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CHIPS Articles: Establishment of Naval Intelligence Activity Set for Oct. 1

Establishment of Naval Intelligence Activity Set for Oct. 1
By Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance (OPNAV N2/N6) - September 30, 2014
The Naval Intelligence Activity (NIA) will exercise oversight of all intelligence activities within the Navy, ensuring support to the Fleet, Navy leadership, Defense Intelligence and the greater U.S. Intelligence Community (IC).

Under the authority and guidance of the Director of Naval Intelligence (DNI), NIA will be an Echelon II organization headed by the Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence (DDNI) and charged with overseeing all intelligence activities within the Navy.

DDNI (as the head of NIA) will serve as the Immediate Superior in Charge of the Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).

The DNI retains reporting responsibility over Commander, ONI. ONI becomes an Echelon III command and will remain the Navy’s Intelligence Service Center, responsible for substantive intelligence assessments and intelligence operations.

Key Functions/Areas of Control realigned to NIA:

  • Comptroller: Directly manages the Navy’s Intelligence Budget (Budget Submitting Office {BSO} 15).
  • Inspector General: Ensures compliance with all laws, regulations, guidance and intelligence oversight.
  • Chief Information Officer: Ensures Navy Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Information Assurance (IA), Federal Information Systems Management Act (FISMA) compliance and National Intelligence Program (NIP) Information Technology Purchase Request (ITPR) approvals.
  • Special Security Office: Develops and implement security policies.
  • Chief Human Capital Officer: Provides strategic workforce management and implements Navy’s Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) and office of the Director of National Intelligence civilian personnel policies.
  • Civilian Intelligence Personnel Office: Executes and manages DCIPS human resources operations.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Office: Ensures all workplaces will be free of discrimination and retaliation.

NIA will standup at no additional cost to Navy. NIA Initial Operating Capability is set for Oct. 1, 2014; Full Operating Capability for April 1, 2015. People and billets will be realigned to NIA as necessary.

In FY15, NIA will manage $2.5 billion in Military Intelligence Program (MIP) funds, as well as NIP funds. In FY15 $672 million of MIP funds are budgeted for military personnel. Two thousand, four hundred and two Navy civilian personnel are managed under DCIPS.

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