Defense Advanced Research Projects AgencyTagged Content List

Contract Management

Of or relating to DARPA funding mechanisms

Showing 12 results for Contracts + Resources RSS
This page contains: National Policy Requirements, Provisions, and Award Clauses; System for Award Management (SAM) Registration, Universal Identifier Requirements, and Online Representations and Certifications; GRANTS.GOV SUBMISSION INFORMATION; Representations and Certifications
DARPA knows that the ideas leading to breakthrough technologies for national security often start small. To maximize the pool of innovative proposal concepts it receives, DARPA strongly encourages participation by all capable sources: industry, academia, and individuals.
DARPA’s Contracts Management Office (CMO) has the authority to enter into and administer contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and Other Transactions in pursuit of DARPA’s research and development mission. CMO’s role is to serve as DARPA’s acquisition advisor and make awards in select, critical technology areas. Most DARPA awards are entered into on behalf of the Agency by the military Services, who assist DARPA with technology transition to the warfighter.
The Public Release Center (PRC) facilitates the public release process.
Traditional defense contractors, corporations and startups alike are critical parts of the innovation ecosystem in which DARPA operates and all of these--whether large and small-- can serve as performers of DARPA-funded R&D to generate revolutionary technologies and capabilities.