Families and Caregivers – Depression 


Life has its ups and downs. We all go through times when we may feel overwhelmed or stressed. These feelings may arise from multiple deployments, relocations or because of life’s every day demands. Clinical depression however, can potentially lead to more serious issues such as death or suicide; therefore, it is important to recognize the symptoms of depression and get the support and resources you need to get help for you or your Soldier.

Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms of depression may include:

Family members or Caregivers who notice changes in their Soldier that may indicate he/she may be suffering from depression should contact the Soldier’s WTB clinical staff such as the primary care manager, nurse case manager, and social worker or Chaplain. WCT Cadre can assist Family members or Caregivers in providing a healing experience for the Soldier.

For additional information or to get help, contact the Military Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 (press 1) or visit:

The Importance of Self Care

As a Caretaker, many times one overlooks their own needs. It’s important that you take care of yourself. One way is to keep an inventory of your own depressive symptoms and share them with your health care provider. The list below contains a few helpful health tips in maintaining your mental health.

Additional Resources

For additional information on depression, please refer to:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is depression common?
Is depression treatable?
Are there any tips that can help me deal with mild depressive feelings?
Is it normal to feel depressed around the holidays?

Is depression common?

Yes, depressive disorders are common. They affect an estimated 9.5 percent of adult Americans in a given year, or about 20.9 million people.

Is depression treatable?

Yes, the majority of people who are treated for depression will improve, even those with serious depression. Unfortunately, one-third of sufferers do not seek help, as they do not realize depression is a treatable illness.

Are there any tips that can help me deal with mild depressive feelings?

Is it normal to feel depressed around the holidays?

Feeling down during or after the holiday season is not uncommon. Preparing for the holidays, the increased expectations of family and friends, the sadness of not having a loved one present, or having to say good-bye after a holiday reunion can contribute to a person feeling down. However, if these symptoms persist or if you suspect it might be more serious, contact someone for help.

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