness, Transition Assistance, Relocation Assistance, Spouse Employment Assistance, Personal Financial Management, Sexual Assault Victim Intervention, Family Advocacy, Individual, Marital, and Family Counseling and response to crisis.

Fleet and Family Support Website

Fleet and Family Support Center locations
Report the allegation to the chain of command.
Report allegations of fraud to your local IG, NCIS, DoD Hotline, DCIS, or the Naval Inspector General. Report Internet Fraud to:
Report to local IG.
Report improper fundraising issues to your local IG.
Report violations to the chain of command. DoD 5500.7-R, Sections 2-302.

Gambling with subordinate (applies only to noncommissioned or petty officer gambling with an enlisted person of lesser rank.) Violation of UCMJ Article 134.
Report violations to the chain of command. DoD 5500.7-R, Sections 2-302.

Gambling by an officer with an enlisted person may be a violation of Article 133 of the UCMJ.
Report violations to the chain of command. Ethics violation. DoD 5500.7-R, Sections 2-302

See also: Gambling Using Government Computers (Misuse of Government Property)
Seek guidance from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service. http://www.dod.mil/dfas/militarypay/garnishment.html.
Report improper gift giving or receipt to the chain of command or the local IG.
Report improper gift giving or receipt to the chain of command or the local IG.
Report improper gift giving or receipt to the chain of command or the local IG.
  • Report minor abuse to the chain of command.
  • Report significant abuse to the local IG.
See: Use/Misuse of Government Purchase Card
Report grievances to your immediate supervisor, Human Resource Office, Human Resource Service Center.
Seek assistance from a Human Resources Labor Relations Specialist.
Harassment (non-sexual) should be brought to the attention of your supervisor or next level supervisor if the harasser is your supervisor. If you have tried to resolve the issue at the local level and the behavior has not stopped, you may consider filing a complaint using the Navy's Administrative Grievance Procedure or attempt to resolve the issue using Alternate Dispute Resolution.
See also: Hostile Work Environment
Report incidents of hazing to the chain of command.
Contact your local Military Treatment Facility (MTF) Privacy Officer or the Tricare Management Activity (TMA) Privacy Officer for information concerning complaints filed regarding HIPAA violations.
Report threatening behavior, harassment, or crimes to the chain of command.
Report a hostile work environment that involves discrimination or sexual harassment to your Equal Opportunity (Military Members)/Equal Employment Opportunity (Navy civilians) Advisor.

Hostile Work Environment absent discrimination or sexual harassment:

Navy Civilian Employee
  • Address the issue with your supervisor, your Human Resource Office, your union representative, file a grievance using the Administrative Grievance Procedure, or use Alternate Dispute Resolution.
Military Member
  • Article 138 complaint against the Commanding Officer
  • Article 1150 complaint against a superior (other than the Commanding Officer)
Contact the Federal Trade Commission to file a complaint.
Report allegations of impersonation of a military member to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

See also: Impersonating an Officer/Enlisted Military Member
Indebtedness is a basis for a civil law suit. This is an issue between the debtor and the creditor.

Exception: Dependent Support
Contact the Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM) PERS-48.
Seek advice from a legal assistance office.
Uniformed service members, their family members and dependents, and other eligible clients may seek assistance on many issues from Legal Service Offices, Detachments, and Branch Offices.
Information about locating an active duty member or retiree.
Generally, the IG will not investigate matters under investigation.
Report complaints regarding patient care to the Military Treatment Facility (MTF) Patient Affairs office. Report fraud, waste and significant mismanagement occurring at MTFs to the chain of command then to the local IG.

Report complaints related to substantial and specific danger to public health or safety to the local IG, Naval Inspector General or DoD IG.

Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) Issues: The MEB decides whether a member has an injury or illness and documents the extent of that injury or illness. The MEB can not make a determination of unfitness to continue naval service. The Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) alone decides unfitness.
Report complaints of improper referral for mental health evaluations to your local IG, the Naval Inspector General, or DoD IG.
MSPB is responsible for ensuring:
  • Federal employees are protected against abuses by agency management.
  • Executive Branch agencies make employment decisions in accordance with the merit systems principles.
  • Federal merit systems are kept free of prohibited personnel practices.
Report significant allegations of mismanagement to the local IG. Report minor problems with management to the immediate supervisor or chain of command.
The local IG may accept or refer certain reports of misuse of Government property depending on the circumstances and the nature of the offense.
  • Report theft of government property to law enforcement authorities at the particular installation in question.
  • Report misappropriation of government property to the command or unit, military police, Defense police, and military criminal investigative organizations.
  • Report minor abuses of time and attendance or misuse of government telephones, government credit cards, facsimile machines, equipment and vehicles to the chain of command.
  • Report significant abuse of time and attendance or misuse of government telephones, government credit cards, facsimile machines, equipment and vehicles to the local IG.
Report the incident to the local IG.
  • Report minor abuse to the chain of command.
  • Report significant abuse to the local IG.
See: Use/Misuse of Government Purchase Card
Report suspected abuse to the employee's command, or to the local IG if you have already reported the matter to the chain of command and you believe they have not taken appropriate action.
Report misuse of a government vehicle to the local IG.
  • Report minor misuse to the chain of command.
  • Report more serious violations to the local IG.
  • Report minor time and attendance violations and improper use of a subordinate's time to the supervisor.
  • Report serious and repetitive time and attendance violations to the local IG if the supervisor has been made aware of the abuse and has not taken any action towards resolution.
  • Report minor incidents to the chain of command.
  • Report more serious offenses to the local IG.
  • Report minor incidents to the chain of command.
  • Report more serious offenses to the local IG.
Obtain assistance regarding mobilization/demobilization concerns by contacting the Noble Eagle Sailor Advocacy at 1-866-827-5672.
Depending on the nature of the issue, several appeal processes are available to appeal an outcome of an investigation.
Bargaining Unit Members who are considering filing a complaint should review the collective bargaining agreement and speak to the bargaining unit representative at your command.
Report allegations to the chain of command or the local IG.
Contact the Legal Officer or Staff Judge Advocate for advice.
The office responsible for safeguarding the Merit System by protecting federal employees and applicants from prohibited personnel practices (PPPs), especially reprisal for whistleblowing and violations that fall under the Hatch Act.
Information and Referral Specialists who help command family members gain the assistance they need.
Discuss issues involving paternity with your legal assistance officer.
Contact your command payroll office.
Contact the office employee assigned to address pay issues to obtain information and Points of Contact at the servicing pay office.
Submit disagreements concerning performance evaluations to your immediate supervisor, second level supervisor, or the Human Resource Office that services your organization.
Submit complaints to the employee's immediate or second level supervisor.
Report complaints concerning household good shipments to the Personal Property Hotline # 1-800-444-7789.
See Flag Review of Personnel Assignments.
Report violations to the local IG.
Report violations to the Office of Special Counsel (OSC).
Report violations to the local IG.
Viewing adult pornography on government computers is considered misuse of government property.

Report violations to the command first then the local IG if no action is taken.
Viewing child pornography on government computers is criminal misconduct and should be reported to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
Contact the local IG.
Contact the local IG.
Navy Policy found in SECNAVINST 1000.10A, Department of the Navy Policy on Pregnancy.
Contact the legal office or Staff Judge Advocate with questions or concerns.

Questions or complaints regarding the "Privacy Act" should be submitted to the SECNAV/CNO Privacy Act office by e-mail don.privacy.fct@navy.mil" href="mailto:don.privacy.fct@navy.mil">don.privacy.fct@navy.mil.

