Fall 2016

A Message from the Associate Director

SECO Program Director

It is hard to believe that another summer has come and gone. Fall presents a lot of new beginnings for military families. Many of us have PCS'd during the summer and our children may be starting school after a long summer vacation. Fall is also a great time to get started on a new educational or career track for military spouses.

(Learn more.)

Military Spouse Spotlight

Service Member with wife and baby.

We often hear from military spouses that the best career advice they receive is from other military spouses. Here, you can read some of the great submissions we’ve recently received. These spouses share their stories and offer sound career advice to other military spouses.

(Find out what military spouses have to say.)

Career Exploration

Building Your Offline Brand


Personal branding is the way you package and market yourself to highlight your employment value. Just like many consumers choose to purchase brand name items, employers often look for employees who will be a good fit with the organization’s brand or reputation.

(Let us guide you.)

Employment Readiness

Is Part-time Work a Good Fit for You?


Full-time work may not fit your needs right now but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on employment altogether. Part-time work can be a great opportunity to bring in extra funds and create continuity on your resume.

(Tap into the resources available to you.)

Career Connection
Face-to-Face Support at the Installation

Face-to-Face Support at the Installation

Face-to-Face Support at the Installation

Military spouses can access face-to-face employment support on base at their local family centers. (Read on to learn about one individual providing great support to spouses at Hurlburt Field, Florida.)

Career Connection
Telework opportunities expand within MSEP

Telework opportunities expand within MSEP

Telework opportunities expand within MSEP

As more companies and organizations join the Military Spouse Employment Partnership, they bring with them more opportunities for telework and portable careers. If you haven’t checked it out lately, please review the list of companies offering telework click here.

Did You Know?

The Military Families Learning Network offers a wide array of webinars on topics ranging from military caregiving to nutrition to personal finances.

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Connect on LinkedIn

Connect on LinkedIn

You can connect with employers committed to hiring military spouses every other Thursday, noon – 12:30 p.m. Eastern, on LinkedIn.

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view Intro to SECOcontent

Intro to SECO

Intro to SECO

What can the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program do for you? Find out in one of our monthly webinars.

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Upcoming Events

U.S. Chamber of Commerce hiring events offer a venue for military job seekers and their spouses to connect with employers.


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