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Quick-Facts Quick Facts

Quick Facts


Headquarters address: 1720 Congressman W. L. Dickinson Drive; Montgomery, AL 36109


  • The National Guard is the nation’s militia which dates back to the first muster of militiamen in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Dec. 13, 1636.
  • Number of Soldiers authorized: 10,297
  • Number of Airmen authorized: 2,411
  • Currently deployed Alabama Guardsmen: Approximately 250
  • Deployed more than 24,000 Soldiers and Airmen since 9/11
  • Alabama National Guard State Partnership Program partner: Romania (since 1993)
  • Federal and state funding and economic impact:


  • Workforce metrics: 

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Annual Reports

Alabama law (Code of Alabama 1975, Section 31-2-67) requires the Alabama National Guard submit an annual report to the Alabama governor and legislature.  See copies of previously submitted reports below.

Fiscal Year
2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 

© Alabama National Guard