Storing POVs During Deployments

Headquarters, USAREUR Registry of Motor Vehicles has a program available to assist deployed personnel. Rear Detachment Commanders should contact customer service for more information.

Turning in your POV for Storage

1. Units of deploying personnel must coordinate with their local garrison for storage of POVs in the designated storage locations or to establish an approved unit storage site. Soldier then turns in the POV to the storage site and is issued a DD Form 788 (Private Vehicle Shipping Document for Automobile) as a receipt for the POV and its condition.

2. The Storage Facility Custodian notifies this headquarters by fax with a compiled listing of stored vehicles and we “deactivate/suspend” the registration until it is released to the owner from the storage facility.

Removing in your POV from Storage

1. Obtain new proof of insurance from your insurance company (insurance confirmation card-[ICC]) or contact your insurance company for electronic transmission of your new ICC to our headquarters. This must be done whether or not you cancelled your insurance during the deployment period. New insurance confirmation is required because your registration has been deactivated/suspended while the POV was stored.

2. Go to your local Field Registration Station [FRS] with your ID card, USAREUR Certificate of License, and DD Form 788. Your local FRS will issue you a new [no cost] registration that will state “DEPLOY RETURN” and current date on it.

3. Your newly issued registration will reflect a new expiration date based on how much time was remaining on your registration when turned in for storage; you will then have that same amount of time remaining on your new one [a minimum of 30 days]. For example if you had four months left on the registration when POV was turned in, you will have four months left on your newly issued registration.

4. Go to your storage facility for release of your POV.