You may find additional information regarding the DoN Policy on the "Privacy Act" and Navy points of contact by accessing the following website: http://dpclo.defense.gov/privacy/contact.html" href="http://dpclo.defense.gov/privacy/contact.html">http://dpclo.defense.gov/privacy/contact.html.

Privacy Act Guide for release of information prepared by the U.S. Marine Corps

Report allegations of procurement fraud to your local IG, NCIS, DoD Hotline, DCIS, or the Naval Inspector General.
Call your local NCIS office or the NCIS Fraud Hotline number at 1-800-264-6485 to report any suspicious activity.
Appropriated Fund employees who wish to report Prohibited Personnel Practices should contact the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) or the Office of Special Counsel (OSC).
Report minor incidents to the chain of command.
Report more serious offenses to the local IG.
  • Report minor abuse to the chain of command.
  • Report significant abuse to the local IG.
Contact the Naval Recruiting Command IG at Hotline #:1-888-247-9321 to report recruiter misconduct or the Chief of Naval Personnel IG at Hotline #: 1-877-414-5357.
Requests for a change to a Navy reenlistment code must be submitted first to the Bureau of Naval Personnel (PERS-254).

Following a response from BUPERS and depending on how long you have been discharged from the Naval service, submit a request to change the RE code by writing to the Board for Correction of Naval Records.
See Disposition of Remains on this website
File reprisal complaints with the Department of the Defense Inspector General.
File complaints with one of the following:
  • Department of Defense IG -Toll Free # 1-800-424-9098, or the
  • Naval Inspector General - Toll Free #1-800-522-3451
  • Any Department of the Navy Inspector General
File complaints with the Office of Special Counsel - Toll Free #: 1-800- 872-9855.
File complaints directly with DoD IG.
See explanation of how to request records by clicking on link to the left.
Submit the Request Chit through the chain of command to the Commanding Officer.
Address the issue with your chain of command.
For assistance with military retired affairs, to include disability, death gratuities, survival benefit plans, you may contact Shift Colors by calling (901) 874-3154 or by e-mail: po5ee@persnet.navy.mil.
Report safety/public safety issues to the chain of command or local emergency response organizations.

Report systemic safety and public health issues to local IG, Naval Inspector General, or DoD IG.
Report matters concerning revocation or loss of security clearances to the Commanding Officer or to your security officer.

Report possible improper use of security clearances to the command security officer, the employee's supervisor, base security, or the Commanding Officer.
Submit additional information or make a correction to information before the Board to the President of the Board.

If you are not satisfied with the results of a Board, submit to PERS-48, Bureau of Naval Personnel.
Bring matters concerning alleged management improper handling of selection/ certification lists to the Human Resource Service Center or discuss the issue with your supervisor.
Contact the Special Inquires Division of the Office of the Naval Inspector General.
See Request for Records.
Contact the Board for Correction of Naval Records.
Report incidents of sexual assault to the local police if the incident occurred off-base and to the Base security office if the incident occurred on a military facility.

If the person is a military member contact the member's command.
Try to resolve the issue using the Informal Resolution System (IRS) or report the incident to your command, or the EEO/EO office.

See also: Equal Opportunity and Equal Employment Opportunity.
Contact BUPERS Code 8 if you have questions regarding Show Cause.
Call your local NCIS office or the NCIS Fraud Hotline number at 1-800-264-6485 to report any suspicious activity.
Submit suggestions through the proper DoD Incentive Awards Program.

Applicable regulation: DoD 1400.25-M.
The Navy does not man a 24-hour suicide hotline. During duty hours, contact the closest Fleet and Family Service Centers.

During off-duty hours, contact the local crisis center or national suicide hotline number at 1-800-784-2433 for assistance with locating the hotline nearest you.
Navy Legal Service Offices can provide guidance and answers regarding paternity issues.
Navy Legal Service Offices can provide guidance and answers regarding non-support of military dependents.

BAH fraud: If you have evidence that a Navy military member has been receiving BAH for longer than 3 months and has failed to provide support, contact the local IG.

JFTR Vol 1, Chapter 10 para U10106 "Dependent Support" - Describes required actions for service members who fail to support a dependent.
Fact sheets explaining the process and the application forms are available online on the Garnishment link under "Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act" page of the DFAS website.
Report concerns about Navy programs, policies, organizations to your chain of command and if not resolved the local IG.
Report improper telework allegations to the chain of command.
Report potential acts of terrorism to your chain of command.
Report theft of government property to either NCIS or base security depending on the type of theft and value of the property.
Report minor abuse of time and attendance to the chain of command. Provide evidence of the abuse to the employee's supervisor, i.e., a record of offenses and any related e-mails or memos notifying management of the problem.

If the command fails to take action and the violations continue, report the time and attendance violations and management's failure to take action to the local IG.
Report potential acts of Trafficking in Humans to your chain of command, the Naval Inspector General, or the Department of Defense Inspector General.

See Deputy Secretary of Defense memo dated 30 Jan 2004 entitled Combating Trafficking in Persons in the Department of the Defense.
Report suspected abuse to the employee's command, or to the local IG if you have already reported the matter to the chain of command and you believe they have not taken appropriate action.
First, contact the merchant directly to resolve an error on your travel card. If unsuccessful, click on the link to the left and follow the guidance.
Report suspected abuse to the employee's command, or to the local IG if you have already reported the matter to the chain of command and you believe they have not taken appropriate action.
Contact the TRICARE regional office that services your area.
Toll-Free: 1-866-363-3932
Seek assistance from a Labor Relations Specialist at your Human Resource Office, Human Resource Service Center.
Fact sheets and application forms available on the DFAS website under Uniform Services Former Spouse's Protection Act and "Garnishment".
Contact the local IG.
The local IG may accept or refer certain reports of misuse of Government property depending on the circumstances and the nature of the offense.
  • Report theft of government property to law enforcement authorities at the particular installation in question.
  • Report misappropriation of government property to the command or unit, military police, Defense police, and military criminal investigative organizations.
  • Report minor abuses of time and attendance or misuse of government telephones, government credit cards, facsimile machines, equipment and vehicles to the chain of command.
  • Report significant abuse of time and attendance or misuse of government telephones, government credit cards, facsimile machines, equipment and vehicles to the local IG.
Report the incident to the chain of command or the local IG.
Government passenger motor vehicles (GOVs) are for official use only. Whether a particular use is "official" is a matter of administrative discretion. All factors must be considered including whether the use is essential to the successful completion of a DOD function, activity, or operation and consistent with the purpose for which the motor vehicle was acquired.
  • Report minor abuse to the chain of command.
  • Report significant abuse to the local IG.
Report suspected abuse to the employee's command, or to the local IG if you have already reported the matter to the chain of command and you believe they have not taken appropriate action.
  • Report minor abuse to the chain of command.
  • Report significant abuse to the local IG.
  • Report minor time and attendance violations and improper use of a subordinate's time to the supervisor.
  • Report serious and repetitive time and attendance violations to the local IG if the supervisor has been made aware of the abuse and has not taken any action towards resolution.
  • Report minor abuse to the chain of command.
  • Report significant abuse to the local IG.
  • Report minor abuse to the chain of command.
  • Report significant abuse to the local IG.
Qualified veterans are given special consideration when seeking Federal employment.
Report gross waste of funds to the local IG, DoD IG, or the Naval Inspector General.
See Reprisal (Appropriated-Fund Employees)
See Reprisal (Contractors)
See Reprisal (Military Members)
See Reprisal (Non-appropriated Fund Employees)
Contact your Human Resource Office for guidance concerning a work-related injury/claim.

If you want to submit a complaint concerning a Navy civilian employee fraudulently claiming worker's compensation, contact the Department of Labor for guidance or your Human Resource Service Center.
Contact the local IG.
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